In terms of board organization, it might make sense to have a separate topic in the Gaming section but I wonder if it will have the participation to warrant it? Personally, I'd suggest people might discuss it here and just see where it leads.
The story immediately rubbed me the wrong way by starting with Koichi which might be one of my least favorite characters in the entire series.
Aesthetically, I think everyone looks ridiculous but, more importantly, what has me greatly disliking it is the premise. These are basically a bunch of criminals so why should I care about them and/or root for them? What makes Giorno & friends any better than Diavolo & co.? The whole thing is just disgustingly coated in self-righteous hypocrisy. The only characters from that part that I like are Prosciutto, Risotto and Tiziano but that isn't really saying much.
Then for the actual pacing and battles, Giorno basically WTFH4Xes his way out of every fight and Diavolo not only appears too late for people to care, the fight with him is kinda pointless because it's basically a race to the Arrow.
Anyway, I eventually "learned" that actually a lot of folks have beef with Part 5. I guess it's kind of a relief that I'm not as cantankerous as I think I am.