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One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

Well after trying out Big Band a little on the beta I am concerned. I realize he isn't complete, but considering all characters have the same health, and he is like a 100x bigger than everyone meaning his Hurtbox is also that much bigger plus he is slow, I hope his tools are enough. Parry should be real strong I hope.

So Big Band got shrunk by 5% today! Here's a quick little gif to show the size differences between old and new.
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So Big Band got shrunk by 5% today! Here's a quick little gif to show the size differences between old and new.

now he is smaller than double :/
Kinda disappointing as we all know Big Band as this larger than life kinda guy towering over all the other characters, now I just think double is way larger than she needs to be
Well after trying out Big Band a little on the beta I am concerned. I realize he isn't complete, but considering all characters have the same health, and he is like a 100x bigger than everyone meaning his Hurtbox is also that much bigger plus he is slow, I hope his tools are enough. Parry should be real strong I hope.
At this point I am a bit worried as well...supposedly all his special moves are done, so... I'm not seeing his ability to get the opponent out of block.

Every character in sg has ways to open up characters or do damage to them for trying to block:

Squigly has overheads and stance cancels into throws and sbo in general.
Fortune has her iad attacks.
Peacock has iad and major chip damage from afar
Filia has iad attacks
Bella has command grabs
Painwheel has fly overheads and crossups
Double has cats
Val has iad attacks and crossups
Parasoul has her command overheads

Big band at this point seems to only have his regular throw.

Not that bad since painwheel and double also both rely heavily on their throws to open people up...but... Idk he seems like he might have trouble with people jumping away from him, trouble with getting close (perhaps, though he does have good gap closers) and trouble opening up...

But I digress he has at this point some answers that look to be good at least on paper:

His rush punch should pwn filias iad attempts and it may even be able to be made safe when done with a hair ball assist.

His stomp is a projectile type of move that hits fullscreen and should give him a tool for combatting keepaway.

His air to air is looking ok... His jump in attacks are looking ok..
He has a run...

But idk there still seems to be something missing from him as a whole... Like a command grab or a safe on block high priority poke...

He's got priority out the ass right now it seems (I haven't used him against anyone yet) but that priority seems to come at the bad on block price.

Still heis a work in progress and who knows what the future holds for him... It's anyone's guess, even mikes at this point.
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But idk there still seems to be something missing from him as a whole... Like a command grab
Thank you, I'm not the only one who thinks this!

I mean, sure, he has the A Train, but it isn't the same as C&DB... You could at least combo after that.
I already offered Big Band my babies. Not sure what more can I do if he gets a command grab.
I like big band and all, but come on...yall are acting like you're going to run him solo. There are assist to, you know, assist him. I mean look at Cerebella. She gets almost wrecked by zoners/zoning teams as a solo (reflector helps a lot), but she's still good/terrifying in the right hands. The same goes for my man Big Band.

EDIT: He feels and really looks smaller even at 95% his normal size. =(
His animations and shading also have a few jaggies now. I really hope they can
find a way to return him to his original size on console, but if not....I can deal, even though he's only 95% man right now lol.
So Big Band got shrunk by 5% today! Here's a quick little gif to show the size differences between old and new.
I wonder, how does his height(s) compare to his Lab 8 background sprite?
That'd be kinda hard to test considering he disappears from the background when you're playing as him.
That'd be kinda hard to test considering he disappears from the background when you're playing as him.
taking multiple screenshots and being really unscientific about it i've come to two conclusions:
- even with the change of 5%, big band is still pretty much at what can be perceived as a correct height.
- side-by-side, you can really notice all the tiny differences/design updates he got when being converted into a full character. i expect that lab zero will be updating his portrait in the edge of the life bar.
A quick comparison for anyone interested. Leduc and Hive are the exact same size in both pics.
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To be fair the playable version is not standing up straight like the NPC. Other then that yeah he is smaller, brighter, and with other design modifications now.
To be fair the playable version is not standing up straight like the NPC. Other then that yeah he is smaller, brighter, and with other design modifications now.
A quick comparison for anyone interested. Leduc and Hive are the exact same size in both pics.
using his :LK: makes him stand at his actual height
That being said:
That looks about right now, other than his coloration. I mean, I get he's in the shadows, but the color difference is pretty huge.
Also I always thought his suit's collar was fur lining in Background Band.
At this point I am a bit worried as well...supposedly all his special moves are done, so... I'm not seeing his ability to get the opponent out of block.
Big band at this point seems to only have his regular throw.

Not that bad since painwheel and double also both rely heavily on their throws to open people up...but... Idk he seems like he might have trouble with people jumping away from him,

j.mk is godlike for mixups mane crossups/instant overheads all day (also if your midscreen if you want to convert off of instant j.mk you either need an assist or do clap>rush>super which is less damage? (@IsaVulpes should be kinda pleased about this) EDIT - claps new angle makes this impossible godammit mike and don't get me started on double overhead/fastfall mixups and the hopovers you get with his punches (as far as I know since they're different now EDIT - yea you cant do this anymore :(). imo instant j.mk/low is scary as fuck and if they jump away in fear you got that A-train man use it.

His rush punch should pwn filias iad attempts and it may even be able to be made safe when done with a hair ball assist.

His stomp is a projectile type of move that hits fullscreen and should give him a tool for combatting keepaway.

More or less true (not sure if thats safe) Also A-train blows up people who like taking to the skies (have you seen that atrocious range?)

His air to air is looking ok... His jump in attacks are looking ok..
He has a run...

I actually feel his air to air is sup par right now since he kinda needs to be above the opponent or throw out a pre-emptive clap to do things (j.hk is alright to but thats not really the kinda move you wanna stick out a lot) EDIT - his new air punches seem ok at this idk
His jump ins are great though

But idk there still seems to be something missing from him as a whole... Like a command grab or a safe on block high priority poke...

Maybe true but idk when I've played band hes felt surprisingly complete

He's got priority out the ass right now it seems (I haven't used him against anyone yet) but that priority seems to come at the bad on block price.

Still heis a work in progress and who knows what the future holds for him... It's anyone's guess, even mikes at this point.
This is true but it isn't really that bad I mean if your reads are on point you get some serious shit with this character let me tell you that

SOURCE - I've played Big Band (and by that I really mean I did casuals with @Tomo009 once shut up)
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I feel like you're patronizing me, but feel free to elaborate. I'm pretty sure Solo Bella against a Parasoul with a good lockdown assist that can push back(if the opponent doesnt want to follow up) like hairball, cerecopter, or double butt is going to have a hard time getting in.
Well after trying out Big Band a little on the beta I am concerned. I realize he isn't complete, but considering all characters have the same health, and he is like a 100x bigger than everyone meaning his Hurtbox is also that much bigger plus he is slow, I hope his tools are enough. Parry should be real strong I hope.
His neutral hurtbox is actually smaller than double's, especially now. And double is arguably one of the best characters in the game.
I think he's alright, he's getting a lot of neutral tools.
That being said:
From this image he's a little too big, actually. His feet are significantly lower, but his head is about the same height. He's also closer but about the same width as the other if not thinner.
0/10 terrible game would not recommend.
Big Band did lose a lot, but that was going to happen.

You can still easily confirm off j.MK MK by the way. Do j.MK MK j.HP(whiff) and then continue the ground string.

j.HK losing special cancel was obvious, it was pretty stupid the way it was before haha.

The cymbal change I don't like, I think it fills a bit more of a space control role now, but to be honest BB wasn't exactly lacking there and j.HK sort of fills the same area, though smaller. Before it was very versatile, was amazing in hitconfirms to confirm from weird angles and get high damage starters, was fantastic as a frame trap (this is the main thing I believe, if you try it now, you will just get swatted out of the air for whiffing a move that floats you).

5% smaller is what it is haha, although I swear, maybe I'm just stupid, but the j.LK j.MK MK restand seems way more difficult on lights and thin characters now, seems j.LK has to be done early or they are pushed too far horizontally whereas before you could basically wait until the apex of your jump.

The other change I'm a bit eh on, is the change to Take The A Train, I love its input before, feels odd on kicks and I'm already missing that window to change which version I wanted.

Jumping punches are interesting, good air to air, not sure they have any other purpose just yet other than moves with high hitboxes you can cancel into to fall quickly out of his kicks.

Big Band definitely lost some fun factor to me, but then again, Big Band seemed like he was going to be pretty crazy even with hit/hurtbox changes before.
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The other change I'm a bit eh on, is the change to Take The A Train, I love its input before, feels odd on kicks and I'm already missing that window to change which version I wanted.

I'm of the opposite feeling, but I still see your point. Being able to switch was awesome, but it could also be frustrating - being a clumsy and less precise player, it was really easy to use the wrong one and whiffing a rush punch entirely hurt. I can count the number of times that window cost me a hit and it's at least 50/50 with the number of times it helped.

I do agree though that I'm not entirely sure what role the cymbal has now. It feels redundant as it stands, kinda.
I wonder when we'll start getting his voice inserted, speaking of "mute."

I'd love to start hearing Rich Brown in game soon. :P

Does anyone remember if they waited to insert voices until after all the attacks were in when Squigly was betaed? I know she got lines over time, I just can't remember how soon we started getting Lauren's voice-overs.
I like playing as BB, but I hope he still gets his mute missiles as a special....
Well there are still at least two supers left, including a level 3, so hope is not lost
Does anyone remember if they waited to insert voices until after all the attacks were in when Squigly was betaed? I know she got lines over time, I just can't remember how soon we started getting Lauren's voice-overs.

The really basic ones like hit sounds and generic intro were added in the beta earlier. The rest came later when she was more colored in.
Well there are still at least two supers left, including a level 3, so hope is not lost

It does look like it could be an anti-air super, doesn't it?

And ahh, thanks. Probably awhile til we get a lot of lines, then, but having sound effects will be nice.
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So Big Band got shrunk by 5% today! Here's a quick little gif to show the size differences between old and new.

This is an outrage, he's microscopic now. What's the point of Big Band if he's not Big? Mike already spoke at length about his height in comparison to Double and made no indication that it was up to change. I say change him back, shrink 2% to 3%, or no deal.
I hope that big band's air punches aren't final, I don't like them, I guess it would be fine if the current air punches happened by pressing LP three times or only when you start with LP, otherwise have MP be jingle club and HP be Timpany Buster.
This is an outrage, he's microscopic now. What's the point of Big Band if he's not Big? Mike already spoke at length about his height in comparison to Double and made no indication that it was up to change. I say change him back, shrink 2% to 3%, or no deal.

He actually DID mention some time ago that Big Band would likely need to be shrunk, once on Salty Cupcakes, more recently on IRC.

The shrinking was partially to accommodate consoles (which evidently had trouble rendering him at times?), which means that making him bigger again isn't much of an option.

I think you will grow used to the change and even begin to like it over time. He was imposing, but he was also obstructively big, to the point where he blocked player names and HP bars. Even with a 5% shrink, he's still quite large and every bit as dangerous.
So apparently according to the patch notes, his new Super is now the Timpani Buster. I'm surprised that made it in considering all the other moves that looked like they attack from above became things like his win animation and ground tech animation. I'm still hoping for the War Tuba Canons and the Gong Slam personally.