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Guilty Gear Thread

He said that about Bridget, not Dizzy.
He said that about Bridget, not Dizzy.
It was both, technically. Unless I'm not remembering correctly.
Real talk we need a Queen thread.
I'm not sure if you didn't get the reference or are just messing with me. I'm assuming the latter.

Well it's fat in the picture...
I get the reference I both of queen's greatest hits CD's and all the songs are downloaded to my xbox. Including Fat Bottomed Girls.

compared to the rest of her frame, Jack-O got a fat ass.
Ok you got a point there
It'll probably get one extra character with the console release and a couple of DLC characters. That's how ASW rolls.
ASW with their scumbag tactics.

I wanna say the next two DLC characters are Order Sol and Bridget, both are (overly)priced at 8USD, respectively.

And yeah but 2 extra seems weak since the base game came with 2 DLC characters, 3 if you count sin.
I remember an interview way back with Daisuke about how Dizzy wasn't in the game because there was no way to work her into the story, which makes no sense since she is in the story.
I find this pretty ridiculous generally. With fighting games it is/should be "we'll include the characters we want and make a story work around them", not the other way around.

Can't say the Guilty Gear story ever seemed to be high priority for the dev team, either. Kliff and Justice were long dead in XX and it didn't stop them from being playable, with a small throwaway "a long long time ago" story path to justify it. With the rest of the characters, a solid few felt like they were included for the hell of it, without taking themselves seriously and in a way that nothing of value would be lost if they weren't included.
don't act like they aren't just saving Dizzy for DLC and making bank on her
because that's exactly what they're doing
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well it's not like they don't have older IPs they could use
none at all
I wonder how they'l approach it. Iirc, GG and BB are part of the same universe, but are in different times. Perhaps it'll be a game connecting the histories of the two franchises, except with new characters and references to characters from their other series.
I'm pretty sure that was just a rumor and wasn't confirmed by anyone at ASW.
Yeah, BB and GG aren't part of the same universe

It seems to be one of the main non-gameplay reasons why they've been so dismissive on crossing them over
I think only Daisuke didn't approve of the cross over. Mori seemed to like the idea.
Also now you would have to entirely create new assets for one side of the cast.
Well I think a game that links the two series together would be cool; maybe in a Nier/Drakenguard sort of way. Especially considering that the cast from the GG and BB wouldn't need to be recreated. A simple story reference to a character or events would be enough imo. I mean if the series were separated by millennia and/or major decisions and the new game is set between then or in some alternate timeline, would you really need to remake old characters? Worst-case-scenario a few time traveling or immortal characters may make a cameo, but it wouldnt be necessary.
Yeah, BB and GG aren't part of the same universe

It seems to be one of the main non-gameplay reasons why they've been so dismissive on crossing them over

Not to mention both games state the year they are happening in and those clearly conflict each other.
Hoping for Jam personally. She was rumored along with Johnny, and he got in, so it can happen
I just Order Sol back.

Dammit Arcsys gimme back my main trinity of Axl, Potemkin, and HOS.
Is....Is Chipp just still in his ninja getup for casual clothes? Cause I'd be down with that. I think its a nice touch that they put Venom in the suit he's in pre match, though tbh, I always considered Slayer's outfit more "casual" since...well...he always seemed like he was just out on a stroll, even in the middle of a fight.
has Arc said anything about a release date for the PC version of Xrd?
They only acknowledged that they know people want it.
They only acknowledged that they know people want it.
wow I cant read to save my life, my happiness has gone away bye , thanks asw
they probably just really don't care about porting to PC.
like, they said they might add some stuff, but from what I can tell, they REALLY don't care.
yeah whoa man. they'll just have ported Arena 1 by then.

don't rush them.
Next thing you know they'll just be reporting games already available on steam just to say they tried.
I really don't expect them to stop screwing over PC before they stop screwing over EU console market with 1-2 year late releases.

ARC never was very smart with the whole business side of things.

Just look at them releasing new BlazBlue trailer week after CP Extend came out in US.
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I would honestly respect them more if they came out and said "fuck PC ports and the EU market."
Actions speak louder than words.
I like the games, but it is hard to justify what they are doing with annual releases and giving pc users the cold shoulder for current versions of the game.
Actions speak louder than words.

I thought the pen was mightier than the sword.
Wait, that is their official Twitter?
Their posts read like they are written by someone who just discovered memes, not like a professional games company. They're trying way too hard.
I always thought it was just a fan who posted news, or something to that effect.
Wait, that is their official Twitter?
Their posts read like they are written by someone who just discovered memes, not like a professional games company. They're trying way too hard.
they sound to me like they're a fan of Classic Game Room.
and I think the joke is pretty funny TBH.
It claims to be the official twitter account of the “creators of the Guilty Gear & BlazBlue franchises.”

Thought I’d seen reps parrot the “Atari 5200 version first” joke around other places, but I guess it could of easily been just the same person even if they do turn out to represent Arc in some capacity.