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Fire Emblem

Sacred stones has the type of linear multiclassing I liked and introduced the pre-class units(ross,amelia,ewan). Maybe it's my sense of masochism but having another 20 levels to play out with a close to useless unit along with the standard classes felt really good to me. Ephraim and Eirika don't really differ that much in personality and honestly Ephraim's dialogue is more like a slightly laid-back Eirika.
has FE ever even done a thing where the key to a mission was to capture and keep certain points to win the match
like a mix of capture and defense
that would be neat

I think there were multiple capture points in Thracia, haven't played it though, and I doubt it's a king of the hill type thing.

That would be cool though.

Sacred stones has the type of linear multiclassing I liked and introduced the pre-class units(ross,amelia,ewan). Maybe it's my sense of masochism but having another 20 levels to play out with a close to useless unit along with the standard classes felt really good to me. Ephraim and Eirika don't really differ that much in personality and honestly Ephraim's dialogue is more like a slightly laid-back Eirika.

Erika shows a lot of emotion in many of the encounters with Lyon and throughout the story in general. Ephraim was always pretty stoic, but I don't remember him having much real character development, as opposed to Erika who gradually determines herself to kill Lyon and become a leader.

Ephraim does have some amazing battle quotes though. A lot of the supporting villains are pretty great too, especially Caellach.

I can take or leave the pre-class units, but that whole masochism thing is a bit lost with the tower of valni pretty obviously being the answer to that. Otherwise yeah, the multiclassing makes a lot of sense there.
Innes is bar far one of my favorite characters. I like him quite a bit :D

I liked a lot of characters in that game, but I never got far in Sacred Stones...so...
I played Sacred Stones TONS, but it was also the only FE game I had for a long time. It's not my favorite game in the series overall, but I still enjoy wandering the world map and poking at zombies. Also, some of the best battle animations in the series, I think.

Not too many of the characters were super memorable (for me, anyway), but I didn't really go too far into many support conversations. I do remember some of those maps were absolutely brutal when I was a kid, especially the ones where you couldn't go shopping between them.
Coming back to this thread all like:


*insert dramatic chorus here*

Just to report that, for the 7th time i've played Path of Radiance, i killed Naesala and forced Jill to kill her father because yes.
literally everyone uses Jill to kill her dad
you just gotta make sure she actually does it or oops she's gone
literally everyone uses Jill to kill her dad
you just gotta make sure she actually does it or oops she's gone
Level B support with Lethe bro, and i know a handful of people that actually never try to train Jill, so they don't use her at all unless it's to hire Haar.
New FE:if info

Sticky Note version:
- JP VA castings
- Phoenix Mode=Ultra Easy Mode; If a character of yours dies, they get revived next turn
- Certain characters have map-changing powers, like making bridges or creating earthquakes
- 9 save slots at start <unclear if they mean 9 total between both versions or 9 each>, with an extra 3 to be added with each DLC expansion
- NO MORE WEAPON USAGE LIMITS! Way to make Robin's main Smash Bros. mechanic obsolete by the very next game, IS =P
- Release date is June 25th in Japan
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Oh cool, thanks Tech!

Thank goodness for more save slots, I always hate to delete an old file. Also, map-altering stuff sounds fantastic.

Dunno how taking away weapon-breaking will change things up, though. My first reaction is that it's taking away some resource-management strategy stuff, but honestly, I never ran out of gold in Awakening (unless I was forging ridiculous stuff) so it might not be a bad change. Hopefully they add in some more weapon variety/customization and make the equipment a little more RPG-ish, so I'm not just stacking my group with never-breaking silver weapons.

Best part is, it's coming out on my birthday! Now, how to get to Japan...
ONLY thing I want confirmation on before this is guaranteed goty is that mid-mission saving is still quarantined to casual mode like in Awakening.
Sounds like good things are abound for the next fire emblem, map changing abilities does sound pretty good and I am really glad they are getting rid of weapon usage since that is not a great weapon mechanic at all.
It was fine as a mechanic. It was similar to real life, where taking care of weapons was a necessity during war (a really long time ago, but still). It also added a layer of micromanagement, and in essence more strategic depth (at least pre Awakening). If they made it easier to mend weapons (or worth it, which might happen if we get unique weaponry), then it would be fine. However, if you didn't like it thats fine.

Having one weapon that had 3 uses to mend a weapon once was pretty dumb though.
it'll never be as bad as Sword of Seals at least
"wow look at this cool af plot sword that actually makes Roy useabl-oh fuck I lost it after 5 turns because it only has 20 uses"
Oh fucking yes that's radical.
But that's kinda weird though, that might make some things even easier if you find a big dick G sword and have no enemies to counter it
what if the enemies have their OWN Big Dick G Sword
and you're like
"shiiiet this is gonna be rad, clashing with our Big Dick G Swords"
Not sure how I feel about ditching weapon durability yet.

On the one hand, I thought it added strategy and helped prevent abuse of powerful items (yet you could still get those items early on and break them out in a pinch, if you needed to).

On the other hand, it drove me absolutely nuts in Sacred Stones (and Awakening) that I couldn't just use the best/coolest weapons I had when I got to the post game because I didn't want them to break. (you could kinda get around this in Awakening though with the luck ability from mercenaries)

I'm curious to see how they balance things back out in the game with this change. Maybe limit the number of weapons you can bring into battle to one or two; make you choose between versatility and power or something? Or maybe exaggerate the weapon triangle so that having some god weapon/character doesn't mean instant win all the time (seriously, I feel like after a certain point in the games the weapon triangle always becomes practically irrelevant in most situations). I just hope this change doesn't result in a net loss of required strategy.

what if the enemies have their OWN Big Dick G Sword
and you're like
"shiiiet this is gonna be rad, clashing with our Big Dick G Swords"
Hmmmm.... I guess this change does mean I can't just cheese enemy mages using bolting spells (or archers riding ballistas) by getting them to waste them. That'll certainly make things harder.
It's hard to say. Weapon breakage never really hindered me in any FE's past my very first playthrough of my very first game. It's more just a chore to remember to manually purchae and re-equip everyone every so often. It does add some interesting situations to gameplay (ie occasionally have to choose whether to use a weapon that will almost break or a limited use staff etc.) but overall it might be more trouble than it's worth.

Wouldn't be against them keeping limited use staffs or spells though. Would make sense their, even if swords and shit were no longer breakable.

Will definitely change how the series economy works too. Hope they don't fuck up the balance.
Less stores or more expensive weapons would probably balance it. Heck, maybe they could reintroduce thiefs to make it so your inventory still isn't 100% safe.
Since durability isn't an issue anymore there isn't too much of an incentive to buy new ones. In that sense the weapons might change to have the damage be purely based on the character itself or there might be forging so there's a money sink to pour your gold into. Either way durability is a mechanic that needed to be changed and I'm glad it did.
  • Free-roaming overworld with town-building "My Castle" feature
  • Hot spring scenes
  • PokemonAmie-style affection system where you can "pet" units
Goddamnit IS, you've been spending way too much time around Atlus.
pokemAmie-style....ugh...This game is sounding less and less appealing. It's becoming Pokemon with Fire Emblem characters with the whole multi version and now this. D:
Jokes aside, I feel like this is very.. Inappropriate, for FE.
I'm seriously getting worried if the game is going to try to abuse the dating sim thing. There's so much fanservice.
I assume it's an optional thing that you can do to raise affection or some shit
It's not like your rubbing some titties or smacking a little girl's ass

it's literally just "rub your subordinates affectionately"
in, you know, a totally hetero way, mang
Honestly, I dislike the idea, but if it's what the series takes to survive, then I'll accept it. Let's just think about this for abit. FE games are generally not that successful despite all of them being quite well made games. Awakening was the only one to do extremely extremely well, due to the PR and the features that kept people coming back. ATM, a large amount of current fans go about toting they are big fans of series after only playing Awakening. And honestly, I can see how the features or lack thereof in previous games can turn off many of these casual newcomers.

So my point is that as long as its option or not supremely stupid, I'll accept it. I just need to hope and pray that the actual combat is more refined than Awakening and offers more choice, strategy, and general variety than Awakening and I'll be good. Here's hoping, yeah?
I assume it's an optional thing that you can do to raise affection or some shit
It's not like your rubbing some titties or smacking a little girl's ass

it's literally just "rub your subordinates affectionately"
in, you know, a totally hetero way, mang
I don't take offense to the fact they added it, and I probably will still use the feature just to get affection higher or whatever, I'm just worried it's some kind of sign of what is to come, considering this is what they decided to reveal instead of something more gameplay-centered or interesting.

Also I love how chill the guy you're rubbing in the video is, even with the male avatar.
I mean, it's just a fun pastime two hetero men love to partake in together to bond.
Almost everyone reminds me of someone from previous FE games.
I'm not convinced the girl at 7:50 isn't Tharja.