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Hyrule Warriors [Name Now Final] - A Collaboration Between Nintendo and Tecmo Koei for Wii U

so um...OoT costumes exclusive to Gamestop...

Twilight Princess exclusive to Amazon pre-orders. Skyward Sword unsure so far.

At least you can get the Ganondorf costumes if you just register the game on Club Nintendo. It has to be before a certain date though :l
so um...OoT costumes exclusive to Gamestop...

Goddamnit. It had to be the costumes I'm least interested in. And I already pre-ordered.

Or is this just you guessing?
"Of course, all of these costumes will almost certainly be made available as paid DLC at some point down the line."
They all won't be out together on launch day, but they'll be exclusive for a while. See almost every single other DLC ever.
Just as well about if the costumes go on sell, if they were separate I would only want SS Zelda anyway.
Well they did say almost, they don't know. No official word has been given. Hopefully they're right and it's just a timed exclusive but you know how things go sometimes.
You know, I don't wanna be that guy, if you like something that's fine, everyone's different, etc.
Why do people like SS Zelda so much? I cannot stand her, but everyone seems to only be interested in Zelda's SS design.
Someone explain this to me.
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I think it's cause a) She's cute as a button and b) She actually has a larger part of the story and Link's backstory.

And then there's the spoiler of
Her being the reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia, which is pretty fucking cool

Honestly, I think it does just come down to design. She's not a Princess, she's a girl, a friend.

A girl friend.

A waifu.
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Tetra is best Zelda though.

That is an irrefutable fact.
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For me, it's not so much SS Zelda's character so much as it is that the design in itself is my absolute favorite in the series. I still think all the other Zeldas are neat, and they already did this with Tetra, but her design is great as a non-royalty Zelda (which isn't to say the Princess Zeldas aren't cool, but I like SS Zelda's look best.) I was pretty disappointed when they kept to the TP designs for Smash 4, especially with all the SS repping already there.
Skyward Sword Zelda makes me siiiiick.
Twilight Princess Zelda is the best, she sits behind you on Epona while nailing Ganondorf with arrows.
But nooooo, everybody loves the cute and defenseless waifu, fuckin' neeeeeerds.
I think it's cause a) She's cute as a button and b) She actually has a larger part of the story and Link's backstory.

And then there's the spoiler of
Her being the reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia, which is pretty fucking cool

Honestly, I think it does just come down to design. She's not a Princess, she's a girl, a friend.

A girl friend.

A waifu.

To Link maybe.
In terms of straight up writing she's the most "just a prize" Zelda since Zelda 1, maybe moreso.
She doesn't do anything, she flirts with Link in the beginning to establish herself as the main motivation for the quest and then goes from temple to temple being ordered around by Impa, she never decides anything for herself, she never takes action in the plot, the most that she FUCKING DOES IS TELL OFF GROOSE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME AND I-

Have I ever mentioned that I don't like Skyward Sword?
Because I really don't.
Speaking of, Just checked and the SS costumes are indeed with Best Buy. A shame too, considering my opinion on Best Buy:
Skyward Sword Zelda makes me siiiiick.
Twilight Princess Zelda is the best, she sits behind you on Epona while nailing Ganondorf with arrows.
But nooooo, everybody loves the cute and defenseless waifu, fuckin' neeeeeerds.

but in all seriousness though, I like SS Zelda because she was something DIFFERENT from other Zeldas.

nearly every Zelda has always been some woman Link hasn't met yet, but in SS she was some one you grew up with, someone who was your friend from the start, and gave you more reason to be the one to go out and save her, because she most likely would have done it for you.

we've had the battleborn zeldas but they got bland.

I mean, even Tetra eventually turned into a Zelda design and did fuck all once she did. more SS Zelda.
FTR, I don't really have a favorite Zelda as far as characterization (I guess WW Zelda/Tetra would be closest to that), I just think SS Zelda has the best wardrobe.
I mean, even Tetra eventually turned into a Zelda design and did fuck all once she did. more SS Zelda.

'S better than doing fuck all for an entire fucking game.
If Nintendo wanted to have a Zelda be a personal friend of Link, or to be less regal and battle hardened, then they should integrate the character into the game more, not less.
Have Link and Zelda cooperate throughout the game, hell make it like Four Swords but where Link is stronger, Zelda is more technical. At the very least have Link and Zelda talk to affect Link's motivation instead of the motivation just being "shit I gotta get her back".
Just do something with the concept. Anything that's not what Skyward Sword did.
"Wink wink, hey you totally have a shot with this desu kawaii-ness, but first I'm gonna get stolen and serve as your only motivation for half the game, and in no way interact with you except to still imply that I like you, further motivating your otherwise mostly baseless actions, okay l8tr."
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You know what I fucking want? I want a game where you play as Link, and Zelda tags along.
Something like Resident Evil 5 where Zelda is just as capable as Link as a swordsman and is necessary to progress through the game. Something like that would not only improve Zelda as character but also make way for new and creative gameplay elements. Imagine solving a puzzle meant for two people, imagine fighting a boss with an ally.

The Legend of Link & Zelda

Well you got this game and you have 2-player co-op so uh
FTR, I don't really have a favorite Zelda as far as characterization (I guess WW Zelda/Tetra would be closest to that), I just think SS Zelda has the best wardrobe.
that too, SS Zelda's design is also good.
Well you got this game and you have 2-player co-op so uh
No, I want The Legend of Resident Evil 5, where playing with Zelda as your partner is neccessary.
Actually I shouldn't even be talking about my amazing idea here, there's a better place for this.
I'd be okay with resident zelda 5 so long as Zelda's AI wasn't as stupid as Sheva's and Mike's.
Skyward Sword Zelda makes me siiiiick.
Twilight Princess Zelda is the best, she sits behind you on Epona while nailing Ganondorf with arrows.
But nooooo, everybody loves the cute and defenseless waifu, fuckin' neeeeeerds.
No, I want The Legend of Resident Evil 5, where playing with Zelda as your partner is neccessary.

Have fun when her mindless ai ass starts wasting all your consumable items when you were wanting her to save them for later.
I'd rather have a Booker/Elizabeth thing going on to be honest. She helps ya' out, tosses you a few arrows, doesn't have a health bar nor does she use up items. Boom bam bippity bop.
I'd rather have a Booker/Elizabeth thing going on to be honest. She helps ya' out, tosses you a few arrows, doesn't have a health bar nor does she use up items. Boom bam bippity bop.
Spirit Tracks.
Have fun when her mindless ai ass starts wasting all your consumable items when you were wanting her to save them for later.
Am I the only one who liked Resident Evil 5 and had no problems with Sheva?
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Well you got this game and you have 2-player co-op so uh

That is true.
And I do like this Zelda.

Spirit Tracks.

Spirit Tracks was cool.
I did like Spirit Tracks Zelda, I kinda wish there was more like that but with Zelda not being a giant suit of armor.
I mean, Spirit Tracks handled it great, even kinda acknowledging the fact that she was a spoiled 10 year old, but I don't think I need to have more than one game where Zelda possesses these giant armor things.
HW Zelda seems to be a mix of SS and classic Zelda in design. a good mix.

and yeah, I'd be more opt to have Zelda take part in the adventure. but at the same time I don't want it to mean Link has to be the damsel.

I would love it where there was a dual story where Link had to defend hyrule but Zelda was in an alternate world and they both get their own amazing story.
Skyward Sword Zelda makes me siiiiick.
Twilight Princess Zelda is the best, she sits behind you on Epona while nailing Ganondorf with arrows.
But nooooo, everybody loves the cute and defenseless waifu, fuckin' neeeeeerds.
Have I ever mentioned that I don't like Skyward Sword?
Because I really don't.
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What if I said I didn't like Twilight Princess eh?

And that I preferred Skyward Sword?

(Granted Wind Waker is best 3D Zelda by far)
What if I said I didn't like Twilight Princess eh?

And that I preferred Skyward Sword?

(Granted Wind Waker is best 3D Zelda by far)

I mean, that's fair enough, it's your own opinion.
I would prefer that you explain your reasoning instead of using your disliking of something as some kinda weapon against us, but whatever.
What if I said I didn't like Twilight Princess eh?

And that I preferred Skyward Sword?

(Granted Wind Waker is best 3D Zelda by far)
Then that would be your opinion, and I would respect it as long as you respect ours.
My reason for not liking Twilight Princess.

I played the Wii version.