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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

I thought that if your campaign reached its goal, those funds would be available to you immediately.

Pretty sure that was the deal with Skullgirls.
I thought that if your campaign reached its goal, those funds would be available to you immediately.

Pretty sure that was the deal with Skullgirls.

"For Flexible Funding and Fixed Funding campaigns, contributions will be sent to your bank or PayPal account within 15 days after your campaign has ended. Once you have received your first contribution, you can view your raised funds on the Funds tab of your campaign Dashboard.

Contributions are held until the end of your campaign and then sent to your bank or PayPal account within 15 days after your campaign has ended."
I don't believe they said "immediately". I think it was just "faster than Kickstarter".
Is there a way to have a mini-pool where people chip-in to fill $10,000? A dollar = a vote for the fan-created Incarnation for the Divinity tier.

It would be like the return of the waifu wars (a term I grudgingly use because that's what most people call the battle for the competitive Keep Skullgirls Growing voting). WW2. A dollar for a character that will then be shaped to be acceptable for the Indivisible world.

For instance, the winner could be some girl with aquamarine hair, an eyepatch over her right eye, and happens to like stars. The star on her eyepatch, dress, and sword is coincidental. No stuffed-animal companion. See, totally original. Fits right in.

Anyone with ideas can keep voting with each dollar. It can't work if the pool doesn't surpass 10K (or if someone claims the entire single-slot tier), but it doesn't stop at the tier goal. There is no limit to how much you can vote. Think of all that pocket change funneled into the campaign! But how to track all that data and money and make sure it goes to Lab Zero?

Yo, I still got 5k in savings.

If Lab Zero needs it.............. Just putting that out there.
Aren't you already Archangel tier? The campaign is still going at a steady rate so I'd say save the heroic generosity for near the end if it's needed. I'd say you've already helped more than plenty, but its up to you.
Is there a way to have a mini-pool where people chip-in to fill $10,000? A dollar = a vote for the fan-created Incarnation for the Divinity tier.

It would be like the return of the waifu wars (a term I grudgingly use because that's what most people call the battle for the competitive Keep Skullgirls Growing voting). WW2. A dollar for a character that will then be shaped to be acceptable for the Indivisible world.

For instance, the winner could be some girl with aquamarine hair, an eyepatch over her right eye, and happens to like stars. The star on her eyepatch, dress, and sword is coincidental. No stuffed-animal companion. See, totally original. Fits right in.

Anyone with ideas can keep voting with each dollar. It can't work if the pool doesn't surpass 10K (or if someone claims the entire single-slot tier), but it doesn't stop at the tier goal. There is no limit to how much you can vote. Think of all that pocket change funneled into the campaign! But how to track all that data and money and make sure it goes to Lab Zero?
This is actually an ingenious idea to me. Fans can create a pool to buy the 10K tier for a certain character everyone wants in. This would be an absolute pain to organize, let alone get popular, though.
Yo, I still got 5k in savings.
If Lab Zero needs it.............. Just putting that out there.
Please don't do that. Do not let your savings reach zero over something like this.
If something happened where you TRULY needed money you wouldn't have it.

Or, let's say you're 3-4 days out from the deadline and you BARELY reached the initial goal. Do you take what you have and get paid sooner, or do you again furlough yourself for 20 days to hit some stretch goals?
That's a non-argument. If it's funded it's EVERYTHING we need, so we would not extend it at that point. We didn't do that thing where we actually need more than we said and are hoping for stretch goals to fulfill that.

IGG paid us within like 3 days after Squigly was funded, during the campaign, and their terms were basically the same before.
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I don't know why there's some opposition to the waifu wars, I think they were pretty fun and did help to fund the DLC characters. Some of my friends who didn't even play Skullgirls, contributed just to vote the characters they like. Of course their contributions weren't that big, but it's something, right?

I think it would help.
So, new 350$ tier added with a custom message from Skullgirls VAs, awesome!

Also, 750$ seems to be popular, it's all gone.
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One of the cooler things that Alex mentioned, I think, was that not all of the incarnations Ajna gains will be 'good guys', such as Dhar. Having party members who aren't happy about having to help you, are morally grey, or who are joining Ajna's cause for the destructive or selfish reasons could be very interesting. I wonder if any of the other known incarnations will be bad guys? Vasco maybe?

Also Alex motioned at the board listing the different beings in the world showing Devi and Lokans saying they can all potentially become incarnations, including 'condemned' people and hungry ghosts. A secret hungry ghost incarnation could be pretty cool, and probably cost efficient if they just reuse assets.

Also i want boomerang lizard bros
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The $750 tier is all gone? Dang I was planning to upgrade to it later. I didn't know it would be limited.
It's really scary when a kidney doesn't even get you 10% of the way there.

(Edit: holy crap that website!!!!!!! Haven't laughed like that in a while)
I got this much from listening to the first 8 and a half minutes:
Main Goal of game: "Punch Kala in the face"
-Alex Ahad, 2015
-The boss of the prototype is 2 guardian lions infected by the Vitala

  • the world is called “Loka”?(Spelling not accurate)
  • the world is part of a multiverse, one world system of many
  • Loka is divided into 4 major regions
  • Ajna is from the south region, the game's setting is built around the south region
  • the equivalent to humans are called lokans
  • its set up like an hourglass. the heavens above, humans middle, hell below
  • below the humans is the underworld where the system of reincarnation occurs
  • your past actions determines where you reincarnate: either the heavens, back in the human realm, or in the demon realm
  • 2 main types of beings, the Lokans and the Devi
  • Devi are not essential gods but more powerful beings with more Iddhi than humans
  • Iddhi is the energy used in the game
  • How much Iddhi you have is based off your training and meditation
  • the energy that permeates the world itself is called prana
  • because Kala landed in the Lokans, she affected that land the most
  • the south is where Kala first landed
  • when she landed she made a gigantic crater, which became filled with a strange milky-like liquid
  • it has been known as the basin of milk, which has become a commodity in the south
  • the milk can be processed into a powerful elixir called "soma"
  • Soma is said to give people incredible power and overwhelming feelings of joy, however it is difficult to process and can become an impure version if done wrong
  • this failed version of Soma gives some of the same stuff, but more like a side effect which also causes an addiction, basically a drug
  • the fake soma has other side effects, such as warping people's forms, and can turn them into monsters
  • Ajna will probably have to face these humans turned monsters at some point on her journey
  • the south has been taken over by a warlord, called Rovanavar(not correct spelling). He is basically a tyrannical dictator
  • Rovanavar is seemingly invincible, possible he has gotten power from Kala
  • his forces are pro-Kalla and will get rid of any who isn't, hence the reason Ajna's village got attacked
  • When Kala landed she left behind parasitic creatures called Vitala, who Rovanavar has managed to harness

  • the reason there are some steampunk elements in the designs is because the West Region has gained an accelerated sense of knowledge, sort of like a premature industrial revolution
  • for the time being its called the "Iron Kingdom"
  • it spreads towards some of the north and some of the south
  • the industrial revolution is the result of artifacts left behind by Kala when she invaded the land
  • these artifacts come from other world systems that Kala had already consumed, basically "Alien tech"
  • comparing it to real life, the north is similar to America and the Artic
  • of the worlds that Kala had consumed, some of these worlds were advanced enough that some survivors traveled to Loka. They try to warn the humans about the presence of Kala
  • on such refugee race is the Golath
  • there are some Golath extremists who believe that humans are unable to take care of themselves and attempt to assimilate(?) the humans
  • the east is equivalent to China, like the Jade empire/dynasty
  • they have a more isolationist view, and have built a wall to protect themselves from Golath extremists
  • the east also wants a foothold in the basin of milk to prevent the west from gaining too much power
  • Devi are more powerful and benevolent beings that dwell in the upper regions of Sumeru( the Heavens I think?)
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Just as complement:

based on Buddhist/southeast asian mythology
a long time ago goddess Khala descends upon earth (lady in picture) and consumes everything in her path
wants to consume cosmic mountain in the center of the world and destroy the earth
a spell seals her away
now the seal is weakening
world consists of Heaven/Human earth/Underworld/Hell
2 types of beings: humans and devi (higher beings)
buddhist rebirth cycle plays a role
human world devided into north, east, south, west
the crater where Khala descended is filled with liquid, is called "Basin of Milk" and is located in the south
"milk" can be processed into "soma", gives power and joy, but is too difficult to process correctly --> failed version of soma that causes addiction, like a drug, starts warping people's forms: turn into horrible monsters

south taken over by warlord, he is very strong, was apparently granted a "boon of khala" and destroys everyone who isn't aligned with khala
khalas landing left behind parasitic creatures (see: prototype boss, organic worms in his head), warlord uses them as part of his army
humans are fighting amongst themselves (khalas presence is responsible)
steampunk aspects: the west gained accelerated sense of knowledge: premature industrial revolution in the west (for now called: iron kingdom)
khala left things from other world systems she roamed before behind --> strange occurences due to these otherwordly objects
there are interdimensional travellers from more advanced worlds that were destroyed by Khala
east = equivalent to china, jade empire
most incarnations are Lokan (human) some are Devi (higher beings)
inarnations aren't dead like einherjar, they're alive
incarnations can be missed, exploration/discovery encouraged
west is polluted, try to consume resources from neighbors
west has airships
east still uses gunpowder
razmi liked dark magic etc. so her village got weirded out
ajna: prefers physical training over mental, as seen by her falling asleep while meditating in the trailer
there are trade cities, bigger/advanced cities and villages across all regions (south, east, north, west)
especially huge city in the south: soma addicts gather there, probably something like slums
Dhar: first incarnation you get, happens on accident, absorbing incarnations is not always on purpose, ajna doesn't understand her powers yet
robot golem incarnation is possible (from iron kingdom)
prototype boss: based on man-lion, temple guardians, the prototype boss combined 2 man-lions for its own body
uses the man-lion's souls to attack (hence the fire attack shape), when he dies, the spirits take revenge on him (hence death animation)
ajnas skirt is down when in temple (being proper) and she doesn't wear shoes: pulls her skirt up when it's go-time
people of all ages can be incarnations, animals can be incarnations
Ajna's dad's injuries from an important event, he was strong and wise was sealed off/crippled, only has one eye
Heruka form: literally means "Blooddrinker", gains inredible powers, can use iddhi more strongly (beams, fire, speed)
there will be a beastiary with a dedicated incarnation for it
"Roti" = "flatbread"
Vetala (Khala's organic parasites she left behind) = parasitic in nature, take control of undead, weird alien creatures could be a design, latch onto dead things or, if they're stronger, living beings, some even talk and are sentient
in the final version: taking care of roti might be a feature, interaction with him would be important
there will be non-human incarnations, robo character
dinosaur monsters exist
incarnations arent permanently stuck as being incarnations
subject to change: heruka form = hulk --> personality change, gets mad starts raging etc.
heruka form: leveling up (pallette change first, like blue skin) then completely new final form as Ajna gains control over her powers
mayan guy is based on the mayan sport where you hit a ball with your hip through a ring
ajna can force people to join as incarnations, Razmi also has her own motivation though
devi = higher ranked beings, Khala on her own very high level, devi couldn't stop her and are weaker than you would expect a "god" to be
ajna dies = all of her incarnations die, but reviving ajna will be possible (brink of death or something) to avoid immediate game over
visiting inner realm: ajna meditating
there will be coffee in the game, food important part of culture as part of the game (beastiary for food, food powerups, food quests for ingredients/convincing other incarnations to join etc.)
mentions time based events: holidays, day/night, seasons
incarnations: not everyone is good, many different personalities
incarnations have story arcs and character development, side quests to "level them up"
Ajna's mom plays a role
story will span 49 days (time it takes to be reborn in Buddhism), wrap up in 50-something days
ajnas inner realm may have customization (furniture for example)
devs want to pursue combination iddhi attacks (like chrono trigger)
moral conflicts with incarnations
headpiece (praying beads) passed onto her from her father, also symbolizes incarnations
Razmi, Zebei and Tungar are prominent characters, but not necessarily core characters to the story
ajnas travels make her realize the world is more complicated than she thought and not black & white, conflicts are not simply black & white, ajna learns about the world with the player
"Razmi" = "radiant, light", "Ajna" = "6th chakra point where the third eye is", "Tungar" = "lofty, high", "Zebei" = "Jebei: general under genghis khan and means "arrow", but changed to zebei because jebei means "butt" in spanish"
incarnation "naga rider" teased
there will be HUGE bosses (off-screen types)
dragons are mentioned
costume changes for Ajna are a possibility due to less frames than a FG character


new 350$ tier added for voice message from Skullgirls Voice Actors

This is looking really good.
I was psyched that Alex answered one of my questions! I didn't notice until yesterday the extent of her dad's injuries, so that was floating around in my brain and I figured I'd ask. Alex also mentioned that the hand symmetry is tied to Buddhism, I think he said there's like 36 interesting qualities and that's what was being referenced with his hand.

Thanks to all of you guys who compiled the lore bits!
I also copied the diagram of the realms on the whiteboard, but Idk how accurate it is. Take it with salt.

I don't know why there's some opposition to the waifu wars
Because yours is so shit I don't even want to see a thread about her.

Seriously, though, discussions that give people a reason to get hype and cause a little controversy is good. I think some people are just reluctant because there were one or two people who took things a bit too far.
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The only problem with waifu wars style of things. is how the salty can be eternal from the losing side.

I mean, is not like we don't have people here upset about their favorite character not being playable in SG.
The only problem with waifu wars style of things. is how the salty can be eternal from the losing side.

I mean, is not like we don't have people here upset about their favorite character not being playable in SG.
That also means they still care about SG, even years later.

I think some people are just reluctant because there were one or two people who took things a bit too far.
Literally everything in human history, though.
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is not like we don't have people here upset about their favorite character not being playable in SG.
It's not that bad, it's not like anyone here ever said "When's Annie" or anything.
Did he tell incarnations of WHAT exactly all those characters are? Cause I got the impession that Ajna can just roam around and suck pretty much anybody inside her if she so desire. Why use the word Incarnation at this point? Or did I miss some crucial info?
Or did I miss some crucial info?
Sort of, Alex said there is a specific reason for why she can absord specific people and not just everyone, but he didn't explain it unless I missed it.
Something needs to change while it still can, I don't know what exactly, but it's clear that just posting stuff on social media isn't enough. Streaming is cool but I don't think it does much for people that aren't already invested in the project. There needs to be more short bite sized media for people to consume, maybe mike could do a video explaining the combat system and show off some combos, or alex could do a video detailing lore. This is the sort of stuff that can be packaged up and posted by sites like destructoid or kotaku, we need fresh articles about the campaign. You could also use these videos to re iterate that you WILL NOT MAKE THE GAME if you aren't funded.
maybe mike could do a video explaining the combat system and show off some combos, or alex could do a video detailing lore.
They're doing that with streams though.

When's Anansi?

View attachment 11881

No really. This is the best Incarnation.
I was liking more the glasses one.

I don't know why but I once pictured her with a kris thinking it was cool
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