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Fukua General Discussion

So, I've only been able to play her with a pad, people are sleeping and I like to smash the fuck out of my stick buttons. I think I like her well enough to make a team with her. Stage is dope, can't wait to brave through story mode. Love some of her colors and how they work well with Filia, I'm already finding some nice synergy with them on a team. Really wasn't expecting her till the end of the month so this is awesome. VIVA LA SKULLGIRLS!
Ravidrath just liked my post! :D I feel like one of those people that had a post retweeted by a celebrity, except better because twitter is dumb (save for SG updates, of course (Totally not because you run the Twitter tho...):PUN:)
Fukua's story was hilarious, especially the jump scares with Fukua, Umbrella and Annie. XD I also didn't expect anyone other than Squigly would get a stinger cutscene, that was interesting. I also liked how the fights are literally just every character in reverse reveal order, which made Marie the 3rd out of 11 fights. XD

Anyway, could someone, maybe Ravi or Mike tell me what difficulty that last Filia fight in Fukua's story mode set on? I played the story on Sleepwalk, and though I curbstomped the other fights, Filia definitely did NOT feel like she was on Sleepwalk (I still beat her though, it was just weird when Filia was harder in story mode than Marie.)
for those who know this series

This is the scene her ending originated from, also i love who ends up showing up after also in plot to make this even more perfect
btw for everyone, filia ends up starting up with x2 health and 5 bars of super meter so she won't be easy
Oh goodness, these spoiler tags contain actual spoilers! I gotta go take a walk er sumthin.
Come on, break. Read a spoiler already. :PUN:
Oh btw for the alpha clone pallet, alpha didn't originate in doa2 that was kasumi alpha
The actual clone was in doa4 xoxoxo
I literally screamed at the end in terror
I know, Annie actually being in the game beyond billboards and other such nonsense? Horrifying :PUN:
Was there a ninja nerf to Fukua's c.HP? Can't seem to combo c.HP into LK Clone outside of the corner anymore. Seems like c.HP knocks further away?

Seems like she takes a step back during LK Clone?
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omfg fukua is retarded lol. combo into cr.MP and then cancelling into any variant of shadow/armoured command grab is sooooo cheap lol. even if they block the shadow you have enough frame advantage to do whatever the heck you want including charge armoured command grab lol. gonna f some people up with that ha ha.
Was there a ninja nerf to Fukua's c.HP? Can't seem to combo c.HP into LK Clone outside of the corner anymore. Seems like c.HP knocks further away?
Fukua now reels back a tiny bit due to the new animation, making L.Shadow hit that tiny bit later.
It still combos at most ranges, just like half a step or something.
[c.LK c.MK(2) c.HP xx L.Shadow] eg now needs you to be a wee bit closer to combo, but still works at almost every distance.

omfg fukua is retarded lol. combo into cr.MP and then cancelling into any variant of shadow/armoured command grab is sooooo cheap lol.
Use the fast command grab, not the armored one.
Use the fast command grab, not the armored one.

weeeeelll the reason i say armoured one is because after you hit with the cr.MP the opponent is airborne anyway so they cant sweep or throw you anyhow. it activates basically as soon as they land.

They're stuck in an animation they can't do anything during, and see you do the "LET'S GO!" 30f grab.

It's not very good.
^ to add on to vulpes i would say that if you condition this well....you can set up something...however i'll need to test this
well yea obviously. thats the problem with resets.

nuh uh.
the main problem with your said reset is that ALL options are beaten by just jumping....well except one option. actually two.
Look what I found: