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USA New England thread - Not UK

I'd need to download Mumble, I don't have it. OMW to get a sixth program for talking to people over the Internet.
I'm pretty sure I have a hard drive from around 1999 laying around somewhere, if you'd like an install for Roger Wilco and Battlecom.
Its probably needless to say this, but I'm out tonight as well. In addition to the weather, with everything related to my father's surgery (which went flawlessly, and he should be discharged in a day or two) I just need a break from everything.

Not sure if I'll show up to the lobby or not. Kinda in the mood to just chill with Payday 2, and I'm close to hitting Infamous level IV.

For the record:

Hey guys, going to have to sit this week out :(

I just realized that Napalm Death is playing this weekend and I can't really spend the money for both Framingham and that this weekend.

(@mcpeanuts after I showed you Napalm Death you jokingly (and excitedly!) asked me if Deathgrind was a genre of music, and I told you I didn't think it was. Lo and behold it actually is and two bands that I like (both of whom I thought were deathcore; Aborted, and Cattle Decapitation) are considered Deathgrind bands! I would've never looked this up if it wasn't for your joke lolol)

Sorry @Natezer and @Zidiane D:
nate you ain't going to winterbrawl. you can't do it. no balls.
yeah u right

also @dMags would you be willing to pick me up on the way down with peanuts? pm me or message me on steam so we can iron out the details.
Hey guys, going to have to sit this week out :(

I just realized that Napalm Death is playing this weekend and I can't really spend the money for both Framingham and that this weekend.
S'all good, I'll probably take the week off as well. I was actually stressing since I need to be up early Saturday so I didn't want to be up late at GU Friday, so this solves a problem for me haha
So, I MIGHT be able to get the sat/sun off. If someone could kindly bring me in on the car situation I'd appreciate it.
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@DaydreamingSorc - there is no car situation, the only "thing" currently happening is that I was going to drive down with McPeanuts. With the current number of people interested in going, I don't have enough room in my car and honestly I'm not too interested in driving all over Western Mass + CT to pick people up/drop them off, so somebody else will need to step up with a vehicle if everyone plans to go.
This is exactly why I asked lol. I pretty much came to that conclusion already, just wanted to see if there was any way to help coordinate stuff, etc. I wouldn't want a repeat of NEC, that whole thing just got silly.
We're speaking the same language :-) Peanuts and I will try and finalize stuff tonight on steam ( since skullheart is being super flakey today ) and we'll keep you in the loop
I'll be at work all night but I will be on steam from my phone. So just like text me or something if you really need my attention and I'll look at steam.
Online lobby again?
If enough people are interested then yeah we could do this. People seemed to like the stream for the online lobby more than the offline one.
I'm down, but I probably won't play much past 10pm or so.
Yeah that's fine, like I said I have to be up early Saturday so I may not play all that late myself.
how are people feeling about this friday?

edit: I'm feelin good about it ;-)
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I'm still going tomorrow but I can't bring all the stream gear. I'm still bringing my laptop if anyone wants to play beta.
I'm still going tomorrow but I can't bring all the stream gear. I'm still bringing my laptop if anyone wants to play beta.
Well there go my Friday night plans... I don't know what I'll do if I can't pretend to be silently sitting in the same room as you guys watching you play Skullgirls.
Fuck ok bad news is I forgot to pack my laptop so I need to go home after work to get it. Good news is since I have to go home anyways I can just bring the PS3.