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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

What's the difference between a feature and a tweak?

Well that's something you should ask the devs of Goat Simulator. SICK BURN FOR THEM I TELL YA

In all seriousness, I guess a feature could be something like "characters can attack up to four times" or a total new element to the game. A tweak could be something like the option you added for the attack button for muscle memory.
But it's cool if you don't add more stuff to the proto as of now, better get back to it when you know you guys can make the game if you ask me.
Will this game have puns and if yes will they be written by you, Mike?
I had so many in the tutorial text and then they got removed. All that got left was "We love you, too. <3"
The axe was called "Z's Chopper", for example. I was so proud of that one.

So in short, yes to both.

In all seriousness, I guess a feature could be something like "characters can attack up to four times" or a total new element to the game. A tweak could be something like the option you added for the attack button for muscle memory.
Oh, see, I would call that option a feature. I would call fixing people getting stuck on ledges, or the pixel-perfect pacifist thing that I'm going to fix, a tweak.
I guess to me, if it is a change that someone only medium-familiar with the game wouldn't notice, it's a tweak*. If it gives a new option or is a major change so something now functions differently, it's a feature.
In which case, there will probably be new features.

* Like for example, 99% of things done to fighting games are "tweaks", whereas W-Ultra is a "feature".
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Isn't a feature something extra that can add up to the actual game? or something new that is not used/rarely used in other games?

Like, for example, TWEWY had the feature of letting the player change difficulty at any given time of the game except during battle, making fights way easier if the player just wanted to finish the game asap, or harder if the player wanted to collect rare pins and stuff.

A tweak feels like it's more of a small change on something, a small update.

This is just what i think.....
Ok well not like that! I researched/operated guns (dad's side of the family had a loooot of guns o.o) because I enjoyed them from a design/mechanical viewpoint. It was also like, the only thing I could kinda draw as a youngster. Also, like if I'm gonna do something I like to do the research so I can understand the why and how of it all.

ALSO DERAILING THE THREAD BACK ON TOPIC Vasco having the kinda frontier foreign explorer thing going on in this kind world gives like... a Spanish Conquistador vibe. Most European occupation wasn't too great for the rest of the world, but the Spanish were uh.... Not nice people. At all. WONDERING IF THERE ARE SIMILAR THINGS HAPPENING IN INDIVISIBLE and scary if it is.
I had so many in the tutorial text and then they got removed.
Ask all this stuff when I do a stream!
Time difference is a bitch though =/
Can somebody else ask these questions on stream, if I won't be able to? Here they are:
Not-So-Saint said:
What does process of designing playstyles for characters looks like in Indi?
Is it like SG where you look at char's appearance and equipment and think what kind of gameplay purpose they could serve?
Were all their designs created first or did it go like "we need someone to fill this role" sometime?
Also how many moves do you design for them? 3+super or do they have more expanded movelist?
14% funded in 17% of the time.

Finally got cash together and sent. I'm not a numbers guy, but has the donation rate gotten better or worse in the past few days? What does the current trajectory say?
Nothing great, but payday hasn't come and the donation rate has been mostly steady at ~15k per day. Still less than the required ~40k per day, though.

Where are all the popular YouTubers?!
Where are all the popular YouTubers?!
Is anyone sending tips to these youtubers? Everyone standing around going, "Man, why is no one telling people about this?" then proceeding to tell exactly zero people about it is not helping.

Every time you think, "Man, I wish X would cover this." go find the contact information for X and send them a tip.
Payday, for most Americans at least, hasn't come around since the launch of the campaign and there hasn't been a lot of coverage, hopefully that part will change.

Honestly I think that when we're nearing the end if we are a bit past a million that it could happen in the end like it does for a lot of others.

Is anyone sending tips to these youtubers? Everyone standing around going, "Man, why is no one telling people about this?" then proceeding to tell exactly zero people about it is not helping.

Every time you think, "Man, I wish X would cover this." go find the contact information for X and send them a tip.
There is an entire thread where people are doing that, no one is just saying "I wish".
Yeah, I should have said "Where are the popular YouTubers who have been contacted in the Help Advertise Indivisible thread and are we just asking them wrong, or is the time for YouTube as an useful vehicle for small studios over when put up against the behemoths and against the apparent current behemoth-satiating YouTube culture?"
Yeah, I should have said "Where are the popular YouTubers who have been contacted in the Help Advertise Indivisible thread and are we just asking them wrong, or is the time for YouTube as an useful vehicle for small studios over when put up against the behemoths and against the apparent current behemoth-satiating YouTube culture?"
Or, do those Youtubers require payment? Or, did those Youtubers play it and not enjoy it / turn out not to be RPG fans? Those are also valid questions.
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maybe we should list youtubers to bombard with email. If enough people request the same thing the youtuber may cover it.
so far i've messaged inside gaming, gaijin goomba, and wayforward on facebook.
Finally saw Vasco (da Gama?).

So, fictional world inspired by the age of discovery? That sounds AMAZING! A time where melee weapons, martial arts and gunpowder based weapons existed without overtaking the other's existence and without being China, gives all the incentive and buzz for traveling around the world and every single culture is exotic survived "standardization".

This will be glorious!

And Tank... Bombarding with emails is a bad idea. could make it look like spam. It's better for each one to do it in a personal and authentic way.
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I mean it would be worded whatever way by each individual person. not like one mass email that gets forwarded. Personal touch or not geting a message about the same thing is going to seem like spam anyway no matter how authentic. The main goal is just to get a number of people to show interest in the youtuber covering the game. and youtubers like numbers.
I sad on Twitter that I was gonna do an art commission stream today and give the money I earned to the campaign.

I did a stream, but didn't take commissions.

Campaign update:
Earl Gertwagen said:
Hey Indi-backers! YOU ALL ROCK! We're so appreciative of your support, you have no idea.

Please help spread the word about our campaign and share the prototype. Indivisible won't happen if we don't meet our goal!

We'd like to announce that beginning tomorrow (Monday, October 12th), we'll be hosting regular livestreams on twitch.tv/labzero Monday through Thursday each week of the campaign! Don't be surprised if there are a few rogue streams over the weekends as well, so keep a sharp eye out!
Here's the streaming schedule for this week:

Monday, October 12 (2-5 PM Pacific)
Lore and World-building with Alex Ahad (Lead Concept Designer)

Tuesday, October 13 (2-5 PM Pacific)
GAME+DEV STREAM! with Mike Z (Design Director)

See if Mike can manage a full "pacifist run" of the prototype!

Wednesday, October 14 (2-5 PM Pacific)
Animation BOOT CAMP with Mariel Cartwright (Art Director) and Jonathan Kim (Senior Animator)

Thursday, October 15 (2-5 PM Pacific)
Animation BOOT CAMP PART II !!!

Join the Indivisible dev team and hang out! Ask us questions about the game, find out what games and media inspire us, and help us spread awareness of the campaign!

We'll have more exciting updates for you tomorrow, including information about awesome contests and a new contribution tier we're sure you'll enjoy!
I'm hype! I also have too much homework to watch any of this!
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I bet the new contributor tier is going to be either $200 tier or $300 tier.

5-8pm for all us east coast USA people.
can someone record Alex's streams for me? I'm thirsty for Indivisible lore.
You can see them on the record of their page in twitch.

Still, I'll try to upload their streams on my channel, at least the most important sections.
I can dig it

My 2D Animation class lands on Thursday
I'm gonna take what I learn from Boot Camp and dazzle my teacher
I was recently made aware that Indiegogo can, as a one-off, extend a crowdfunding campaign to a total of 60 days as long as they get a request at least 3 business days before the campaign ends. Just out of curiosity, is there a catch to this?
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I was recently made aware that Indiegogo can, as a one-off, extend a crowdfunding campaign to a total of 60 days as long as they get a request at least 3 business days before the campaign ends. Just out of curiosity, is there a catch to this?
Loss in customer trust for not sticking to targets I guess?
Loss in customer trust for not sticking to targets I guess?
505 despising you for pulling such a move?

If it wasn't for that you could just make a huge ass disclaimer leading to a poll asking if the backers would like the campaign to be extended.
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505 despising you for pulling such a move?

If it wasn't for that you could just make a huge ass disclaimer leading to a poll asking if the backers would like the campaign to be extended.
505 has a quarter million sunk into this, I doubt they'd have a problem with extending the campaign if they thought it would help it succeed.
Loss in customer trust for not sticking to targets I guess?
I see what you're saying, but the people that have contributed did so because they believe in the game. I doubt they'd be bothered by a campaign extension. AND, the people that hadn't contributed and would be bothered by it, Lab Zero wouldn't have gotten their money anyway (if they let the campaign end on time). So, all we're left with is the people that hadn't donated, and wouldn't be bothered by an extension. Despite the fact that some people may feel a general sense of unease at the prospect, I think it would be the obvious choice to extend if the campaign hadn't reached its goal within the original time frame.

I'd of course like to see it funded within the original window, but the reality of an extension is that there are only benefits, because the alternative in that case would be to say the campaign didn't reach its goal, and is just over.
if they did extend the time id have enough time to make more money to give them. just sayn.
Yo, I still got 5k in savings.

If Lab Zero needs it.............. Just putting that out there.
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give what you can. until they reach goal they need it.
I mean, now that I think about it, it's also 20 more days they'll have to wait until they receive their funds if they have to resort to that.

Hope it won't have to come to that
I mean, now that I think about it, it's also 20 more days they'll have to wait until they receive their funds if they have to resort to that.

Hope it won't have to come to that
that's a non argument since the only other option is to receive no funds at all, ever
I'm not sure if they would extend it for various reasons. They didn't extend the SG IGG for even more money when offered because running an IGG is taxing/exhausting, sense of consumer trust, and who knows what else. Now this time we have another party involved and we don't know if waiting another 60 days is apart of whatever agreement they have with Lab 0. Hopefully it won't even have to come to that. Still over a month to see how it all plays out.
that's a non argument since the only other option is to receive no funds at all, ever
Well, there are two other options to consider. Let's say you're 3-4 days out from the deadline and you're JUST short of the initial goal. You basically have to make a risk-reward call between hoping a final burst will fulfill the goal, or essentially furloughing yourself for 20 days to guarantee that you'll make it.

Or, let's say you're 3-4 days out from the deadline and you BARELY reached the initial goal. Do you take what you have and get paid sooner, or do you again furlough yourself for 20 days to hit some stretch goals?

If you're depending on these campaigns for a salary, there are situations where getting paid now is really important, even though you'd get paid "eventually" if you wait. Like when you have rent/food/mortgage payments coming up. It's why government shutdowns are a SUPER big deal for federal employees even though Congress passes bills to fully pay them back salaries owed "eventually".