I'll just leave this here owo/ pic.twitter.com/neMUrKuaDt
— o_8 Alex Ahad (@o___8) August 11, 2015
I mean, their faces look similar, and the dangly thingy in Ajna's hair reminds me of Miriam's horns.Miriam has pale skin, longish hair, a blue Victorian dress, boots, a sword, and flower tattoos everywhere.
Ajna has dark skin, short hair, a white shirt, an aqua skirt, shorts, ankle wraps, open shoes, an axe, and no flower tattoos anywhere.
So unless you mean "they are both female", I really don't see this at all. (And if you do mean that, I applaud your equitable world view. :^)
Man, I'd love it if they made her as big as I'm talking about, but in the trailer she comes off more Alex-scale than Panzerfaust-scale. If it turns out she's the biggest playable character in the game though, that'd be cool.
You mean King Kittan Kamen RiderKing Kittan knight is gonna be best character, bara mum barbarian has nothing on him. @chickenwithtie fite me
You're thinking way too turn-based. When the 'action "Attack" has begun' in Indivisible, you're ATTACKING already, not standing around.
So regardless of the enemy's speed, we will be able to attack immediatly as soon as we hit Attack? the character will charge right away to deal the damage?
::points to the bars in the Indivisible screenshot::
So it's pseudo-turnbased, like the ACTIVE mode in Crono Trigger, but with multiple actions in 1 turn?
More or less, yeah. And more things than just Haste/Slow affect your bar.
Sounds neat, like in FFIV (Though, in that game you needed perfect timing to execute some commands), also, i have been reading some battle systems and this one seems interesting
Liking the sound of it so far. Still haven't touched a valkyrie profile game tho.::points to the bars in the Indivisible screenshot::
Speed determines when you can hit Attack, but yes, as soon as you hit Attack you attack, unless the enemy is attacking you. It is not strictly turn-based.
(@Dolfinh @Devita)
Cross the ATB with Valkyrie Profile - any time a character (or an enemy) has an attack available, they can attack. If multiple characters have one or more attacks available when you begin an attack, they can all attack at once for a combo a-la VP. Depending on what attacks you use, your bar will take longer to fill up next time, equivalent to Charge Turn in VP. There's some more stuff, but that's the basics.
Fix that. They're one of the few things completely blowing up my opinion that turn-based games suck. It's super neat
Looks like she has a spear, bow, and a chakram.
But how does one find a PS1 game nowadays? The top Valkyrie Profile search result on amazon.com is going for $449.99! No choice but to wait around and pray it comes to PlayStation Now Rental or Subscription?
Like if the Incarnations had permadeath (like the supporting cast in Fire Emblem), then I can see branching storylines and multiple endings. However, yeah, it may be too early to speak of endings before a game has begun.
Nnnnoooot quiiiiite...no...So the game basically has an ATB system that incorporates different levels of actions. So, something along the lines of quick actions, standard actions, and full actions that consume appropriate amounts of a gauge that refills over time along with the possibility of free actions that cost nothing but require special conditions to be met?
A decent amount, since cooldown time for stronger things will be implemented as slower fill rate.
Counter-Strike, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Every Half Life Game, Alien Swarm, Portal, Portal 2 and Dota 2 share sound effects.
Good question! Nope, they're not planned to stay, they're just what we have right now with no sound work having been done. There'll be new sounds for everything.
That's right, you didn't. :^) You did see her hanging indefinitely, though, and she can wall jump after dropping down from that. Please-to-be-so-kind as to explain what sliding would do that's not just a worse version of that (aside from helping your nostalgia for MMX, that is). :^P