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Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

I just really want Fi and Groose. thats all I care about.
That sounds pretty similar to how One Piece worked with MC only story with unlockables for other missions.

As for the characters, I'm totally down for that.
ESPECIALLY with Pit/Samus/Takamaru.
Again, just a rumor.
Could be real, could be not.

And even if it is true, there's always the sequel.
You really don't think they'd make just ONE Hyrule Warriors, do ya?
I dunno if I like the Samus mention. It's a neat idea, but they probably wouldn't include her without nerfing her a bunch.

I mean, just imagine how cool it would be if they gave her all of her abilities. With a horde of targets, she could play "Grapple Beam Rodeo," "Musical Ice Beams," "Morph Ball Bowling," "Speed Booster Tag," and go on a Space Jump sightseeing tour whenever she wanted. Expecting less than God Mode with Samus would be no fun at all.

I'd also hope they wouldn't stick her in some lame redesigned outfit where her butt was sticking out. I see enough Samus Butt on DA. No more Samus Butt, please!
Well, someone on Smashboards pointed out that it WOULD make sense for those three, why?
Because Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus, and Murasame no Nazo all launched (Their first installments, at least) in the same year.
So that does give some credibility and believability to this "Guest star" rumor
Just a minor tidbit of info regarding this

Turns out Koei is publishing it in japan, not nintendo. It's being listed as "third party software" as opposed to a true blooded nintendo product

what this means, you might be asking, is that nintendo is allowing for third party companies to actually handle their IPs for a change. Or this one, at the very least.
Considering most of the Pre-DS handheld Zelda games were done by Capcom, and the whole CDi thing, it's not too much of a new thing. Still cool though. Hopefully this means that maybe PlatinumGames can do that Shiek or StarFox game they want to do.
Considering most of the Pre-DS handheld Zelda games were done by Capcom, and the whole CDi thing, it's not too much of a new thing. Still cool though. Hopefully this means that maybe PlatinumGames can do that Shiek or StarFox game they want to do.
The oracles were created by capcom, published by nintendo.
The minish cap and link's awakening weren't.
So I guess they made half of them on a technicality.
But the important thing is that they aren't publishing this, which means they have little to do with it honestly. Creative freedoms and such.
They are publishing it here, but I think that's just because people in Japan know Toei's name a lot more than here, so by putting the ol' Nintendo Seal of Quality on the front cover will help sales somewhat.
No Nintendo quality control? Operation racoon city all over again
Considering most of the Pre-DS handheld Zelda games were done by Capcom, and the whole CDi thing, it's not too much of a new thing. Still cool though. Hopefully this means that maybe PlatinumGames can do that Shiek or StarFox game they want to do.
Wait hold the phone what?
Legend of Zelda Character Action Game?
That'd fucking sell hotcakes
Yeah, I've wanted to see an Impa game for a while. After OoT, I was convinced that she'd been holding out on folks. Even as an old woman, she could probably still block magic bolts with her abs.

But I guess she just never wanted to hog too much of the action. With great glutes comes great responsibility.
Right, let's not get off topic though.

Still looking forward to it,
The fact this is Third Party now is semi-encouraging.
Maybe they'll finally let Retro try making a Zelda game?
No Nintendo quality control? Operation racoon city all over again
its WAAAAAAAY too early to assume that. let's be optimistic.
i'mma guess, like, winterish
i imagine we might get another trailer at the E3 times
New info, added to Master Post

- Premium box will be available for at least 10,000 yen (exact amount unknown)
- Retail release is at least 7,000 yen (exact amount unknown)
- Digital release is at least 6,000 yen (exact amount unknown)
- Producers: Hisashi Koinuma, Yosuke Hayashi
- Supervisor: Eiji Aonuma
- Developers: ω-Force / Team NINJA
- Link sets off to rescue Princess Zelda
- Zelda has been kidnapped by the evil witch Shia
- Link, Impa, Shia introduced in the magazine
- Some of Shia’s minions shown as well
- Shia might be under control of a force of dark magic (not clear)
- Locations include Hyrule Field
- Will have unexpected playable characters
- Release Date August 14 in Japan
not that orca :/
Worst case was Wind Waker, where Tetra became helpless AS SOON AS she became Zelda.
If anything, we'll get Zelda, Princess Zelda, Commoner Zelda, Zelda ~7 Years Ago~ and Unlimited Zelda, each with totally different movesets, models, endings and voice clips.
MORE INFO (some the same)

-August 14th
-Retail - 7,980 yen, eShop - 6,980, Premium Box Set - 11,664
-Premium set comes with a Triforce shaped clock, and serial codes for 6 special costumes.
-Will also be a 'Treasure Box' version available on Amazon and Tecmo Koei's online store 'GAMECITY', but no details yet on what it includes.
-Developed by ωForce, Team NINJA, supervised by Aonuma.
-Story is Link an in-training soldier must rescue the Princess Zelda from the witch Shia who has been turned evil somehow.
-2 player mode where one person is on the GamePad, while another is on the TV. When playing alone the GamePad acts as a menu.
-Equipping different weapons onto characters will change the way they fight, including speed focused one-handed swords to heavier weapons that focus on damage.
-Weapon upgrade system and character growth/improvement
-Musou action combined with the Zelda series' Z-targeting means you can avoid attacks and focus on enemy weak spots.
-Zelda series' spin attack appears instead of the Musou Ranbu (?) of the musou franchise.
-Bombs make an appearance, won't just be used for throwing at enemies.
-Impa, a captain of the Royal Army, appears as a playable character wielding a giant long sword.
-Several other characters are playable too. Aonuma was surprised by how many.

-Playable at E3.
-Development is 70% complete.
I wonder what the 6 special costumes are

Most likely DLC

Unlocking costumes is the best part of Musou games. You get some awesome ones. I'm pretty much expecting Link to get a Samurai one a la Luffy in Pirate Warriors to harken back to the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors series

And maybe cause it's the same people who made Pokemon Conquest, we can get some crossover costumes for Zelda, like giving her an Oichi or FeMC costume

Naw, Masamune Link. Fangirls will die. Heck, I might get a broner.


Edit: Also fitting cause Samurai Warriors 4 just got announced for the west. Gonna use that to quench my Genocide Simulator thirst until HW comes out.
but currently Link isn't even Nobuyuki Hiyama
the joke would only work if this was N64 Link

plus imagine Link with
But then you get into the Metal Gear Solid issues.

This game is made by a Japanese studio

Japanese girls make up a fair share of the market.

In Japan, "manliness" isn't attractive. That's why Raiden was put in MGS2, to appeal to the girls who prefer softer features and more feminine males. I mean, look at Link in the scan! Those are some soft, kissable lips he's got. I'm totally straight but damn if he was coming on to me I'd be like skyward sword me big boi

no homo