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Fire Emblem

Spoiler: I'm not legally a doctor

That preparing for batteru theme destroys Awakening's.
Quick note you all might find interesting; this game takes place before, not after, Awakening.
Shara's lines for Female Kamui mentions seeing a vision referencing Awakening pretty closely, and refers to it as the future, ending with:
Shara: "The simplest interpretation would be... our reunion in the distant future...? But, that..."

Kamui: "A future reunion... then that might mean we'll meet again in our future lives."

So, that's a bit disappointing. I would've preferred to have this game take place after Awakening, but either way I don't like the way they linked it to Awakening like this.
Well it doesn't have to be our exact Awakening, considering certain characters already exist in this game despite what that suggests
So, that's a bit disappointing. I would've preferred to have this game take place after Awakening, but either way I don't like the way they linked it to Awakening like this.
well, it is one of the highest selling Fire Emblems, so....

make your Kamui and post them, why don't you


Mine is definitely the cutest though
Why the fuck can't I have glasses. Goddammit.
It really helps because the male Kamui's options are shit.
Mine's cute. Looks like my Awakening MU.


EDIT: Screw it


I'm surprised skin color isn't a choice. I haven't been following this game but I made this.

I like tough girls.
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Why the fuck can't I have glasses. Goddammit.
You can get glasses to put on Kamui's model in the game
just none for your portrait, unfortunately
You can get glasses to put on Kamui's model in the game
just none for your portrait, unfortunately

I'll fuckin take it.
Real talk, how much of blank wall do you have left with all the Annie posters hanging in your house?
you assume that he hasn't resorted to using the walls outside of his house.
I don't like any of the options very much. I can't make my character not look weird to me.
While there's a few more options than in Awakening, they don't seem as nice.
We all know DDB is secretly planting Annie posters and merchandise in our houses. Its all in attempt to brainwash us into following into the Annie. Honestly it might just be working.
We all know DDB is secretly planting Annie posters and merchandise in our houses. Its all in attempt to brainwash us into following into the Annie. Honestly it might just be working.
No joke but that would explain the random eyepatch I found when I was moving into my apartment last month. It was black though so clearly someone is slipping.


Neutral. IDK about the ribbon but I wanted the ribbon on at least one of them.

Oh yeah, blowing into the mic does stuff in My Castle
Okay, this is getting insane.
I'll give it this; that is animated really well.
Why do we need to be able to blow on our waifus?
Because sucking's not gonna get the job done.
I knew someone was going to make that joke.
I knew it.
Dang it, Fire Emblem.
Yeah, this looks about right.

Blonde hair is hard to photoshop, even now it still looks too green <_>
i've seen people buy senran kagura and neptunia without a fucking ounce of shame in their face or voice
anime fans are immune to that shit
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Quick question; how do you all feel about the characters so far?

I like some of them, a lot of them have interesting personalities and designs, but some I just can't stand.
Soleil comes to mind. Her gimmick is that she's kind of homosexual.
The writing in her supports are potentially my least favorite dialogue in both this game and Awakening.
I'm fine with having a lesbian character, but they just ruin her and run that one gimmick into the ground (not to mention you can't marry even her as a female). It is a huge chore to read through any of her supports (except the ones with her father, Lazward/Inigo, but that is because his dialogue is really well done).
Foleo (Leo's son) is also pretty grating (also due to one gimmick [I look like a girl] being repeated over and over).

Anyways, there's a few characters left who's writing and personality I really like.
Xander and Leo both have really good dialogue, personally, and while I'm not much of a fan of Xander's design, I really like Leo's (although he has a character-corrupting child tumor).
Lazward, again, probably has the best-written dialogue (I like all the Awakening children's dialogue, except Severa, I can't stand the whole "tsundere" thing).
He's got a very interesting backstory and design, although his daughter is also some kind of character-tumor he can't escape.
I think the characters in the Hoshino path look rad and the Noir characters look dapper and cool.
the Neutral characters also have a nice design to them.
i've seen people buy senran kagura and neptunia without a fucking ounce of shame in their face or voice
anime fans are immune to that shit
this is true.
one time, I got Project Diva F at my local Gamestop.
some guy gave me a look and I just didn't give a shit.
that man then bought a Madden game like the casual pleb he is.
Senran Kagura at least has a good story in the mainline games.
Don't look at me.
I just like it for the combat.
and the color schemes.

don't judge me.
Woah what? They made an explicitly gay character and decided that you shouldn't be able to marry them in a same sex marriage? That's ...pretty bad.
isn't there a law where you can't show anything that promotes illegal activity?
I think it's the same law where you can't show an underage character smoking or two people riding on a one person bike.
wouldn't that fall into it?
Here's an example of how explicit her crushes on females get.
First, she says when she's around cute females, she feels like she's going to pass out (she also asks female Corrin to flirt with her at one point).
Secondly, her S support with male Corrin explains that she fell in love with the female version of him (in the previous conversations he takes a potion to appear as a female [no, I'm not kidding]).
Woah what? They made an explicitly gay character and decided that you shouldn't be able to marry them in a same sex marriage? That's ...pretty bad.
Exactly, that is one of my big problems with her, because it is even implied she's got a large crush on Female Corrin. It just pours salt into the open wounds of how they handled homosexuality.
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I'm not gonna defend the decision, but if we were to only get one same-sex marriage character, I'd prefer it be an actual stand alone character as opposed to a character whose entire personality boils down to "I'm gay".
what Soleil is a bisexual whose just in denial about it because she wants to be a lesbian
the bi is infecting the kids now just like the gay used to
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I'm not gonna defend the decision, but if we were to only get one same-sex marriage character, I'd prefer it be an actual stand alone character as opposed to a character whose entire personality boils down to "I'm gay".
Yeah but
They still wrote the character. They still decided that, in the game that introduces same sex marriage, that a gay character who's unmarriable to anyone of the same sex and is only available to opposite sex characters should be in the game.

Her homosexuality, in essence, is a joke. She is unmarriable by the same gender, yet is only attracted to women.

They just starting out with gay marriage, so they had to be careful so they didn't displease the people in that boat. But they fucked up on. every. single. choice.