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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2014 Thread

I think you're forgetting the pre-Big Band days. Also, I really hope you're just trolling.
I wasn't a part of this fandom before Big Band was announced as a guaranteed character. Also Skullgirls was always intended to have both male and female characters, otherwise I wouldn't have supported this game.
so how about those video games at the Electronic Entertainment Expo also known as E3, guys
Yeah this is unpleasant for me too, let's talk about how rad Destiny is going to be.
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so how about those video games at the Electronic Entertainment Expo also known as E3, guys

I'm still waiting for Nintendo to show off more Hyrule Warriors today.
I'm not talking about protagonists dude I'm talking about competitive games like Fighting Games and Shooters.
It makes no difference to me simply because: A) I'm more interested in gameplay and B) not all games do it, nor should they have to. The designers of the game should have choices as well and having only males or only females or an even mixture of both or an uneven mixture of both is a design choice, not a requirement.

It's not right to make only one sex playable in those types games and it's not right to be OK with it, like you are.
Feel free to explain why it's wrong dude. Being able to identify with a character 1:1 is nice and all but it's not required to enjoy a game, nor is the lack of 1:1 identifiable characters unethical. Is it ethically wrong for only men to shoot each other in a game? Or only women? If they shoot each other? Is it ethically wrong if my genitalia dont match the implied genitalia of a character? Is it ethically wrong if the cool characters someone thought of happened to the same gender? The same race? Sexuality?

I dont think so. The reason for inclusion/exclusion is all that matters to me. I think that leaving a gender/race/sexuality out because you don't like them is wrong. Including them because you feel sorry/superrior to them is wrong. Almost everything else is fair game.

That rage is well placed if it's directed at garbage like Arcana Hearts, you have some nerve insulting people who are only trying to do the right thing.
I believe that trying to do the right thing (attempting to force people to conform to one mindset and looking at every non-conforming idea as a threat) and actually doing the right thing (accepting that somethings/people are different, accepting them the best you can, looking out for them when they're actually wronged or devalued) are very different.
This feels like it may get drawn out. We may have to take this to PM.
Well, last day of E3.
I think this one was pretty nice, but it was pretty much this:
Everyone blew their load in the first two days.
We didn't get much else after that.
Skullgirls isn't monogender though, in fact the only reason I'm still here is because Beowulf won.
I would have lost all respect in the fandom if it decided that Skullgirls should keep an all female cast.
That's really shallow Den. There are a lot of reasons to complain about Skullgirls (Pre and Post IGG campaign) but having an all female cast ranks pretty low as an argument to make against the game. It's honestly the kind of BS argument groups like the Escapist magazine tried to make before the game even launched.

I'm not saying that I like it when people prop up games because they are viewed as more inclusive or progressive, but the all female cast wasn't a reason to give negative reviews or critiques of games like Skullgirls at launch. (Not releasing a command list in a competitive fighting game on launch however is a totally legitimate reason to bash the game) If you have a problem with the aesthetics of a game that's your right, but saying that you would lose respect for a fandom for possibly voting in a second IGG character who was female (both gameplay and looks were factors in character votes) that's where you start to sound pretty arrogant.

All Female/All Male casts for anything is bullshit.
You might have had a point if you were talking about anything besides video games. If the play is good I don't care about the diversity of the roster (to a point mind you). TF2 became a bad game not because of it's all male roster, but because Valve lost it's mind with microtransactions and hats. COD became lackluster because the series became too married to the modern military shooter and has stagnated as a result. mono-gender rosters don't make bad games, bad gameplay makes bad games. Skullgirls had problems getting initial support not solely because of the all female roster, but because people were concerned about issues of sexism and fighting games are already pretty niche as is.
I'm not talking about what makes a bad game, I'm talking about principle, something that I see a lot of people lack. I'm not taking this to PM and I'm done with the conversation altogether, long story short you're all wrong and you all can go fuck yourselves if you're not talking about E3.
Haven't seen anything in this thread about it but I guess Mike Z really like Axiom Verge. I checked out some screenshots and it looks like a really lazy Metroid clone, but Metroid is sort of the best shit ever so I'll probably buy it.
I'm not talking about what makes a bad game, I'm talking about principle, something that I see a lot of people lack. I'm not taking this to PM and I'm done with the conversation altogether, long story short you're all wrong and you all can go fuck yourselves if you're not talking about E3.

You know I've noticed this trend with you Denizen. You like to make these statements about the integrity of things and the moment someone voices a counter opinion you drop out the conversation. I doubt you would have taken things to PM anyways so I'll say my piece here. Mods can deal with me if the derail is too much.

You stated that mono-gender casts in games are BS. I think you are wrong. You can feel however you want about my disagreeing with you, but if you are willing to make forgone conclusions about a game based on it's roster, you are no better than the film critics who lauded Frozen without actually seeing the film, or people who said Bayonetta was sexist based off a single trailer.

Actual E3 content: I've got mixed feelings about Nintendo releasing a Gamecube controller adapter for the Wii U and subsequently re-releasing gamecube controllers for sale. It's nice that arguably their best controller will see live on the Wii U, but a and $30 per controller is asking way too much. I still have my original one so I won't be hurting for the $20 adapter, but the GC controller has been a thing for over a decade. The controller should not cost more than the original console I would use it with.
You know I've noticed this trend with you Denizen. You like to make these statements about the integrity of things and the moment someone voices a counter opinion you drop out the conversation.
I just don't feel like the people who disagree with me are worth trying to convince, especially if arguing with them will lead to no real solution. Go ahead, shoot me for not wanting to waste my time on you when you're wrong.

I've said this before to someone else and I'll say it again, all I aim to do is voice my opinion.
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In other news, MGS5 has real-time dump-taking horses.

At this point Kojima is just doing whatever he wants with his sandbox and I'm perfectly ok with that. I still have to play Ground Zero.
I can imagine the next E3. MGS6 is announced, and Kojima proudly presents a new, revolutionary feature: thanks to a little sensor included with the game, you will be able to smell the horse poop.
Your horse pooped. Congratulations
Gotta love that guy's responses.

Anywho, my favorite moments/games for this E3:
Smash Invitational
Xenoblade X
Nintendo's Digital event intro
No Man's sky
Ubisoft Conference Presenters
Sony Press Conference video trolling
Phantom Dust
Sunset Overdrive
Palutena reveal (I'm neutral about Palutena herself, but the trailer was geat)
Farcry 4 reveal (I'm not interested in the game that much but the trailer was awesome)
Bayonetta 2 & Bayonetta Wii U bundle
Hyrule Warriors Gameplay
Zelda 2015 gameplay
Magicka 2 Trailer
Mortal Kombat X
I can imagine the next E3. MGS6 is announced, and Kojima proudly presents a new, revolutionary feature: thanks to a little sensor included with the game, you will be able to smell the horse poop.
Your horse pooped. Congratulations
Integrated with YT and social media - automatically upload 1080p resolution horse poop on your YT and FB. The future is now!

You obtained a Trophy - Horsecrap

Anywho, my favorite moments/games for this E3:
Personally, Bloodborne, Cuphead and Bayobundle were my highlights.
Special mention to Devil's Third because I got some schadenfreude over how bad it looks.
Actual E3 content: I've got mixed feelings about Nintendo releasing a Gamecube controller adapter for the Wii U and subsequently re-releasing gamecube controllers for sale. It's nice that arguably their best controller will see live on the Wii U, but a and $30 per controller is asking way too much. I still have my original one so I won't be hurting for the $20 adapter, but the GC controller has been a thing for over a decade. The controller should not cost more than the original console I would use it with.
New GC controllers online are $60+
If you get the bundle you save $10 so it's like getting the controller for $20.....or the adapter for $10....or the game for $50, which ever interpretation floats your boat.

Special mention to Devil's Third because I got some schadenfreude over how bad it looks.
I have mixed thoughts about that game. There are several gameplay vids out. One looked like absolute crap, but the other looked good, but with animations that needed work. I'll try to find it later but I think one was from Gamespot and the other from IGN.

I was also reminded that the game was originally for ps3/360 but was dropped early when their publisher closed. This probably an early revitalization (I think it's slated for 2015) so I expect many improvements.

EDIT: The release is still TBA
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"oh no we can't do this and that" LEARN HOW TO DO NEW SHIT
Have you ever seen Video Games Awesome? One of them goes on a whole rant exactly like this.
You can tell Melee had a lot of work put into it but Brawl was pretty fucking lazy and it shows.

Wait...what? How do you get that impression?

To me Melee always felt like the rushed turd that didn't have enough time to be fully developed and polished. Everything from movement and mechanics feel clunky, and it's full of completely unintentional glitches and exploits. Yes, Sakurai and his team worked their asses off to build the game in just over a year, but it's pretty clear that it didn't quite reach his ideal vision of what Smash should be. Sakurai was under a lot of pressure to create a high quality sequel to an experimental title in barely more than a year and the results of that rough development time are definitely apparent in Melee.

Brawl may not have been the game that the competitive community wanted, but it's definitely much closer to Sakurai's ideal vision of what Smashbros should be. It has tons and tons of content, an incredible soundtrack, an in depth (although not particularly entertaining) story mode, and a definitively clean and polished look to everything from the UI to the character and stage designs. A lot of time and effort was put into making Brawl less like Melee because there was a lot that Sakurai wanted to change and he finally had the time and resources to make those changes with Brawl.

The fact that Smash 4 resembles Brawl in many aspects is the result of what Sakurai himself wants the game to be. He's made it pretty clear that while he considers balance and competitiveness to be important aspects of the game, he's not designing the game for the sake of the competitive scene. It's meant to be a game for everyone and anyone, regardless of how or why you choose to play. People that love smash but don't play seriously will have plenty of reason to enjoy Smash 4, while those in the competitive scene will simply have to change their expectations and learn to enjoy and adapt to the game as it is. It's far too early to gripe about mechanics that are changing or being removed because most people have barely played the game, if at all. It simply means the core gameplay and strategy will have to develop and evolve, for better or for worse.
It's meant to be a game for everyone and anyone, regardless of how or why you choose to play. People that love smash but don't play seriously will have plenty of reason to enjoy Smash 4
The problem I have with statements like this is that it makes Melee sound like some super elitist clusterfuck which a casual player can't enjoy.
Melee WAS the game you're describing - kids can mash and have fun seeing Peach beat the shit out of Fox -- balance is a non concern for casuals and stuff like L-cancelling flat DOESN'T EXIST; while the competitive scene has a super complex monster sitting in front of them that's over ten years old and still going strong.

Now I have no idea *at all* about Smash, and maybe 4 is actually a super good game which the Melee people simply haven't adapted to yet, or whatever. But this argument just doesn't hold.
If SF4.5 came out tomorrow with "Unblockables removed, 3f buffer on held buttons introduced to remove 1f links, FADC removed, made Stages slightly smaller, Sakura j.HP hitbox worsened, jump arcs normalized to make antiairing easier", that might be a better game overall! It might be a worse one, I dunno.
But it would have a grand total of zero impact on the casual fanbase who just press buttons a lot and jump around and happily shout HADOUKEN!! every time they pull of a Quartercircle - It wouldn't make it easier for them to do that.

Casual Fanbase doesn't give two fucks about game mechanics. The 'intermediate' group (people who are seriously trying to learn the game, but aren't good at it) and the 'top' one does.
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you mean how the Squidward is overconfident and actually loses the race to Patrick
No he means how Sony rushes to aid a dying Microsoft and they fall in love.
Wait...what? How do you get that impression?

To me Melee...

I struggle seeing there being less polish with melee than with brawl. Give me some examples of what you mean pls, i'd like to understand your point better.

-Clunky movement: Ok, i kinda get this bit. Melee feels a bit clunky (it just requires more precision, but i can relate to that feeling clunky) if you come from Brawl with its very loose inputs (due to a 10f buffer on almost everything, on/off shields compared to the variable ones from melee and lower leniency for a lot of things using the analog stick).
-Clunky mechanics: Melee's mechanics are more intuitive in every way. Dash momentum carries over into jumps (like in every game apart from brawl[and smash4 apparently]), you don't suddenly appear above the ledge to fall onto it when approching it from below, you cannot cancel hitstun.
-Glitches and exploits: Soul Stunner, Super Wave Dash, Black Hole and the Yo-Yo glitch are hugely situational. Wobbling is probably the only proper exploit (hand offs seem to be fair in Sakurai's mind, since they returned in brawl in full force). Wavedashing isn't a glitch or an exploit (this is debatable since "exploit" is a quite variable term). Your character sliding when airdodging into the ground was fully intentional. Sakurai just couldn't see the potential of it. Brawl is more glitchy and exploity by a long shot (Laser Locks, guaranteed Chain Grabs (there were a few CGs in melee, but you had to read the opponent between grabs [marth's up throw chain vs. spacies for example]), and planking are all exploits that have a truly major influence on the gameplay. Wavedashing doesn't even compare to those.

Sakurai very intentionally designed melee to be melee. He didn't have a competitive scene in his vision, but the game was shipped as close to what he wanted it to be back then. He had a change of heart somewhere inbetween and decided to design brawl specifically against competitive play (which didn't work because competition is inherent to such a game). Also maybe what Sakurai wants isn't what is best. He's a bit weird.

I ask you this: Did you not have huge fun with both melee and brawl? What made brawl more enjoyable for you? Was it the systems? Probably not. It was characters and music and graphics and more modes (for the most part).
Melee allowed for casuals (oh how i loathe that term) to be casuals and competitive people to be competitive in an incredible fashion. You have so many options. It's amazing to watch, fast, aggressive and technical, while still being so very simple at it's basic level.
Most competitive players just want a new game that recaptures that spirit and is well balanced at the top level (the only place where balance matters if your systems aren't busted from the start) and full of new stuff with support from the developer and a booming scene as a resulty.

Smash 4 seemed (it's not final yet, we'll see) to basically be brawl (a systemically broken game) with band aid fixes to some problems (new ledge mechanics, massive end lag on throws to name some).
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See this is what I try to avoid, but nooooo every time I open my mouth someone has to try and debate with me. Can't I make my statement without having to prove it?
Yeah, pretty much.
And just for the record, this doesn't look like Brawl 2.0 at all.
Because it definitely does look faster.
one i have learned from smash debates is that the comp smashers think of the dumbest names for things
See this is what I try to avoid, but nooooo every time I open my mouth someone has to try and debate with me. Can't I make my statement without having to prove it?
Yeah fuck that shit, "Discussion"? Where are we, a forum? I want to state random baseless possibly wrong things and forbid people of responding to them!