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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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No one should have their thread's equivalent to DDB.
EVERYONE has one.

Your Eliza's is called Balder.
Beowulf's is Denizen.
Annie's is me.
Scythana is Zidiane.
Umbrella is Inferno.
Getting back on topic.

Eliza does look really neat to play, I really do wonder how her supers will play out. I do want to learn her, though, but I wonder if she'll make as big as an impact on the SG meta as Big Band did. BB brought in a whole new array of stuff to play with, be it super good assists, his insane damage output, etc. So I'm curious how Eliza will do.

Still excited for her, though. And then Beowulf.
Getting back on topic.

Eliza does look really neat to play, I really do wonder how her supers will play out. I do want to learn her, though, but I wonder if she'll make as big as an impact on the SG meta as Big Band did. BB brought in a whole new array of stuff to play with, be it super good assists, his insane damage output, etc. So I'm curious how Eliza will do.

Still excited for her, though. And then Beowulf.

I'm sure she'll do fine. I'm just wondering if they kept her blood mechanic in or if it was too difficult to work with. I personally thought that having to be hit for it to work was silly so moves that made blood would make sense.

Mod Edit: Deleted Waifu Wars
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Tomorrow night can't come fast enough, hopefully there will be news of Eliza's progress towards the beta.

I'll take a page from Nuuance's book and just avoid this thread until Eliza hits the beta. It's getting redundant to the point of frustration. Eliza and Beowulf won, they're both going to be great. Scythana is an under-appreciated gem but she lost the vote; I think that it's great that people want to voice their admiration for their preferred IGG characters but we have individual threads for that kind of stuff. Nothing is gained by taking a piss on the characters that did make the cut in their own thread.
I'll stick here.
Actually no one will be in here. This thread will likely be locked, and as I said before, this forum will be upgraded to a proper Gameplay forum once she hits beta and y'all are getting kicked out into Lore. Gameplay forums are for actual gameplay discussion, not a character's favorite ice-cream. Fair warning!

I also deleted almost a full page of posts just now because Waifu Wars posts depress me.
I honestly can't believe some people are still salty about that.

You can see above that Eliza fans are literally unsubscribing from this thread because the discussion has become so pointless. Most of the content of this thread is now so annoying that it is not worth people clicking the notification for it.
How many times can I delete dozens of sequential posts and tell you to stop going completely off topic before it sinks in?
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Close it or start issuing warnings, mods never lack itchy trigger fingers if there are threads about gameplay that slightly derail. But since this is a thread with people talking about Eliza calling her silly things like "ojou-sama" and complaining about how her hitstun animations aren't serious enough in SKULLGIRLS, or how her having more than one personality trait is inconsistent, we have to be careful not to upset or step on peoples toes.

On topic - Eliza has hair.
Close it or start issuing warnings, mods never lack itchy trigger fingers if there are threads about gameplay that slightly derail.
Which is precisely what is going to happen when there's actual gameplay to discuss. For the moment, there's nothing but vague, unfinished twitch footage to go on. The moment she's in Beta this place will be treated as harshly as any other gameplay forum. I'll likely stop modding in here entirely and let the Gameplay mods properly handle it.

On topic - Eliza has hair.
She doesn't actually :P
I feel as though those people will be drowned out by the gameplay side, also j.hp looks like a really good crossup
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I feel as though those people will be drowned out by the gameplay side, also j.hp looks like a really good crossup
It's like someone rotated Parasol's jHP clockwise 90 degrees. I'm scared.
EDIT: I feel, though, that because the blood is a part of her, the hurtboxes on it could be extended to the hands, unlike Parasol's disjointed ones. Not as scared as previously was.
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I feel as though those people will be drowned out by the gameplay side, also j.hp looks like a really good crossup

j.hp looks like it breaks armor so i'm actually going to have an answer for my painwheel/peacock match up with her and stop relying on val so my parasoul can take rest
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It's like someone rotated Parasol's jHP clockwise 90 degrees. I'm scared.
EDIT: I feel, though, that because the blood is a part of her, the hurtboxes on it could be extended to the hands, unlike Parasol's disjointed ones. Not as scared as previously was.

It reminds me more of Val's in the way it looks. Plus she can air dash so who knows? It might be able to crossup.
I am horribly confused by her C.HP/Launcher
It looks like it has such an awkward hitbox, the only way I can really see it working is that the first hit pulls people in (Which...actually could be useful for combos since it looks like it has a decent reach.) and then throws them in the air.

...so I guess I answered my own question but it's still awkward for me.
There's also the fact that it is (probably) not be properly timed when it was previewed at Salty, which would add to how it would look awkward to use. If it's been sped up, it would look less awkward.

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I liked this thread when I was under the impression that it was for posting Eliza animation pictures for people who don't religiously follow the L0 streams
That is a out of my grasp, I'm afraid. Sadly some of the latest streams are not in the channel's past broadcasts archive.

How many times can I delete dozens of sequential posts and tell you to stop going completely off topic before it sinks in?
If you'll pardon my candidness, for as many times as you are willing to do so if there is no weight behind your words.
Anyway, all the topic could use is a little Spring cleaning and it would be prim and proper in a jiffy.

I am horribly confused by her C.HP/Launcher
I'd wager s.MP will serve as a more "orthodox launcher" though likely one that won't send the opponent as high. Let's hope today's Salty! can answer these questions.

Back to the matter of stream archives, I took the liberty to glance through the very first ones (something I haven't done) and, lo and behold, a few gems that have eluded us.


Étienne's adage again proves true. "On n'est jamais servi si bien que par soi-même.":PUN:
I'd wager s.MP will serve as a more "orthodox launcher" though likely one that won't send the opponent as high. Let's hope today's Salty! can answer these questions.
Hmm, I can see it but it looks more like an anti-air to me.
For some reason this thread doesn't want me to unwatch it or something....


She still DOES transform into sekhmet right....?

And also to implement blood mechanics, I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard right. Moreso just working on the blood/sand drops & then just mental work on balancing. So hopefully it's not out the question. I'm also curious if her transformation will have any positive (or negative...?) passive properties. That low-profile hitbox is something I'm looking forward to though
For some reason this thread doesn't want me to unwatch it or something....


She still DOES transform into sekhmet right....?

And also to implement blood mechanics, I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard right. Moreso just working on the blood/sand drops & then just mental work on balancing. So hopefully it's not out the question. I'm also curious if her transformation will have any positive (or negative...?) passive properties. That low-profile hitbox is something I'm looking forward to though

Well nothing has been confirmed or de-confirmed officially about whether Eliza transforms between her normal self and Sekhmet in some way, it's mostly speculation at this point but there's been a lot of hints that it is something that happens. As for the blood mechanics we also haven't seen anything about it since the prototype shown off long before the Indie Go Go campaign was finished and it wasn't in the game during the first Salty debut of Eliza either, so again we know next to nothing about that either.

If Sekhmet is a mode you can initiate as Eliza then it looks like Sekhmet's hitbox will work kinda like Filia and other characters where high normals won't connect while crouching or possibly even while standing (in Sekhmet's case) which would be pretty crazy. o.o
You mean Sekhmet being another character with her own normals, specials and supers? Nah, I think it will be for some attacks and that's all, the budget for Eliza it was for one character.
to be fair parry wasnt in early BB build which was a move that was given to him early on during IGG, so we might not see blood mechanic for a while
You mean Sekhmet being another character with her own normals, specials and supers? Nah, I think it will be for some attacks and that's all, the budget for Eliza it was for one character.

Well we don't mean it precisely like that, it's more like, a semi-transformation as in something like A.B.A's blood pack transformation, granted with A.B.A it isn't really much of a transformation other than the head on the top of the key turning into a goat's skull with firey eyes, but the principle is mainly what we're talking about.
Well we don't mean it precisely like that, it's more like, a semi-transformation as in something like A.B.A's blood pack transformation, granted with A.B.A it isn't really much of a transformation other than the head on the top of the key turning into a goat's skull with firey eyes, but the principle is mainly what we're talking about.
*Pokes head in*
Discoshark brought up the example of Valkenhayn's wolf transformations. Sekhmet might work like that but with other limitations like managing Eliza's body and staff or what have you.
*Awkwardly bangs head on door on the way out*
*Pokes head in*
Discoshark brought up the example of Valkenhayn's wolf transformations. Sekhmet might work like that but with other limitations like managing Eliza's body and staff or what have you.
*Awkwardly bangs head on door on the way out*

Ah, right, yeah if it works like that it sounds much more plausible, I had almost forgotten about that example being brought up earlier. Thanks for the reminder, especially when it's a pretty good one and is the most likely scenario for any kind of transformation style gameplay from Sekhmet.
Well I ask because each character has their own gimmick or special theme (squigs;charges, painwheel;flying, BigBand;Parries, etc). And Eliza aside from being Egyptian & having special moves exposing sekhmet a tiny bit doesn't have any. Special moves & such aside...so there has to be something to fill that in and I'm guessing it's sekhmet as a transformation. There was something said by persona a while ago that basically it was 2 characters didn't they? I know SOMEONE said it and this was after she'd started being worked on. It was on twitter I think. Either persona or someone else official
Well I ask because each character has their own gimmick or special theme (squigs;charges, painwheel;flying, BigBand;Parries, etc). And Eliza aside from being Egyptian & having special moves exposing sekhmet a tiny bit doesn't have any. Special moves & such aside...so there has to be something to fill that in and I'm guessing it's sekhmet as a transformation. There was something said by persona a while ago that basically it was 2 characters didn't they? I know SOMEONE said it and this was after she'd started being worked on. It was on twitter I think. Either persona or someone else official
it was Kinuko, also you make it sound like blood manipulation was deconfirmed. . .
Actually, DOES she still have the blood puddles? We haven't seen a lick of it since the mechanic demo Mike did during the character vote.
Actually, DOES she still have the blood puddles? We haven't seen a lick of it since the mechanic demo Mike did during the character vote.
BB didnt have a parry until late development, Eliza might be the same way
Just a thought... But what if when you get hit as Eliza you bleed then you transform into Sekhmet which allows you to manipulate the blood. That would explain why neither have been shown yet cause there one gimmick, I'm hoping it's something like that.
She has those summons with her henchman, doesn't she? Shouldn't that count as a gimmick?
....are you serious. No. Parasol already has summons like that, and summons as Eliza's gimmick is effing lame no offense
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