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I dont need this negativity right now, im sorry you have bad taste
I'm sorry. You look nice, too. <3
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your right, I cant compare to sunglasses

Darn right
Excuse me.

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He looks better than you, motherfucker.
I figured it out. Lotte looks like some kind of visual novel main character.

So I guess Arakune literally now is the result of a BAD END that occurs before BB even starts.

I guess we already knew that.
Thanks Jutsei, I thought it sounded like Nirvana but knew it wasn't that name.

Not sure if this has been shared yet but here is Celica's astral (note she fully heals the opponent and kills them anyways):

Relius Astral on Celica

Amane Astral on Celica

Amane Astral on Lambda (bad quality sorry)
Hey guys. You know what time it is?



I can see them.. Oh they are glorious..

Yes.. The comments.. The butthurt comments are coming.

Also I have been waiting for a battle like this to go down for ages. M.U.G.E.N wasn't enough.
sol gon' win
sol always wins
ragna always loses
even ragna wins
he loses
sol gon' win
sol always wins
ragna always loses
even ragna wins
he loses
Well, he always seems to get the worse end of the stick, even in his own series. Like, he always seems to get into a series of whacky unfortunate events.
I gotta agree with Ruin on this one, though for other reasons than just Ragna's crappy luck. Sol's literally got a century and a half of experience over Ragna. Sol also doesn't even need to use his full strength to win. He only has to go to 50% of his true power to disintegrate anyone in the Xrd roster, including Slayer and the Valentines. He's even beaten his past self in a fight before. I can only assume that he did this through analysis of his own moves from that time, and as Ragna has similar moves to his, it'd be logical that Sol can figure out how to counter them. And when they both need a power up to bring the smack down, Dragon Install can be accessed easier and buffs a lot more of Sol's moves than Ragna's Blood Kain can boast. If that isn't enough, he could always go back to using his moves from when he was in the Holy Order. Ragna has no such versatility.
like the only way that ragna could possibly even get a (blood)edge on Sol is if he goes full Black Beast and that's honestly only a slight buff
As someone who (Obsessively) follows both these games cannons,
Ragna has got no fucking chance.
Like, it's not even worth the fight.
There are almost zero scenarios in which Ragna even has the possibility of winning.
Considering Sol was able to decimate all previous bosses with him capping his power like that and with a "I don't care" fighting style... yep Ragna stands no chance.
like school times Mai and Cajun or current time Mai and Cajun
because iirc Mai has been MIA since the events of Remix Heart and Cajun is a part of Sector Seven
Depends if they will appear in a flashback or in current time. Most likely going to be the latter considering in the story mode
Noel/Makoto/etc suddenly talking about Mai like they were setting something up in advance or something.
A few questions:

Did BB survive Xrd? As in, is there an online community still playing? If not, will Extend help with that? I really enjoy Xrd, but I'm more drawn to the characters in BB (Arakune <3 ).

How does one catch up on the story? The wiki could probably do it, but it hardly follows a narrative, is there something more... fun? I suppose I could always buy the older games if I cared that much.
BB's online community died before Xrd even came out.
A few questions:

Did BB survive Xrd? As in, is there an online community still playing? If not, will Extend help with that? I really enjoy Xrd, but I'm more drawn to the characters in BB (Arakune <3 ).

How does one catch up on the story? The wiki could probably do it, but it hardly follows a narrative, is there something more... fun? I suppose I could always buy the older games if I cared that much.

We still have player lobbies and some consistent ranked set ups, but peaople heard one verse from "HEAVY DAY" and everyone dropped thier sticks, basically. It's still really popular in japan though.

As for the story...I'll be honest, there is a bunch of stuff scattered in many different places. From Japan only visual novels (which contain a LOT of backstory) to drama CDs to the games of the now, All of which contain stuff relevant to Chronophantasma now. I'd recommend watching some video walkthroughs/Lets plays for the older games, then play CP for the Phase shift 0 and a summary of the first 2 games thus far.

Then read translated versions of the Phase Shift novels, the drama CD, and the manga Remix Heart
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yeah we
already knew that
nice voices though
I like Saori Hayami
I laughed at "will include all downloadable content from original title"

People who spent $50 on system voices and the other overpriced dlc gonna get rekt.

Nice that they didn't abandon the Vita version after all though.
Mai, would hit.

Wait, that's a guy?

Still would
Mai's situation is complex but she identifies as a girl by the end of Remix Heart iirc
There was that one time where "she" disguised herself as a guy but was the typical obvious anime disguise.

I hope Mai's interaction in the game goes exactly like this:
New lobbies are coming out for CPE that can fit 64 players on the Xbox, PS4, and PS3 version (not the Vita version though). You can decorate your lobby with furniture purchased with in game money and also real money.
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Nothing much, but pics on the eight new gag scenarios.




Rest is more news on the lobby additions like furniture and team battles.
BBCP Extend is coming to NA this summer both physically and digitally with no plans for a limited edition. Pre orders are up on Amazon now.

Edit: it's $39.99 on PS3/Vita (no online lobbies in the Vita version) and $49.99 on PS4/Xbox One. Note that you can cross play PS3 and PS4 versions online much like GGXrd.

Some "features" (the first and second being not new features at all). Also to whoever was asking about getting into BB's story, looks like this version will contain condensed versions of the previous two games.

  • Crush ‘em! – With the all-new revamped Guard Gauge system, players can now determine when to attack/block using the Barrier Gauge meter. When your opponent’s Barrier Gauge meter is depleted, unleash a powerful barrier-shattering move, Guard Crush!
  • Ready to Fight with Style? – With Stylish Mode activated, even beginners can perform flashy attacks and combos! Four new features have been added to Stylish Mode: Auto Guard, Combo Attacks, Special Abilities, and Distortion Drive. These features allow players new to fighting games to pull off advanced combos!
  • New Stage, Characters and Additional Scenarios! – There will be a total of 28 playable characters with two new exciting characters, Celica and Lambda! BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend includes brand new scenarios and contains digest versions of BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, so both new and returning players can enjoy Story Mode. Celica also comes with a brand new stage, Ishana, the land of memories!
  • Remix Heart – Tired from all that fighting? Take a break and enjoy a heart-warming comedic story (mode) featuring two high school girls, Mai Natsume and Kajun Faycott, as well as the characters from the main scenario, Noel, Tsubaki, and Makoto!
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