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yea, mixups in BB are pretty block-able offline, i have hard time opening up people sometimes. Pick Valk or Rachel i guess, they have real instant overheads.
yea, mixups in BB are pretty block-able offline, i have hard time opening up people sometimes. Pick Valk or Rachel i guess, they have real instant overheads.
Some overheads like Tsubaki's, Jin's and Litchi's open me up for free.
Yeah thanks for that i tomo... I really dont like the reactable mixups that BB gives... I'm much more into sg true mixups and whatnot. But the resident BB expert out here has been kind enough to go over the finer points of BB play such as the mixup between green and purple throws to throw off 1abc barrier tech and stuff like that.

Still, i at this point in time i still think i prefer sg style offense, but im also happy to be learning a new system. Also, the new airdash academy series has opened my eyes to a couple of nuanced things that i would have never known were it not for the tutorials so.. All in all its been a really productive last couple of days as far as knowledge accrued. Unfortunately the BB guy out here and most of the BB peeps hate online play and wont play it. (Though i dont know if they've tried this new game online) its whatevs though... Hopefully I'll pick up a couple of bnbs in a week or 2 and be able to venture into online land against you.
And let's not forget some of the blatantly unfair shit in CS' story mode.
Unlimted Terumi as Taokaka? Hellish.
Ragna's drive not working? Brutal
Restricting Jin to only A & B attacks?
I literally would just spam Cat Spirit 3 (Slashy Shashy/ qfc C) on Unlimited Hazama with Tao in CS 1 until he got to the corner and then repeat when there was an opening. Never felt as though I deserved the win until I actually beat him with most of the tools with Tao in Extend.
Playing Arcade Mode as all the Murakumo Units (Since Izayoi is a prototype, she counts)
I like how Nu-13 feels now, I can't say I ever liked Lambda, because she looked and felt like a bootleg Nu, but now Nu-13 is Nu + Lambda so it's the best of both worlds.
Lambchop was 10000% more adorbs than Nu ever could be
this is a truth of the world that must be accepted
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I liked Lambda's character, I just didn't like playing her, that's all.
I didn't hate her in this game. She definitely got better. And another character got my complete respect, but spoilers so I won't give details.
Also unsure how I feel about Izayoi.
Basically more complicated Tsubaki with more swords.

Though I do like Mu-12's fucking nuts beam spam
And the changes to Rachel make her more fun to play, I guess.
All versions of Rachel are fun to play compared to CS1...
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I just like how lambda was given better mobilty other than a command dash
Gah! I finally got through reading every thing in this thread to get up to date! For what ever reason, I stopped getting alerts for this a week ago but I'm still watching it.


Any way, I got done with the main story last night and boy did it get a little hectic there for a moment. Is it safe to say that I hated the fight with Take-Mikazuchi? Almost every other attack knocks me back to the other side of the stage making me have to run all the way back. Other than that the story was good, even if it got confusing trying to figure out were all the stuff from the Six Heroes and Sector Seven branches tie into the main story. But I do have one question, where did Tao go half way through the story? Last I saw her was during the lunch scene and that was it.
I play as the sector seven (mostly makoto) and gonna try out azrael and kokonoe while i'm at it
Tao disappeared into the probability of only being important in the next game.
Eh, true.
Any way, downloaded Kokonoe last night and played her arcade mode.
Is it just me or...
Is Kokonoe coming dangerously close to becoming a second Relius, considering she rewired her brain to not feel any thing?
Or did she only do that for her feelings toward Terumi?
Well there's still the sequel.
Though ASW can take as long as they fucking want for Blazblue 4 since it'll be the last one.
Shit's gonna be nuts.

BB4 will be the last one?
I thought it was said there were at least two more.
the story is 80% done now
Mori even said he wants the next to be last, iirc
Lambchop was 10000% more adorbs than Nu ever could be this is a truth of the world that must be accepted
I miss Lambda as a character T_T
I think one of the big surprises of Alter Memory was that it really promoted Lambda way more than I expected. And she got a lot of art in the Chronophantasma gallery.

It makes me think that Arc has some kind of plan to bring her back via some capacity.

I think Kokonoe was secretly a nice person and rebuilt her as Minerva and she'll pop out once some major story point happens with Celica in the next game.
Maybe THEN we can finally get Jubei.
Maybe THEN we can finally get Jubei.
That is if he survived his fight with Phantom.
That is if he survived his fight with Phantom.
no way mori would pass up eventually getting all six heroes as playable.
I know its impossible, but I really would love it if Bloodedge were playable.

Cuz his name is just fucking Bloodedge!
I know its impossible, but I really would love it if Bloodedge were playable.

Cuz his name is just fucking Bloodedge!

Playing as a character that's blind in one eye and only has one working arm sounds really du-


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I know its impossible, but I really would love it if Bloodedge were playable.

Cuz his name is just fucking Bloodedge!
but we can already play as bloodedge, Ragna the Bloodedge that is
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but we can already play as bloodedge, Ragna the Bloodedge that is
but that's not the one we want! -whine, whine, whine-
I received another Limited Edition BBCP as a gift but since I already own one, I don't need it. Would anyone be interested in buying it? I would be selling it for $70 Canadian ($65 US) and that includes shipping. OR if anyone wants anything inside the box:

Game - $55 ($50 US) includes Teremi DLC
Rachel Nendoroid - $45 ($35 US)
Soundtrack - $10 ($10 US)
Art book - $5 ($5 US)
All prices include shipping

Everything is unopened. PM me if anyone is interested. (Paypal only!)
but that's not the one we want! -whine, whine, whine-
Technically it is though
And now that I've finished the story mode...

I still haven't even touched the Story Mode yet because I'm so preoccupied with story.
Kokonoe's story was great (yeah I bought her)
I can see why some people could see her as OP though
And now that I've finished the story mode...

It's not clear. Terumi is the only one certainly dead. Hazama stabbed Trinity but the story doesn't say whether Trinity is killed, or if Platinum is affected.
I could care less about Trinity, as long as Luna and Sena are good.
Ok may be getting back into BB again since I hear a Vita release is on the horizon. Since no 360 version and PS3 currently isn't an option for me so that will have to do plus I hear that version will have some additional stuff anyway.

Vita feels great to me as a portable fighter game system and my Jin (dropped my old Carl) will probably be rusty since I play P4A/GG more as the primary arc sys fighter since CT passed. Didn't like how CS Extend played, but this seems to be a much different game (for the better) so why not.
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