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- Grangach
- slorchbeast

Well that makes me feel even more worried than before ;_;
I know, but since I was replying's never too late to improve! :^)
"Are there any systems you have in mind to keep combat varied and strategic?"I can't wait for the prototype to drop. I'm feeling kinda mixed on the game right now cause on the one hand I love platformers, but on the other I've played very few RPGs where the combat is anything more than a chore. 9 times out of 10 I would take an action game like a megaman or a vanillaware game over an RPG. RPG combat is just so repetitive and it never feels like it's based on skill, you just grind up, find the path of least resistance, take turns hitting each other until one party is dead, and rinse and repeat. I'm like halfway through persona 3 right now, and it's just a fantastic game marred by not very strategic combat. I don't know, @Mike_Z are there any systems you have in mind to keep combat varied and strategic? I really don't want to play another dice rolling simulator.
Mike looked up from his monitor, a single bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He knew he'd forgotten... something.Grangach said:
Wait, you can just walk into the Studio?
Yeah, you ended up coming on like the two days I was out. Sorry.... :^P
You can ask and visit, sure! We're not the Pentagon.
2 days. :^P I might only get to "varied" or "strategic".
Hey, I enjoyed reading that little review you wrote on NeoGaf. Had any other thoughts about the game since then? Of course, this thread is going to get flooded with everyone's experiences soon, but it's still cool to hear early opinions of it from people outside the dev team.
Hmmm! I don't want to get spoiled either...but here's a quick "yes" or "no" question. Don't answer with any details pls.
Hmmm! I don't want to get spoiled either...but here's a quick "yes" or "no" question. Don't answer with any details pls.
From your time at the studio, did you see anything that made you immensely excited for the game, that will NOT be featured in the prototype, and might not even be mentioned during the IGG campaign? No details! Just curious!
Mike looked up from his monitor, a single bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He knew he'd forgotten... something.
My God, he thought. The gameplay. I forgot the gameplay. Furrowing his brow, he began typing furiously. He had 6 days in which to create varied and strategic gameplay.
If only I'd considered this sooner, he lamented. Another bead of sweat began to form.
Mike looked up from his monitor, a single bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He knew he'd forgotten... something.
My God, he thought. The gameplay. I forgot the gameplay. Furrowing his brow, he began typing furiously. He had 6 days in which to create varied and strategic gameplay.
If only I'd considered this sooner, he lamented. Another bead of sweat began to form.
Persona 3s combat is incredibly shallow. The persona creation system is awesome, but the actual combat is very flow chart. Identify weaknesses -> use appropriate spell -> all out attack -> repeat. I've never played valkyrie profile. I was a nintendo boy and I definitely didn't have an interest in JRPGs when the playstation was around anyway. My first non handheld console was the wii, to put it in perspective.
Yeah....I'm not done with P3 yet, but preventing your weakness from being target is very important....when you get a chance to. I remember going to a new flow or tartarus, getting into a fight, and immediately getting one-shot on my enemies turn because an enemy I'd never seen before (and didn't look like it would hurt me much) just so happened to have expertise in my weakness -_-It's been a while since I've actually played P3, but I'm pretty sure there are instances where its not beneficial to do an All out attack. There also the fact that there are late game enemies that don't have weakness, the importance of using buffs/debuffs correctly, guarding or switching personas when your own weakness are targeted, etc. There are definitely bosses that'll kick your shit in if you haven't mastered all of the nuance of the game.
Reading a bunch of BS ending in a question that doesn't really apply because it's based on the BS is not fun for me, nor do I imagine it's fun for anyone else. :^P
You missed the point again - you came at it with what sounded like a fairly arrogant post filled with assumptions. Nobody wants to "discuss" that kind of thing...
Perhaps phrase it in a way that can be unambiguously interpreted NOT to mean "Indivisible is all this shit I don't like, how are you going to make it interesting?"
If I play a round of SG with you and we never trade hits, was that turn-based according to you? I went, I went, you went, I went, you went.
Decision-making without human opponents is always flatter than with them. Pokemon has a fairly complex system with weaknesses and counters and status effects, but the AI uses it poorly.
I'd like very much to explain to you the difference between someone who gets this out of a game and the people who need to be told things like "press left or right to switch your target" in RPGs.Some of them are a bit unsubtle, like "make a sharp turn to misdirect all the homing bullets", but others are intensely nuanced like "focus your eyes on point a while watching point b with your peripheral vision". I like it best when the solution to the "puzzle" is simple and intuitive enough that you only have yourself to blame when you don't figure it out (even if you're seeing it for the first time).
Valkyrie Profile*
I'm even more excited about the game after reading this.Decision-making without human opponents is always flatter than with them. Pokemon has a fairly complex system with weaknesses and counters and status effects, but the AI uses it poorly.
So the only thing I can say to this is that I LIKE boss design where it's a puzzle, you need to figure out how to not be on the ground when they cast Earthquake or whatever, rather than bosses you can just tank and not care. There are some things planned for how defense works (past what is in the prototype) that will make both timing and attack choices matter a decent amount more than you'd think.
OH SHIT IT'SAutumn wants to do it and we'd like to do it some day, but I have no idea if or when it will ever actually happen. We were starting to talk about it, but Autumn couldn't get the money together before we signed Indivisible with 505.
There's another thing brewing that I can't talk about yet that will have a big impact on whether SG2 happens or not, as well.
True story, my BFF Coolcab got super excited about this game cause he heard it was inspired by Valkyrie Chronicles, then I explained it's actually inspired by Valkyrie Profile and he was like "what the fuck is that"
Is this all you're here for? :^P
Team techs in Chrono Trigger, ordering things like using a fire spell after someone else casts elemental weakness instead of before...there are reasons to wait, even if none are specifically built in to the system. Come on, now you're just being contrarian.