A rotating camera is a terrible idea for this game, because it involves drawing a shitload of new sprites by
several orders of magnitude.
Doom had 8-way sprite rotation. That means that sprites still looked pretty flat because they only changed every 45 degrees, and if Indivisible had a similar amount of rotation it would involve
5 times the artwork for literally every playable character in the game (
front, 45 degrees front, side, 45 degrees back, back) unless you want the sprites to
stay forever static. And that's for an effect that's dated back to 1992! Final Fantasy Tactics is locked to an isometric angle, and while it has occasional orthogonal sprites none of them are properly animated and thus a true Smash-style camera mode would be impossible. As such, you can only see characters fight from 4 possible vantage points, and even that requires-- you guessed it-- 2 times the artwork minimum (front and back).
A Smash Bros-style pause and go anywhere camera mode is possibly the worst idea I have heard for this game yet.