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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

Yo tiger-pelt girl looks rad tho
Dude we could have a full bodybuilders' team if the guy that looks like TJ Maximum gets in. Basically Jojo mode except for Ajna
Demifiend, why are you quoting yourself to answer Mike: a person who is working on the game mind you. Saying 'anything about stances will be fixed' is assuming something NEEDS fixing.

I know he is working on the game, i was just saying what it came on my mind along with my first impression, and so, i knew that the stances will be fixed (Or that's what my mind is thinking), i can't predict the future, but i think that something related about the stances (It can be a bug, a bad position) has to be fixed, not only the stance by itself.


i'm taking this as: 'look at all these concepts i've had for characters who summon giant horned snakes. and now look at this character in an upcoming game i'm making with a similr design.' So yeah i'm gonna speculate that this character will have some kind of summoning move.
Also the design of the snakes'lizards remind me of the drilling underground miniboss that you can keep as a pet in Bastion (i forget its name). And attack that drills from underneath the ground a la Filia's ringlet spire is definitely a possibility.

King Kittan knight is gonna be best character, bara mum barbarian has nothing on him. @chickenwithtie fite me
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Miriam has pale skin, longish hair, a blue Victorian dress, boots, a sword, and flower tattoos everywhere.
Ajna has dark skin, short hair, a white shirt, an aqua skirt, shorts, ankle wraps, open shoes, an axe, and no flower tattoos anywhere.
So unless you mean "they are both female", I really don't see this at all. (And if you do mean that, I applaud your equitable world view. :^)
I mean, their faces look similar, and the dangly thingy in Ajna's hair reminds me of Miriam's horns.

Told you I was insane Mr Developer.
Man, I'd love it if they made her as big as I'm talking about, but in the trailer she comes off more Alex-scale than Panzerfaust-scale. If it turns out she's the biggest playable character in the game though, that'd be cool.

Oh yeah, we gotta hope she's even playable first! Granted, I don't want them to spoil too many surprises for us, but hopefully we'll learn at least a little more about the characters we saw in the trailer during the IGG.
Also the design of the snakes'lizards remind me of the drilling underground miniboss that you can keep as a pet in Bastion (i forget its name). And attack that drills from underneath the ground a la Filia's ringlet spire is definitely a possibility.
I haven't played most of the RPGs people have listed (Chrono Trigger is on my to play list), still excited about this
in most cases these kind of characters usually hold calm poses, and then, they change to a battle pose when the action "Attack" has begun,
You're thinking way too turn-based. When the 'action "Attack" has begun' in Indivisible, you're ATTACKING already, not standing around.
You're thinking way too turn-based. When the 'action "Attack" has begun' in Indivisible, you're ATTACKING already, not standing around.
So regardless of the enemy's speed, we will be able to attack immediatly as soon as we hit Attack? the character will charge right away to deal the damage?
So regardless of the enemy's speed, we will be able to attack immediatly as soon as we hit Attack? the character will charge right away to deal the damage?
::points to the bars in the Indivisible screenshot::
Speed determines when you can hit Attack, but yes, as soon as you hit Attack you attack, unless the enemy is attacking you. It is not strictly turn-based.
(@Dolfinh @Devita)
Cross the ATB with Valkyrie Profile - any time a character (or an enemy) has an attack available, they can attack. If multiple characters have one or more attacks available when you begin an attack, they can all attack at once for a combo a-la VP. Depending on what attacks you use, your bar will take longer to fill up next time, equivalent to Charge Turn in VP. There's some more stuff, but that's the basics.
So, you can mix attacks with short recovery times like a basic attack, for example, in order to get attacks out, but while you attempt to string a combo, you set up another char at the same time for an attack with more hits/damage but puts him out of the action for awhile?

I can already see this being fleshed into something absolutely magnificent. I mean, we already knew it was going to be great, but my mind is already whirling with possibilities for what this could mean. The possibilities with what you could do and your diversity for characters leads me to want to know. At this point consider me sold on the premise of the system alone :D
::points to the bars in the Indivisible screenshot::
Speed determines when you can hit Attack, but yes, as soon as you hit Attack you attack, unless the enemy is attacking you. It is not strictly turn-based.
So it's pseudo-turnbased, like the ACTIVE mode in Crono Trigger, but with multiple actions in 1 turn?
More or less, yeah. And more things than just Haste/Slow affect your bar.
Sounds neat, like in FFIV (Though, in that game you needed perfect timing to execute some commands), also, i have been reading some battle systems and this one seems interesting

Conditional Turn-Based

The Conditional Turn-Based Battle system, or the Count Time Battlesystem in Japan, designed by Toshiro Tsuchida is used in Final Fantasy X. CTB is a turn-based system which does not operate in rounds, instead it uses an Act List that is affected through various means and thus does not guarantee that each participant in a battle will have an equal number of turns. Units with higher speed take more turns than slower ones, making speed more important than in other turn-based battle systems. Players can substitute party members mid-battle adding a new level of strategy.

Spells and abilities (such as Haste or Overdrives) modify the Act List, as some abilities require a longer cool down time. Weaker abilities tend to require less cool down time, thus introducing a trade-off between speed and power. When a character's turn begins all action stops while the player decides upon an action. This shifts the focus from reflexes and quick decision-making to strategy and careful planning

I think that a method to change your party during a fight seems logical, Chrono Trigger only had the possibility to bring 3 fighters at once, and you could only change them in the overworld, FFVI had the feature of multiple characters in different parts of the world, but at the end of it, everyone groups together and you have the possibility of choosing anyone you want for the final battle.

The neat thing about the FFX system is that you could wait quite some time until you execute one turn, so, that command itself adds a little more of variety and strategy, while in other games the enemy could defeat you even before pressing a button, Chrono Trigger suffered from that, this could add stress by the fact that you have to execute a command before the enemy do something.

So, in a certain kind of way, you can't predict what kind of moves the enemy will launch, so, giving player an unlimited amount of time until they select a command (Let's say, when you press a command you attack immediately, but the enemy won't damage you unless he has some kind of counter to physical/spells attacks) and when you have all that you needed in the same turn, the enemy attacks.

But in my perspective, enemy speed does matter, i think that by having one turn per one team it's enough for everyone, if the enemy team engages you first, or they have an skill to always attack first, this could work better as you need to think before you act something, if let's say, enemy speed/agility is top notch, but it has a mediocre defense/special you could throw the enemy a spell that reduces the attack of the enemy, and therefore, you will only need to attack a weak attack that has more precision than powerful attacks (Like FE Weapon System)
::points to the bars in the Indivisible screenshot::
Speed determines when you can hit Attack, but yes, as soon as you hit Attack you attack, unless the enemy is attacking you. It is not strictly turn-based.
(@Dolfinh @Devita)
Cross the ATB with Valkyrie Profile - any time a character (or an enemy) has an attack available, they can attack. If multiple characters have one or more attacks available when you begin an attack, they can all attack at once for a combo a-la VP. Depending on what attacks you use, your bar will take longer to fill up next time, equivalent to Charge Turn in VP. There's some more stuff, but that's the basics.
Liking the sound of it so far. Still haven't touched a valkyrie profile game tho.

I'm glad it isn't strictly turn based. I can't handle that unless it's how Paper Mario 1 & 2 do it.

The topic inflated over the few months I was out, so it'd be hard to dig back, even on this tiny cellphone tether. So pardon if this was answered already:

Since I read on the last page about removing chars, will there be possibilities of New Game+ and/or multi-endings, ala Chrono Trigger style? Or is that like, way too far to think about atm?
Still haven't touched a valkyrie profile game tho.
Fix that. They're one of the few things completely blowing up my opinion that turn-based games suck. It's super neat
So the game basically has an ATB system that incorporates different levels of actions. So, something along the lines of quick actions, standard actions, and full actions that consume appropriate amounts of a gauge that refills over time along with the possibility of free actions that cost nothing but require special conditions to be met?

How much of a focus is there planned to be on managing and manipulating the rate at which the gauge fills via status effects, buffs, and so on?
Speaking of the Amazon warrior, is she holding three weapons?
Looks like she has a spear, bow, and a chakram.

I think Amazon because the cross on her chestplate reminds me of the Amazons found in the Skadi webcomic or Y:The Last Man comic. They followed the Greek Myth Amazons' tradition of having the right breast cut off. Leaving an X or cross shaped scar.

Regardless of her boob count, she looks like an archer with that full-arm sleeve.
It's super neat
But how does one find a PS1 game nowadays? The top Valkyrie Profile search result on amazon.com is going for $449.99! No choice but to wait around and pray it comes to PlayStation Now Rental or Subscription?

Like if the Incarnations had permadeath (like the supporting cast in Fire Emblem), then I can see branching storylines and multiple endings. However, yeah, it may be too early to speak of endings before a game has begun.
So the game basically has an ATB system that incorporates different levels of actions. So, something along the lines of quick actions, standard actions, and full actions that consume appropriate amounts of a gauge that refills over time along with the possibility of free actions that cost nothing but require special conditions to be met?
Nnnnoooot quiiiiite...no...

How much of a focus is there planned to be on managing and manipulating the rate at which the gauge fills via status effects, buffs, and so on?
A decent amount, since cooldown time for stronger things will be implemented as slower fill rate.
hmmm I'm liking it. The SG sounds effects... are they going to stay in the game? Might make feel a little awkward listing to it because I'll instantly think of SG.
hmmm I'm liking it. The SG sounds effects... are they going to stay in the game? Might make feel a little awkward listing to it because I'll instantly think of SG.
Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Every Half Life Game, Alien Swarm, Portal, Portal 2 and Dota 2 share sound effects.

If it saves time and money...
I think it's charming, but it all depends on what Mike wants to do.

On the blog they mentioned Ajna "Fusing" with Incarnations. Nobody can know for sure what that means exactly, but it's interesting.
m still hoping that these characters are alive and independent instead of dead and irrelevant until Ajna shows up.
Valkyrie Profile is fun but I hate the way it's written.
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Is it weird that I've already watched that video like 5 times...?

Ajna's movement animations are looking surprisingly complete for this early stage, aside from maybe needing some particle effects for her wall jump. I was honestly expecting more paper-cutout animations ala Skullgirls beta. Overall the platforming looks nice and fluid.

Oh and the music is just perfect. I can't wait for this Prototype to be released so I can listen to the soundtrack over and over.
Man it gets better and better. Will there be wall sliding, or will it be planned to have it? Because I didn't see any of it in the video so I'm curious. Also hype meter has risen in anticipation for the next Incarnation to be revealed. Come on Cowboy >:)
hmmm I'm liking it. The SG sounds effects... are they going to stay in the game?
Good question! Nope, they're not planned to stay, they're just what we have right now with no sound work having been done. There'll be new sounds for everything.

Man it gets better and better. Will there be wall sliding, or will it be planned to have it? Because I didn't see any of it in the video
That's right, you didn't. :^) You did see her hanging indefinitely, though, and she can wall jump after dropping down from that. Please-to-be-so-kind as to explain what sliding would do that's not just a worse version of that (aside from helping your nostalgia for MMX, that is). :^P
That's right, you didn't. :^) You did see her hanging indefinitely, though, and she can wall jump after dropping down from that. Please-to-be-so-kind as to explain what sliding would do that's not just a worse version of that (aside from helping your nostalgia for MMX, that is). :^P

Yeah its pretty much for grade-A nostalgia fuel :p
But since she can wall jump during a fall thats fine too. :)
Wow so I'm going to be able to stick my axe into nearly everything. Sweet.
Please-to-be-so-kind as to explain what sliding would do that's not just a worse version of that (aside from helping your nostalgia for MMX, that is). :^P

I can't speak for Mega Man, but sliding wall jumps were really nifty in Super Meat Boy: You could use your momentum to slide up the wall to avoid some moving spinning-blades-of-death that were along the wall. Whether or not you held "run" as you jumped up or down walls was really, really important. Likewise, sliding down a wall was important for timing your jumps around wall-spikes. Ah, the memories... the painful, painful memories...

Still, what you have looks awesome (and a completely different pace from Meat Boy, and that's perfectly okay), and I'm really looking forward to seeing more. Thanks!
Probably should wait till its available but screw having patience. I saw that other hallway at 0:53 and figured that you could climb down the wall using the axe. Would you be able to just drop from your position on the wall and move right instead of having to jump up and then fall?
Will the game have bottomless pits? Also, loved to have a taste of the platforming of the game. Wall jumping is always fun to do.