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Fire Emblem

That was part in jest but honestly I'd play fates but I don't have a 3ds anymore. But the pandering on this, and other games coming out this year does rub me the wrong way.
As long as the gameplay never changes for the worst, I don't care what extra bits they add in.
I dont care so long as I get to rub Camilla and Rinkah.
As much as I dislike the rubbing thing, I'm probably going to end up using it for getting more support conversations. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to (it still does plenty), but the gameplay looks really good so I'm still excited for the game.

Nintendo also spoke out a few days ago about the NA localization's potential changes. They said they would be changing some dialogue with Soliel that implied the drugging, although there wasn't any mention directly about changes to the dialogue with the petting, so that's interesting.
Here's a part of their statement that's relevant:
"Making changes is not unusual when we localize games, and we have indeed made changes in these games. When we localize a game we do so in order to make it appropriate for that particular territory. All our choices were made from that point of view."
Well, considering Soliel's story route is probably meant for comedy since they find wacky situations like that hilarious. Its a different culture so I wont judge. So the change does make sense. Its fine with me.
I care because even extra, optional stuff can kind of hurt the games tone (tone is very important to any kind of aesthetic or story), but it's still minor enough that I can ignore/compartmentalize it safey and still enjoy the game 100%.
I don't mind the change, either. Soliel's Japanese conversations with the male MC (or, honestly, all of her support conversations) are really bad.
I care because even extra, optional stuff can kind of hurt the games tone (tone is very important to any kind of aesthetic or story), but it's still minor enough that I can ignore/compartmentalize it safey and still enjoy the game 100%.
if you're not rubbing them in the story bits, then the tone is completely in tact.

I don't mind the change, either. Soliel's Japanese conversations with the male MC (or, honestly, all of her support conversations) are really bad.
again, Japan has a different frequency on humor. stuff like that is hilarious for them.

it's the same as looking up a skirt in this regard. most westerners see it as fan-service or something of that regard, Japan however finds it hilarious.
I know some guys who have lived in Japan, and "it's all for laughs" is not quite true...it's mostly for lonely otaku to jack off to.

And it still does affect the tone a little. Not as much as if it wasn't optional, but having something in a game still puts a mark on it. A very, very, very small mark, but a mark none the less.
So no support conversations anymore? yeah just get rid of the thing that make Fire emblem fates fun. I mean who cares about characters right?
They at least removed the roofies and straight conversion.
there's a massive difference between reworking a support conversation and straight up removing a feature because "well, Western audiences might not handle it"

I didn't realize the Jack Thompson methods suddenly became an okay thing to do.

how about we remove the enemy's ability to attack? I mean, we wouldn't want to ruin someone's fun or make the game too hard or anything.
Wait, isn't that Support an A-Rank? So you can't get an A or S support between Corrin and Soliel now? Does it cap at B, or is that whole support tree just gone now?
Wait, isn't that Support an A-Rank? So you can't get an A or S support between Corrin and Soliel now? Does it cap at B, or is that whole support tree just gone now?
from what I can tell, it's going to be reworked, which is fine, but stop straight up removing a game's feature just because some people make a stink about it.

the petting being removed is NOT a localization thing at all! it's a straight up removal.
oh thank god
fire emblem is respectable again
based nintendo for killing anime
oh thank god
fire emblem is respectable again
based nintendo for killing anime
now it can truly die like it was meant to before Awakening.
Oh, that's all. Phew, for a moment I read some of the last few posts as "all support convos gone". Luckily that's too dumb to be true (thankful that's a thing).

Eh. I guess can understand how some people would be upset.

It was insufferably stupid and didn't belong in a Nintendo game (to me, it's like if Studio Ghibli suddenly added ecchi elements to one of their films or some shit). I don't mind (and in fact frequently enjoy) fanservice or sex appeal when it's used intelligently, but that shit was just dorky as fuck. The game would have been undeniably better without it in the first place, IMO.

On the other hand, I'm not a fan of things being changed or censored in localization. Though it's far from an outrage to me.

I guess I can say at least, if they were gonna remove something, they couldn't have made a better choice. Good riddance.

now it can truly die like it was meant to before Awakening.

They're both dumb. Although kids petting virtual cartoon rabbits seems not quite the same as waifu rubbing, but eh I don't want to touch that argument.

I kinda have more sympathy for the people complaining about the booty-slap removal on R.Mika. At least that was kinda hot.
The more I think about it, the less mad I am. It was honestly the worst part of the game. Is it 'too dangerous for our western eyes'? No, but it sure as hell brought the game down. I just hope they do something to make up for the support points that you'll lose.
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yeah, this thing that people didn't have to do and could have easily ignored brought it down.
I'd say there's a fair difference between "thing that kid would do as a joke" and "thing that appeals only to a certain subset of losers"
but that's just me, tbh
It did.

Nobody has to watch the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, or The Matrix sequels, or even acknowledge them in their own head canon, but they sure as hell leave a mark on their franchises and they sure as hell bring them down.

Would Kirby be perfectly fine if there was a secret porn mini-game hid in there "but you don't have to use it"? No. That's an exaggerated example, but the point is the same. It's a shitty pandering tacked on element that degrades the artistic merit of the work by being a part of it.

so you're saying art SHOULD have the right to be censored?

No, but if this was any kind of censorship, it would be "self censorship" and that opens up a whole new debate on what that actually is and whether Nintendo actually did it or not.

As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo made a choice now that they should have made at the start of development. That's the biggest shame. Localization changes are annoying and stupid and weird, and I can kinda sympathize with why people might object to this one. I find it difficult to personally care in this case, though. From a near-objective standpoint, the game just became very slightly better, is all. Hardly something to cry about.

That's implying that video games are art :V

Art is a subjective word that has had no universally agreed upon definition for 2000+ years straight, but even at its most basic, game design is certainly a form of personal/creative expression. Whether that fits your personal definition of art or not, is up to you.
Pokemon-Amie was dumb and so is Skinshipping
if it wasn't for the apparent problem of support points I wouldn't give two shits that it's gone
like, I dont give a shit about the petting in general, I wasn't planning on using aside for some jokes, I'm just upset about removing a feature.
I'm upest because now I cant build support.
I can understand that.

I guess I'm a bit indecisive. On one hand, I think the game is better now. On the other hand, I don't like localization changes to be so drastic. I wouldn't call it censorship, Nintendo did themselves after all (just like Capcom with the R.Mika thing, though that made less sense for a number of reasons), but I can just barely see how it could maybe set a bad precedent.

On the other hand, are localization changes really that bad? They've been going on forever, and not all of them are bad. The American version of Ninja Gaiden 3 (the nes one) has remixed level design, and in some way is a superior game. Contra Hard Corps USA version is superior due to the removal of the lifebar.

On the other hand, Biometals USA changed ost is ungodly horrible, as was the decision to replace the cool space marine sprite in Journey to Silus with a big headed anime dude in the non jp versions (the irony...). I guess it's a case by case thing. I'd lump this in with "good changes" though.
I can understand that.

I guess I'm a bit indecisive. On one hand, I think the game is better now. On the other hand, I don't like localization changes to be so drastic. I wouldn't call it censorship, Nintendo did themselves after all (just like Capcom with the R.Mika thing, though that made less sense for a number of reasons), but I can just barely see how it could maybe set a bad precedent.
but it's not Nintendo in general.
it's Nintendo of America.

they didn't remove it from the Japanese version at all.
they removed it only for western audiences.
that's what I'm against.
removing things for a specific audience.
I hate that immensely.

IMO drastic changes for localization are bad. period. there are no good ones because that just means you allow for removal of features to have a platform. I however, do not, so by my standards, it's a bad one like every other.
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If it helps the product sell more, it doesn't really matter, if you ask me.
This is a business we're talking about and a business is about selling products.
If there's something keeping a product from being sold, you change it so that it can sell.
If the rubbings went over really poorly with test audiences, then it's not a surprise that it would be removed, because that's a mark against the game.
This isn't a company like NIS that can market cheap trash to niche markets and still pull a profit, this is a business that made a decision to axe a feature that would not be, and was not, well-received by Western audiences.