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Gaming General Discusison

It better be like DoW1 though. If it will, hype.

Edit: oh boy cod "infinite warfare", they're running out of names are they?
In just annoyed that apparently you HAVE to get Infinite Warfare to get the Modern Warfare remaster. It feels like a sleezy cash grab, especially since the price for that bundle is still going to be pretty high.
Better start passing out headbands because INFINITE WAR needs INFINITE AMMO for INFINITE ENEMIES
In just annoyed that apparently you HAVE to get Infinite Warfare to get the Modern Warfare remaster. It feels like a sleezy cash grab, especially since the price for that bundle is still going to be pretty high.
did they explicitly say you have to get the bundle in order to get the remaster only?
I would assume they'd want to milk Modern Warfare as hard as they could by making it standalone.
did they explicitly say you have to get the bundle in order to get the remaster only?
I would assume they'd want to milk Modern Warfare as hard as they could by making it standalone.
I believe they have. I can't find the video anymore, but it linked to a Gamespot article that linked to their post saying it was bundled. It's probably to milk the nostalgia nad love for MW so they improve the sales of Infinite Warfare.
saying that it's bundled doesn't automatically mean it's exclusive to that bundle though.
like, have they explicitly stated that the bundle is the only way to get the remaster?
I don't believe so, no, they haven't. Ok, thinking about it, yeah, it might not quite as exclusive as I was thinking lol.
Hey, do any of you guys think you could give some feedback on this updated sprite


Particularly on the neck/head movement. I've gotten some mixed feedback on that part of it. Looking for some analysis.
Hey, do any of you guys think you could give some feedback on this updated sprite
Does the neck even need to bob? I think it looks a bit weird ^-^"
The sprite looks really nice but the tail is definitely the smoothest and best part of it. On the wings... Either it hangs too long on the apex or it goes down then back up too quickly. I don't know, it just caught my eye immediately and I thought it was weird.
> I think it's better without head bobbing. I mean, it gets thicker when it goes up, it looks more like vomiting than bobbing...
> The wings' movement is too... sudden? janky?
> The tail is really smooth and I wish all movements were as smooth.
> It feels like it's separated in 3 parts (head/body/tail) and that they all move in different speeds.
The wing movement was remodeled after that of a bat, based off of some feedback he got on an art forum, and we've gotten mostly positive feedback on that since the change (it was critisized prior for being too slow and awkward/sluggish). Though I dunno I guess the timing could be changed if enough people don't like it? Anyone else feel the same? I fear this may be one of those "impossible to please everyone" moments, as it's mostly been positive so far on that front as I said.

The thing I'm most concerned about atm is the head, as we've gotten a few positive responses to it (one person said it gives it the feel of pushing itself forward for propulsion), but also a lot of negative responses (the vomiting thing in particular, I can't unsee myself). So I'm mostly looking for thoughts/suggestions on that.

One person suggested adding some extra shading to the head to make it look more like it's actually rising and lowering. That sound like a good idea?

Thanks for the feedback btw
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One person suggested adding some extra shading to the head to make it look more like it's actually rising and lowering. That sound like a good idea?
Give it some extra shading, maybe keep it at the same thickness at all levels (My neck doesn't get thicker when I move it around :P ), and it should be pretty good.
Just looked at it more closely...
Maybe add more frames to it? Because as it is now it looks like it just suddenly, and violently, gets jerked forward instead of rising and falling.
Alright, that's cool! I'll jot all that down for when I next talk with him. Thanks!

Anyone else got any thoughts?
The wings seem to flicker because there's one frame where they are much bigger than in the adjacent frames, which makes them seem to flash. The head-bob seems unnatural but the neck looks fine - have you considered leaving the head in-place and either just keeping the neck gradient animation or adjusting the gradient of the head in a similar way (i.e. giving the impression of movement along the z-axis instead of the y-axis)?

EDIT: Ninja'd by like 4 comments lol
EDIT2: And Gaming General might not be the beast place for this, don't you have a thread for this yet?
EDIT3: Side note, you've posted this one animation a few times now but I haven't see any others - do you have other animations at a similar level of completion? If not, I'd suggest that you avoid over-focusing on getting things looking perfect just yet, and get workable sprites for everything before polishing up.
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Was gonna make a thread once the first stage is near done ^_^ *

We have some work in progress non animated sprites, including a (VERY) rough boss concept, and 3 animations currently, with a fourth one on the way this weekend. I posted the flame animation a few pages ago, along with the previous version of the main sprite animation.

I think the player sprite deserves a bit of special attention, since it's what you primarily look at and identify with throughout the entire game. It's almost done, I'm just trying to gather as much feedback as possible before we finalize it.

*Well I do have a thread on shmups forum's development board, but it's for more esoteric gameplay related stuff (like the dynamic/adaptive enemy spawning system) that I figured a lot of people here wouldn't be as interested in atm.
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Everything I coulda said was already taken dang lol. Is suggest just not having the neck width change. The widening looks really awkward and seems to lack shading. The head could move up and down slighly, maybe a shave a few pixels off the front end and add a few near the back of the head during part of the head bob to give the impression of the head changing angle. Sometimes small subtle changes are the best way to go.
so in Uncharted 4, there's a scene where Drake and Elena play a game
on the PS1
made by Naughty Dog
called Crash Bandicoot
and it's not a cutscene
you literally play a level from Crash 1 <completely remade from the ground up, this isn't a port or emulation, with new UI> as Drake tries to beat Elena's score
the most interesting thing is
Activision was not credited for the rights
It's not an actual spoiler.

As a fan of Civilization I am super excited to dump many hours into another game. The hard part for me is if I should play Battlefield 1 or Civ VI on release day.
Apparently it's going to be immediately friendly to mods, and I'm quite curious about that.
Civ 5 had quite a few mods that made me interested in playing mods, but never quite got around to them.
So, this happened.
^ What's wrong about it again?

Also I like how people are acting as if this is on the same level as Nuts 'n' Bolts in terms of game "assassination".
People don't like him being re-imagined this way. Patience was already strained when Conker was in that game maker. People feel like he is just there since he is an iconic character from a platformer and they feel like his character has been taken away.
It's like Federation Force. It probably wouldn't be a big deal if Conker had any new games lately, but because he hasn't fans just see it as salt in the wound.
yeah but Federation Force at least looks fun.
Conker's "your living room is the level" gimmick just seems like it would lose it's appeal fast.
i don't really mind since Conker wasn't really good in the first place

I'd say the same about Metroid but that'd be a lie and I'm not that mean
Yeah, did Conker ever really have anything more going for it beyond broken taboo's and dated reference humor?
Only what's possibly the greatest videogame musical number of all time.

Well, it was a solid 3D platformer, a genre that's been sorely lacking these days.
Holy crap they gave Conkers the Chuck e Cheese treatment.
I do agree that they probably used Conker because he's a noted character in gaming and he'll bring in a crowd on name alone.
A crowd who remembers him as a politically incorrect character and not the unexistent competitor of Mickey Mouse.

Look, even if they keep him family friendly they won't succeed because he already had a game known to be profane and all that. Radically changing the nature of a game/work doesn't bring positive things as the fans of it will, in my opinion rightfully, go apeshit about it.
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Thought minus the Conker part, it looks like one of those gimmicks that will never really amount to much in the end, I mean just look at stuff like Kinect and the motion control scene... Okay to be fair, motion controllers worked really well for some things. (Then again, that was mainly with the Wii, and the Wii took a nose dive at the end of its life. I will never forget MH3 though.)

Other than that, so uh, are there any solid RPGs as of late?
Look, even if they keep him family friendly they won't succeed because he already had a game known to be profane and all that. Radically changing the nature of a game/work doesn't bring positive things as the fans of it will, in my opinion rightfully, go apeshit about it.

Exactly. I think we all remember Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon. It would just be better if they never spoke of the franchise again instead of giving us this young Conker thing.
Yeah, did Conker ever really have anything more going for it beyond broken taboo's and dated reference humor?
Well, in terms of presentation, I think it ended up being one of the more ambitious games on the N64. The VA was awkward as heck, but I was always impressed with how much Conker pulled off on its standard cart without the expansion pack. I also enjoyed the multiplayer a good bit at the time, and some of the music was cool.

I'll give it some props for the sour ending too. It actually reflected how accomplished you should feel after spending hours of your life helping a deadbeat squirrel in a videogame.
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