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One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

All Brass Knuckles are active for enough frames that you can put yourself at pretty good frame data on block, and for L and M he retracts his arm before they recover from blockstun so if you space them properly you are safe from nearly all super reversals (Fenrir, Gregor, Flatliner, Opera, Cat Scratch, etc) with the exception of BB himself. And they all confirm into super from any range. And they all have armor, and EBrake.

Ending a blockstring like cr.LK->cr.MPx2->cr.HP in Giant Step puts you at -6 very far away, with no hitbox sticking out, which is also safe.
has any one done anything with E-Brake? I don't understand what it's purpose is
(im certain once I know what makes it good I will think it is pretty cool)
has any one done anything with E-Brake? I don't understand what it's purpose is
(im certain once I know what makes it good I will think it is pretty cool)
I'm going to try and get some games in in the next few days and test it out in a few matchups. I can see it being useful in a lot of situations, such as counteracting pushblock with assist support and moving through projectile walls that aren't to dense from ranges that would be unsafe to just knuckle through.

I'm not sure how effective it would be as a mind game tool, but you might be able to actually reset pressure sometimes just because your opponent is waiting for the knuckle to be blocked so they can punish, not sure it is fast enough for that, but that's why I want to test it out in offline match play.
People are getting caught a lot by block string into Giant step but I think that's going to stop happening once people learn the matchup. After cr.LK/s.lk you should really just stand block. I think his sweep could use to have a bit faster startup because its really not very threatening for anything other than catching people holding up+back.
People are getting caught a lot by block string into Giant step but I think that's going to stop happening once people learn the matchup. After cr.LK/s.lk you should really just stand block. I think his sweep could use to have a bit faster startup because its really not very threatening for anything other than catching people holding up+back.
Sweep/Giant Step is still a mixup though
Sweep/Giant Step is still a mixup though

Not really. I'm telling you right now that I'll let your sweep hit me 100% of the time. And since i can tech in either direction (or not at all) the dividends you get from sweep are going to be basically nonexistent when you factor in me reversaling through it (safe on block) and pushblocking you out before it can hit me.

As far as a mixup goes, it is extremely weak as a standalone mixup... Basically nonexistent. Small free damage is what it will be in around 30% of your blockstrings if you make it a priority to use. The real mixup is between giant set and cr.lk starter after a jump in or during assist lockdown.

At non lockdown points it will be low/throw mixups.

Anyways, just saying that sweeps as lows (unless talking about painwheels charged sweep, arent really mixups. And know that I'm talking from experience. Age uses sweep as a mixup with bella all the time and i have no problem eating it (and it hurts) but not nearly as much getting mixed up.
Sweeps in Skullgirls are pretty low reward in general, but it is still advantage that as Big Band, I'm very happy to have. Just because the reward isn't full combo into reset doesn't mean it isn't an option, you convert any situation you have in to the best advantage you can create from it. Sometimes that is just a techable knockdown.
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Sweeps in Skullgirls are pretty low reward in general, but it is still advantage that as Big Band, I'm very happy to have. Just because the reward isn't full combo into reset doesn't mean it isn't an option, you convert any situation you have in to the best advantage you can create from it. Sometimes that is just a techable knockdown.


I was just saying that the giant step/sweep mixup is nonexistent. The true mixup is a tech chase situation. Which is generally weak unless there's some unknown technology i dont know of... And yes, the damage of a sweep is nothing to scoff at, it still hurts. But it is no mixup.
Also, imho, sweeps should do more damage in general, to offset the fact that they basically suck. I'm thinking 2k or 2.5k for non combod sweeps is a good number. Cant combo off them but still remarkably dangerous.
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Thanks for the replies. I'll start fooling around with him and Parasol and see which one I like.


Not that I'm begging or anything, but are there any plans to give Big Band a command grab? E-Brake kinda reminds me of Hammerfall break for some reason..
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Also, imho, sweeps should do more damage in general, to offset the fact that they basically suck. I'm thinking 2k or 2.5k for non combod sweeps is a good number. Cant combo off them but still remarkably dangerous.
2.5k? Armor break, undizzy reset because they basically force a tech, and you can OTG with them to get full damage and combo anyway.
Don't quit your day job.

are there any plans to give Big Band a command grab? E-Brake kinda reminds me of Hammerfall break for some reason..
Nope. If he hasn't got a move now, he hasn't got it.
2.5k? Armor break, undizzy reset because they basically force a tech, and you can OTG with them to get full damage and combo anyway.
Don't quit your day job.

Nope. If he hasn't got a move now, he hasn't got it.

i said NON COMBOD sweeps (using them to otg means that they were combod). And you even quoted it... As far as undizzy reset, hmmm... Yes maybe thats good... Oh wait. Naw, tech in either direction and they still suck. Cause you have to tech chase then guess correctly on the block. Diminishing returns for a simple tech chase means mathematically if you use a high/low... You are only going to be getting the guess direction correctly 50% of the time, and after that you have to guess again correctly the block and counter it... Resulting in a 25% mixup conversion rate... Which in my books is balls.

As far as quitting my day job... Why would i do that when i make so much money? And also, the numbers that i threw out were JUST AN EXAMPLE. Other things could be applied such as perhaps making non combod hit sweeps give a lot of meter to the attacker.

Or not. I just think that sweeps are kinda booty. But whatever i dont really care if they get changed, which I'm assuming that they definitely wont... And my day goes on.
Yeah, sweeps as a way to force undizzy reset are really good, plus they destroy armour (one reason I don't really want to use armoured assists). You know how people love teching on blue bounce ASAP...
I think sweep to get rid of undizzy in the corner would be really good. Otherwise... Naw cant see it. Might as well just develop slower ambiguous resets that let undizzy decay naturally. Sweep ender midscreen just seems like folly imho. But i could be persuaded to rethink that if i ever saw a really good midscreen setup... They might be out there, but i havent seen any.
Sweep into copter to lock down either tech option is pretty handy, we don't use it much in our group though.
Yeah, sweeps as a way to force undizzy reset are really good, plus they destroy armour (one reason I don't really want to use armoured assists). You know how people love teching on blue bounce ASAP...
To be honest, I've started intentionally not ground teching when I have a lot of green bar, and it doesn't help as much as I would have thought. The idea was "even if I get hit again, they won't be able to do very much for a combo", but that never actually seems to be the case. The bar depletes pretty fast and tends to be empty by the next hit unless you do a tight reset, and pressuring someone on their knockdown isn't really a tight reset.
I think sweep to get rid of undizzy in the corner would be really good. Otherwise... Naw cant see it. Might as well just develop slower ambiguous resets that let undizzy decay naturally. Sweep ender midscreen just seems like folly imho. But i could be persuaded to rethink that if i ever saw a really good midscreen setup... They might be out there, but i havent seen any.

Sweep xx Fly + Call Bomber. Bomber either chases if they back tech and you can follow-up, or they tech forward and you land on their head. As long as you have a lock-down assist to cover the back tech, you're fine.

I'll continue this in gameplay general so this can get back on topic.
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Sweep xx Fly + Call Bomber. Bomber either chases if they back tech and you can follow-up, or they tech forward and you land on their head. As long as you have a lock-down assist to cover the back tech, you're fine.

Yeah, tried that months ago. Doesnt work. Bomber will only hit once depending on which direction they tech and they can jump out... It isnt anywhere near tight... It aint that bad or anything but it is severe reversal bait and is dubious in its timings from when i researched it.

Ie if you do the timing where the assist will autocorrect... It isnt tight at all. If you call the assist to be tight, it wont autocorrect.

I think it has merits as a gimmick, but not much more. Could be wrong of course. And we are unfortunately off topic now.

-edit... Oh wait... Should have read your entire post... Will try this out. But if bomber hits and painwheel flies in the other direction... Can she realistically confirm? And if bomber is blocked can she go into pressure after moving in the opposite direction? If she cant, then the tactic is basically worthless. You have to be able to get substantial pressure and confirm in either direction. If not, then the mixup becomes weighted in one direction so it ceases to be an effective mixup... But i will take a look at it definitely.

-edit 2

Definitely cant confirm bomber if painwheel does the opposite direction j.hk. So you get at most a hit bomber and a back tech that you cant do much about at all. Also, very susceptible to reversals in general... Seems like a gimmick to pull out till the opponent knows what to do. Which is to tech in either direction and then block away from pw. Mixed in with reversals into safe dhc and the occasional opposite direction tech i dont see this going very far. But... That could just be me. If anyone wants to use it, for either painwheel or bigband with sweep xx e-brake (or any other character for that matter) Then more power to them. id love to see this used as a mainline mixup strategy with success against good players... But i dont think i will. Wouldnt mind being proven wrong though.

Gimmicks certainly have a place in fighting games, i just try to base my play on solid/dirty/ cheap ass grimy shit. As i said though, this does have a place but it wont be on my team as anywhere near a mainline strat.
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Can you OTG Big Band after j.hk? Or is this a viable option for moving around the screen? Also, does using E-Brake keep the armour of Brass Knuckle before the cancel?
Can you OTG Big Band after j.hk? Or is this a viable option for moving around the screen? Also, does using E-Brake keep the armour of Brass Knuckle before the cancel?

1. I got the otg to work on double so I'd be willing to bet it works on bigband too
2. I personally wouldn't use it to move around but who knows
3. Yes you have the super armor of the attack you used prior to the e-brake cancel.
Can you OTG Big Band after j.hk? Or is this a viable option for moving around the screen? Also, does using E-Brake keep the armour of Brass Knuckle before the cancel?
You can OTG everyone fine after a j.HK, if you are doing it at neutral and it was high, you might need to use a light instead of 2HK though.
I think he means if you whiff BB's j.hk which puts your in knockdown, can they hit you.
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I think he means if you whiff BB's j.hk which puts your in knockdown, can they hit you.
Oh, haha, well you can tech as normal, its actually pretty powerful once you are in that position.

NOT as mobility as View said though... because you have to tech and they can pressure you on wakeup, but, it makes it a very viable air to air/air to ground, because of that knockdown situation.

It solves a lot of problems that BB has with air to air, I think and serves as a long range air to ground poke (if you are close up, you have better options imo)
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Yes you can be hit during the knockdown, but it's a pretty small window between landing and teching. Also BB's knockdown hitbox is a bit wonky and hard to hit.
Can you OTG Big Band after j.hk? Or is this a viable option for moving around the screen? Also, does using E-Brake keep the armour of Brass Knuckle before the cancel?
I think using the self knockdown from j.HK is a viable way of moving around the screen provided that you cover yourself with an assist. I wouldn't recommend just doing it raw.
I think it's a fine movement option, since a ground tech is invincible and reversal-able after.
[edit] If they hit him out of the on-back state of j.HK it's not an OTG it's a regular ground hit, like the whiff from Pummel Horse.
E-Brake does not keep the armor, no.
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So, e-break is just to stop a bad knuckle/train, or can you do like runstop combos or something with it?
So, e-break is just to stop a bad knuckle/train, or can you do like runstop combos or something with it?

You can do combos with it, yup.
You can do combos with it, yup.
Are they good?

Also, I feel like sharing Bella info. Against Big band, MGR works as close as possible, she can combo him midscreen off of normal grab (s.mk, c.hp I believe works), she CAN'T do the c.mp, s.hp, Kanchou, she can do super ambiguous j.mp, j.hp crossups, Bella can catch him with Pummel Horse from a c.lk, c.mp, c.hk blockstring if you push c.hk, and c.mk, runstop doesn't seem to ever cross him up unless you run fro a second before stopping. Use this info to your advantage, Big Bands.
It helps with midscreen c.HP combos. Not sure what else.
I decided to take a look at various options for how opponents can solo punish a taunt after Super Sonic Jazz, and there's... quite a lot of them. Made a video about it, both for A-Train SSJ and a high-altitude launch with OTG available in both cases. Be careful if your opponents have the timing down, or it'll hurt! You'll probably want to figure out a way to have your assists cover you...

(Edit: Figures i would post this right before the trajectory changes to make it even safer to do. Annotations wouldn't really work, so i suppose it's time to start working on a replacement.)
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Is... is that new palette... Robo-Cop?!

If it is, as a Detroiter, I am obligated to play it. And I am completely OK with that.
Is the second part of jMK not coming out after a double jump intentional?
Is the second part of jMK not coming out after a double jump intentional?
I believe Mike has said it is so. It's a "Bella's j.HP not gliding after double jump"-kinda thing.
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What would you guys think about air parries not stifling jump trajectory? As in, if you do a dashing jump and parry a HK george, you continue forward in your jump instead of falling to the ground.

Ground parries don't cause knockback like blocking, so I was curious if a similar thing happening in the air would be neat or not.
Okay, please don’t laugh at me but I noticed something with Big Band in particular, he is the first character I really play more seriously, and I wanted to know if it’s a part of the game that was meant to happen or a bug:

The characters fall through his j.mk. Especially with fighting Cerebella I noticed this. If you’re standing not as close to the enemy as possible and use a simple combo that launches them in the air (ending with s.hp), they will fall through j.mk afterwards. I can understand this, because if you’re too far away Big Band can’t jump close enough to land the hit. But there’s more: If j.mk is the first air-attack after the launch, it works. If it’s the second after for example j.lk, it doesn’t work. Shouldn’t these strings always hit as long as anything before and especially the launcher hits?

I tried it in training mode, it happens with all characters: If the launcher hits but you’re a little bit too far away, the j.mk as a second hit doesn’t land.

But now the funny part that is a little annoying to me: It happens way too often with Cerebella. Like all the time. I don’t know what it is, maybe her hurtbox, but if I’m not standing as close to her as it gets, it feels like she always falls through. In training mode, when I stand right before her, do a little step away from her (not really a step, just a gentle push away) and try for example s.lp->s.mp->s.hp->j.lk->j.mk, she always slips away and j.mk doesn’t hit.

That’s happens with other characters too, but then you can see why because only the very tip of your ground attacks hits them before going airborne. In a real match, that never happens because I’m close enough (after blocking for example) or use a jumping attack to jump in first. But with Cerebella, it happens way too often, in real matches. It can even happen after I use j.lk to jump in, do a short ground combo and then launch her. She falls through the j.mk as a second air attack nearly every time.

It’s really annoying because I use j.mk as a second hit in my aircombos all the time, and seeing it hit everything but not Cerebella just doesn’t feel right. I know that there are character specific combos in this game and not every combo is guaranteed to work on everyone. I know this, I know when to make some attacks in my combos earlier or later depending on the characters I fight. But with this, I can’t make it work. I could of course try to make other combos, but making new combos only for one character because j.mk fails sounds really stupid to me. It’s not like I can’t beat Cerebella because of this, but I drop the combos and it just feels that that’s not because I screw up inputs.

If this was talked about already, give me the link and I’m quiet. But I would like to hear what you guys think about this, should Lab Zero fix it, if possible? I noticed they worked on j.mk, it "floats" now, taking the enemy a little higher, but that doesn’t solve my problem. If I have to deal with it, bad for me, but I wanted to share my experience with this in case it really isn’t intended to work that way.
j.MK hits waaaaay below him, but not very far in front. j.LK drags people upward. Cerebella has smaller feet than most characters, so it whiffs - you can look at the hitboxes.
If anything, I'd fix it so that j.MK mostly doesn't hit ANYONE in that situation, rather than make it also work on her, since it's supposed to be a below-him move.

"Character-specific", btw, means "you can't do the same thing on everyone", not just "you sometimes have to vary the timing" but "you sometimes just have to do something else".
Potemkin in GGAC could do Pot Buster FRC, 2S->2H xx Heat easily on 2 characters. He could do it on 5 more if you walked forward 1-2f, and 2 more if you walked for exactly 3f (the maximum time you had). On everyone else, he couldn't do it at all. So, skip the 2H to get a universal combo.

Heck, if you played Q then you know there are a few different classes of command-grab followups, too.

If I 'fixed' j.MK then you'd find some other issue elsewhere that's the same type of thing.
Aw… I like my spin. Makes everything look way fancier than it is. But I have to roll with something else I guess. Only on midscreen combos though, it works fine in the corner so I won’t change that.

Thanks for the explanation, Skullgirls is the first game with longer air combos that I play more competitive. I suck at playing fighting games in general, so assuming I would know how something worked because of fooling around with Q back then is nice, but not true.