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Blood for the Blood Goddess! Eliza BETA Gameplay Discussion

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My Double snap has been:

2HK xx 623MP HP
uncombo j.HP j.HK
the one I found was
c.mk c.hp
j.hp adc j.hp, fast fall j.hk

Eliza's double snaps are fun. If you get bored you can start styling like c.hp xx couch/divekick, or do like rapid seizmos and go back to j.hp adc j.hp fast fall j.hk
Posting this here since I think this might be intentional to make it look like typical egyptian relief carvings, and not a bug, but i'm not sure.

Eliza's eye's when blocking are 100% white, linework excluded, but once you drop the block their return to their normal color.


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It's supposed to be like that. Yes, egyptian paintings and whatnot.
It's supposed to be like that. Yes, egyptian paintings and whatnot.
Okay, yeah, I thought that might be the case, that's why i didn't make a new thread for it in the bug report section.
That line is the heaviest handed reference in the game by a mile.

10th palette is the World Warrior SNES code to get mirror matches.
Compared to "My planet needs me." and "Get cereal.", the boat line is pretty much the epitome of subtlety. I didn't figure it.

Also, while we're on the subject...

(Now to wait for I'M ON A BOAT version.)
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Wow making a huge issue of a line that she won't even say but once in every 100 sweeps.

Yeah, not worth it really.
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Wow making a huge issue of a line that she won't even say but once in every 100 sweeps.

Yeah, not worth it really.
Huge issue? Knock it off. I wrote 15 words across 2 posts about it and am done with it.
Huge issue? Knock it off. I wrote 15 words across 2 posts about it and am done with it.
Wasn't worth three words in one post.
You like the line, good for you. Different strokes.

Didn't say I liked it. Just saying there are much worse, more obvious references. References than more than college age kids will understand etc.
Your count: 33 words, 2 posts.
If only that mattered for this conversation.
@IsaVulpes please don't get him started anymore than he is. He's just gonna have to learn to be okay with my opinion on this.
But how is this the most heavy handed reference in the game?

"that's all forks"

"you can has cheeseburger"

"see ya, space cowboy"

"my planet needs me"

"egrets, roll out"

"one million troops"

I don't see how "I'm on a boat" is any more special.
Well for me anyways I like the line, but if it became a COMMON line for that move then wow I'd think it's a bit obnoxious.
She also happens to be on a boat. And most of the people here don't get the reference to begin with.

The real problem is that it seems there's only one recording, so yes it would get annoying, and this also proves the line is never going to be common. Usually they record the same line two or three different ways to prevent that.

So really there's nothing to worry about. We'll hear that line as often as we see the LnL cat.
Oh yeah I'm pretty dang well sure it won't actually become common, but I was saying this due to a couple people saying they want it to be.
But to be frank even if they did record multiple takes of it, I don't think it would save it from being obnoxious in my mind(assuming it actually did become a common line). I think it's just a bit too on the nose/sounding off if you don't know the reference to be a frequent line.
Ya know. Stuff like that is subjective most of the time. Like I love it...but I can totally see why it bothers other people idk.
There's a reason why Mike made it rare to hear: to preserve the magic. If you hear it too many times it'll be just another quote, nothing special. Same goes for Peacock's Steamroller.
See, now you guys are just depressing us, let's not worry about one line and lets get excited about her new VOs for Horace, Albus and Sekhmet :D
So... I'm not here to spark a big argument... I'm mostly here to get schooled.

We all know Eliza isnt currently balanced what with her having super small nearly nonexistent hurtboxes on some of her moves and huge hitboxes to boot. But I'm not here to talk about that.... I'm here to ask what is Eliza's weaknesses? The only one i can currently think of is "shes hard to get in with" but other than that weakness which i dont agree is actually even a thing, are there any other weaknesses?

I ask because as i look at her:

She has throw conversion with no meter in the air and on the ground (most characters have only one that is no meter conversion or lack other things)
She has a ridiculous high/low game.
She has a ridiculous frame trap game.
She has great crossups with her iad j.hp.

And the only character that has all that as far as i know is painwheel... But painwheel trades air to air priority and shittiness to projectile zoning and not having a no meter reversal and a lackluster ground reversal... For those strengths.

Yet Eliza also has:

A full/near full screen command grab
A meterless reversal
A ridiculously good way in on projectile zoners with boat xx fierce dp into full combo... From almost an entire screen away
Ridiculous priority on her air to air pokes and air to ground pokes, some of which play double duty and do both, yet the ones that dont are ridiculously good at their role of solely for AA (j.mk,j.hk).

I mean i cant rush her down, i cant zone her, i cant play midrange... And i cant even empty jump her consistently since I'm just getting airthrown all day.

I just dont see where her weaknesses are. I mean, is she designed to be near broken? Or what?

I know she isnt done, but she doesnt seem to be getting any balance tweaks at all which kinda seems like shes close to how she will be or im the only one having real troubles fighting her. And if i am the only one... I just want to know how people are beating her neutral. I can kill her if i get the hit... But getting the hit is even harder than playing against peacock for me.
She is meant to be rushed down. That is supposed to be how you beat her. So if you're having trouble rushing her down, either she's broken, or you're doing it wrong.

Guess we'll find out!
She is meant to be rushed down. That is supposed to be how you beat her. So if you're having trouble rushing her down, either she's broken, or you're doing it wrong.

Guess we'll find out!

Yeah i guess i could be doing it wrong. But i only really know of like 3 ways in:

Ground jump... Eliza owns this vector free.

Ground dash/run... Eliza j.hp seems to own this vector as well.

Super jump... About the only vector i can see really giving Eliza trouble. This is also the vector that double jumpers can play in at a limited rate. Does this mean that double jumpers are the only characters that can really take her on? Parasoul,has more priority so she can somewhat hang. But Eliza easily out mobilities her and fireball keepaway dont work.

So on paper at least, Eliza looks like a bad matchup for everyone that isnt val or parasoul or perhaps bella (these all have double jump or better, or have huge priority, or both)

So yeah, i guess we will see... But right now playing against her is the most frustrating thing ever.
Meterless reversal? Tell me more.
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Meterless reversal? Tell me more.
Her dp has invincible frames. And she can reversal with it against midrange offense for relatively little risk if she calls some sort of assist beforehand, and has massive benefits on hit, while still being a really hard punish on block from range.

Under pressure, as in reset defense, she has no meterless reversal... But is THAT, her weakness? Cause it doesnt seem weak to me in the slightest.
Her dp has invincible frames. And she can reversal with it against midrange offense for relatively little risk if she calls some sort of assist beforehand, and has massive benefits on hit, while still being a really hard punish on block from range.

Under pressure, as in reset defense, she has no meterless reversal... But is THAT, her weakness? Cause it doesnt seem weak to me in the slightest.

Tbh, her dp has it uses, but its not a great reversal in the slightest. I mean if they're coming at you from the front then yeah but jump ins? Forget about it. The little dude and the medium dude don't even anti air so the opponent really has nothing to worry about. And yeah I think her weakness is her defenses. Once she's under pressure she has a hard time getting out of it without a good assist. Which is why rushing her down works well.
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