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Gaming General Discusison

Punished Kojima.
I've been sending this out to a bunch of friends, and since I didn't feel like bumping my game development thread (yet), I figured I might post this here:

Early work in progress title screen (from my artist friend) for the game I'm making.

(it's a fantasy shmup)
Winter break starts next week. I'll probably be working on this more in a day then I do currently in week then. Currently have most of a boss fight and part of a level done.

Free time aside from that will probably go to Xenoblade X <3
Dammit Grooktook, you posted that article about shmups just to get me to start playing them before the release of your game, didn't you?

Well jokes on you, I still find them infuriating...
Dragon's Dogma is now available for pre-order on Steam.
You ever prepare for a final boss battle so hard that you wind up one shotting it and feeling unsatisfied?

I purchased Eternal Ring for the PS2 earlier this year and finally beat it after putting it aside for a month. It's a From Software game with an emphasis on forging magic rings that bestow different spells and abilities. I'd dropped it after trying to tackle the bonus dungeon before heading off into the final level of the game. It was pretty tough trying to make it through 4 floors of super powered enemies but I finally got what I went there for after beating the Bone Emperor and four 3rd tier ghosts; A ring of Animated sword, and the Eternal Sword. Keep in mind that the Bone Emperor is the hardest enemy in the game including the final boss.

The ring lets my melee weapon hit multiple times and the eternal sword is the best sword in the game that boosts my elemental affinity across the board. So with those two items and a ring of Sacrifice which gives me a free revive if I die (Dark Souls 2 uses these too) I head off into the final area.

Long story short after navigating 3 or 4 areas full of Gargoyles, Mad Mages, and Death Knights and dying a few times on dry runs I get to the final boss. Couldn't hit him with my Vortex wind spell (the 4th tier wind attack spell) so I decide to use a dragon summon to stun the boss and get in some free hits with my sword. Didn't even get a chance to do anything because by the time I got close to him after summoning the Earth Dragon he drops and it's off to the last cutscene.

I had been building this fight up for months. I was going against a man-made God that was still in it's infancy but had the power to warp reality and destroy the world. A completely amoral being that was insane because it could not feel, and destroyed because it was too strong but too immature to realize the consequences of it's actions. A being that wiped out armies and was imprisoned in a realm outside of time.

I beat him in less than 3 minutes. FML
you want a final boss battle that'll put you through the ringer?

DJ Octavio will do that in spades.
Did you say Resonance of Fate
For PC
My dreams are real now
But, but... P4AU?
guess you'll have to play Virtua FIghter.
what a horrible thing.
to play a 3 button fighter.
Last edited:
Atlus Library.

SMT3 and DDS on PC. With mods and some basic reimaging

god bless.
Sent this to some friends on Steam, figured I might as well post it as well.

Early and bad work in progress clip for a boss fight I'm working on. It's basically Simon Says, but played against a rotating blade wheel from Hell.

I'm still using place holder sprites (if you count an ms paint circle as a sprite ^_^) because my spriter friend is still working on animating the player characters wings. Haven't started on bosses yet, and I'm not totally decided on the boss's appearance yet as it might affect gameplay.

I plan on polishing, changing, and especially nerfing pretty much everything in this video. It's a loooooooooooooong way from finished. This is the boss's current status from scratch after spending 3 days working on it, roughly.

Music is from a Mega Man. It's what I had stuck in my head when I came up with the boss.
Do you have a thread made for this game?
It's not exactly my type of shmup but I'm really interested about this and would like to follow its progress!
Do you have a thread made for this game?
It's not exactly my type of shmup but I'm really interested about this and would like to follow its progress!

I had an old thread for my Unity stuff, but I haven't posted in about a year. I was actually planning on doing that once I got some unique sprites inserted in this.

Also have a development blog but I haven't updated it in a few months (semester finals started, and since then I've been too busy actually working on the game to write about it lol)...might update that soon though.

Someone has way too much time on their hands.
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Rival Schools 3, Capcom Vs X, Berserk Dragon's Dogma 2, Devil May Cry 5, or new awesome IP incoming.
Blade and Soul just released yesterday and it's quite fun. Though I've been crashing a lot for unknown reasons.

If anyone plays on Juwol add me. I have the same name on here as in there.
So a 360 dev build of the real Star Wars Battlefront 3 is now on the internet. That's cool.
Guys... wanted to gauge out an interest on a project a few friends and I have been starting up.

A 4-button arcade fighter revolving around a cast of myths, legends, and monsters. Taking... creative licences with them and their stories akin to Beowulf himself.

Our biggest work done for a character has... become kind of the face of the project, Medusa herself.


The basic idea for a story being of a rebellion against an under-the-table organization that's been working to capture any roaming supernatural beings and what happens behind their closed doors.

Since SG is kinda the fighting game we keep referring back to with some ideas, it felt natural to see if anyone would be interested... in the game as a concept and in the front that we have an open ear for anyone curious about joining the force.
You say SG is the the game you refer back to for ideas, so is it going to be a team fighter?

Also, concept sounds neat, but I can't take Medusa seriously anymore.
Guys... wanted to gauge out an interest on a project a few friends and I have been starting up.

A 4-button arcade fighter revolving around a cast of myths, legends, and monsters. Taking... creative licences with them and their stories akin to Beowulf himself.

Our biggest work done for a character has... become kind of the face of the project, Medusa herself.


The basic idea for a story being of a rebellion against an under-the-table organization that's been working to capture any roaming supernatural beings and what happens behind their closed doors.

Since SG is kinda the fighting game we keep referring back to with some ideas, it felt natural to see if anyone would be interested... in the game as a concept and in the front that we have an open ear for anyone curious about joining the force.
Wow it looks awesome!

Oh wait i'm a part of this project of course I like it
You say SG is the the game you refer back to for ideas, so is it going to be a team fighter?

Also, concept sounds neat, but I can't take Medusa seriously anymore.
Sorry for the semi-late reply.
Right now... we are trying to keep things somewhat simple and right now handling matters at a character-to-character basis.
I'm sure with enough arm twisting we could push the mechanic in at some point but it isn't a priority right now.

And... seriousness isn't QUITE our bread and butter. We have a Sasquatch with a selfie for a command grab to push the point xD
Sorry for the semi-late reply.
Right now... we are trying to keep things somewhat simple and right now handling matters at a character-to-character basis.
I'm sure with enough arm twisting we could push the mechanic in at some point but it isn't a priority right now.

And... seriousness isn't QUITE our bread and butter. We have a Sasquatch with a selfie for a command grab to push the point xD
He also smells.
like really bad. There aren't any baths in the woods.

The selfie was my idea if anyone cares. Which you don't
A 4-button arcade fighter revolving around a cast of myths, legends, and monsters. Taking... creative licences with them and their stories akin to Beowulf himself.
*interest is piqued*
We have a Sasquatch with a selfie for a command grab to push the point
Finished Trails In The Sky this weekend and started on the second part of the trilogy.

Overall, definitely the best jrpg I've ever played, and the best rpg I played last year (Undertale was good but this one wins by the strength of its cast, for me). I guess my only complaint is that the overall plot isn't as complex as I expected, but it doesn't matter because it's more about the characters. Easily the best script, sense of humor, and character development I've ever seen in a jrpg. Hella fun tactical gameplay too, but the characters and script are where it shines.

Highly recommended for anyone who wants to permanently fall in love with a cast within a rich Miyazaki inspired Steampunk world.
Someone has way too much time on their hands.
I am continually amazed at the effort people put into breaking video games over their knees.
So, before this vid, I never realized I want Rich Brown voicing Pikachu

For some reason I thought this died in development.
I've been playing the Japanese version, the combat upgrade is pretty amazing, though despite making the game a lot more fun, it also makes it far easier, so playing on hard is kind of recommended. It can get a bit repetitive but all the added abilities you unlock over time are usually enough to keep things interesting.
I've been playing the Japanese version, the combat upgrade is pretty amazing, though despite making the game a lot more fun, it also makes it far easier, so playing on hard is kind of recommended. It can get a bit repetitive but all the added abilities you unlock over time are usually enough to keep things interesting.
Given some of the games bullshitocity in some levels (HELLO FIRE LEVEL AND NEEDING COOLER EVERY FEW MINUTES), I think making it easier is more than forgiveable.
I mean, the point of this was making the game better, there are some things no one liked about the game, like the boss rush at the end.
I think making it easier is more than forgiveable.
I think you're misunderstanding, you being given more options in combat when the enemies can't deal with those options is what makes it easier, I'm not complaining about actual feature changes, not really complaining at all actually, it's excellent so far.
The only boss rush that I ever liked was TBoI's