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Robo Fortune Discussion

Sheesh, at this point I'd say you just get the Level 1, 3 or 5 depending on how much meter you have, you don't get to choose, so work around it/adapt or just use another super. That, or 3 different imputs.

I mean really, with all the convenience features in this game I'd be interesting to finally have something that's not convenient at all, like being forced to use a level 3. R.Fortune is gimmicky, so just work around it like in all the other fighting games that do nothing for the player's convenience. This is the worst thing to have drama about, this imput drama.
This is the worst thing to have drama about, this imput drama.
Well, you need dramatic tension to even do the super. :)

But really, this discussion would be much more interesting once we know the rest of her inputs.
I say you tie it to the directional inputs and not the buttons?

Have them shift gears so to speak, like pressing down up or left and right during the super freeze. Like you do driving stick in a car, that kinda thing~
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Fix j.hk its ridiculous

Edit: Sorry for the salt, but its pressure combined with j.mp + invincible assist is insane. Butchers blade, updo, pillar, etc.
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lvl 1 = QCF + PP
lvl 3 = QCF + double tap PP
lvl 5 = QCF + double tap PP hold second PP
Change super input to 236LP+LK
LVL3: Hold LP
LVL5: Hold LK (gives LVL3 if at <5 meter)

Pretty straight forward.
No extra inputs or button presses; should be something easily done on controllers.

Why would a beam super have a throw input?

Anyways, I was going to suggest having something like a rekka super where QCF+PP = lvl 1 and then during the level 1 you'd input it again for a level 3 etc... 'cause it seemed cool, but this would likely be impractical from an animation standpoint, and totally doesn't fit the bill for the super being decided at the start (it would also take forever to sit through if someone did a level 5, so oh well~ bad idea is bad).

As for a real suggestion, how about
lvl 1 - QCF+PP
lvl 3 - QCF+PP, hold PP
lvl 5 - 360+PP

Honestly, the only reason I suggested 360 is because her level 5 has that big circular ring, so I thought it kinda made sense .... >_> An alternative could be QCF+PP, hold back/down+PP.
Stupid suggestion but
Lvl 1: QCF + PP
Lvl 2: QCF + PP, B during transformation
Lvl 3: QCF + PP, B, F during transformation (imagining like it's cocking a shotgun/Laser Cannon) Of course, this is the same as saying down then up, isn't it?
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Why would a beam super have a throw input?
While that is a valid point, it doesn't suffer from the problems of some of the other suggestions:
  • multi-taps are easily flubbed and may be hard for controller users
  • varying super inputs for different versions
  • requiring separate buttons from the super inputs to activate LVL3/5
  • complex enough to miss during the super flash
Holding your initial inputs and let going the one you don't want is fast and easy.

But, since my suggestion does change the input (doesn't take into account potential future supers that may have that input reserved), changes it to throw input which is generally avoided, and isn't as flexible as allowing you to use any combination of P/K buttons like most supers in the game, keeping it 236PP and holding one P for LVL3 and two P's for LVL5 might be a better fit.
While that is a valid point, it doesn't suffer from the problems of some of the other suggestions:
  • multi-taps are easily flubbed and may be hard for controller users
  • varying super inputs for different versions
  • requiring separate buttons from the super inputs to activate LVL3/5
  • complex enough to miss during the super flash
Holding your initial inputs and let going the one you don't want is fast and easy.

But, since my suggestion does change the input (doesn't take into account potential future supers that may have that input reserved), changes it to throw input which is generally avoided, and isn't as flexible as allowing you to use any combination of P/K buttons like most supers in the game, keeping it 236PP and holding one P for LVL3 and two P's for LVL5 might be a better fit.
  • Doesn't work if you use an LP+LK macro
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Would it be possible to accept inputs of whatever PP combination for the input but if you hold the lighter P it gives you level 3 and if you hold the stronger P it gives you level 5


QCF LP+MP, hold LP=lvl3 hold MP=lvl5

QCF MP+HP, hold MP=lvl3 hold HP=lvl5

QCF LP+HP, hold LP=lvl3 hold HP=lvl5

This way noone has to conform to a specific button after inputting PP.
Make a voice recognition system and change the amount of bars spent based on what the player says:

Lvl1: say nuthin

Lvl3: "Moar cannons noooow!"

Lvl 5: "Robo Fortune... Obliterate!"

hold punches for lvl3
spin or waggle(like band dp) stick for lvl5
I would suggest making a three fase super. After the beam being shot there would be a interval when you can input :QCF: :PP: again and spend two more bars for another beam and so on. This would make easier to see if spending more bars are really necessary, but on the other hand this would also make the super last longer.

But since it was already stated that you must make the decision right after the super flash, this isn't happening.
After the beam being shot there would be a interval when you can input :QCF: :PP: again and spend two more bars for another beam and so on.

That would make DHCs impossible though?
That would make DHCs impossible though?

Not if you do the next character's super input outside the window designed to add more cannons.
Many of these suggestions mike has already shot down.

Doesn't want SBO-style button inputs because you shouldn't accidentally get level 5 when you don't want it.
Doesn't want stage-style startup where it's like a followup to charge up the super.

Everything needs to be decided near the start of the super, so what's wrong with "tap PP = Lv1" "hold PP = Lv3" "hold PP+up = lv5" ?

I don't see why the button hand needs to do all the work.

Back, could also be another good direction to use instead of up.
Everything needs to be decided near the start of the super, so what's wrong with "tap PP = Lv1" "hold PP = Lv3" "hold PP+up = lv5" ?

I don't see why the button hand needs to do all the work.

Back, could also be another good direction to use instead of up.
I agree, but I feel like up isn't the best direction to hold. If you make lvl 5 "hold PP+up", then what you're essentially doing is making the lvl 5 a HCU motion. Of course, it wouldn't actually be this, I just feel like that's what it would kind of turn into. I also suggested the "hold back+PP", but thinking about it a little more I feel like you run into similar problems. Maybe "hold down+PP" would be the best directional option? If only because it's the simplest, requiring the least amount of motion, but also distinct enough that I don't think you'd have to worry about accidentally triggering the level 5. Unless there's something I'm forgetting about that would make holding down cause some kind of problem, in which case I'm not sure which would be better.
I don't like using the down direction because hitting down is so common and the motion starts from down. I think down would have the most chance to accidentally get you a level 5 when you didn't want one.

I think back might actually be the best option because even up has a decent chance to get you a level 5 if you do a sloppy 236 motion and end up doing 2369. The complete opposite direction from the direction you end the motion has the least amount of chance of getting you a level 5 when you didn't want one. ie. 236[PP]~[4] (or any back direction).
Because that's what this page read as, I'm gonna try for worst suggestion.

QCF+PP: Lvl 1.
2x QCF+PP: Lvl 3.
***TRIPLE*** QCF+PP: Lvl 5.

..seriously tho, has no one mentioned QCF+PPP for lvl 3 and QCF+hold PPP for lvl 5?
..seriously tho, has no one mentioned QCF+PPP for lvl 3 and QCF+hold PPP for lvl 5?

ppp and kkk inputs are despised by both mike and the general sg populace.

Punch or kick times 3 makes players drop inputs on the button press, and having players easily get out what they want, when they want, is one of the fundamental design philosophies of sg.
Enough discussion of the super, thank you.

We're gonna try:
If you're holding any Punch(es) at the time the superflash starts, you get a Lv3 if you have 3+ bars.
If the button(s) you're holding include HP, you get the Lv5 if you have 5 bars.
In testing this was the most intuitive thing of everything suggested.

j.HK does not have real hitboxes yet in the version you all have.
...is it bad that the buttons I usually press for PP supers are usually MP and HP? >.> Meh... I was gonna cash-in with Robo's supers anyway X3
We're gonna try:
If you're holding any Punch(es) at the time the superflash starts, you get a Lv3 if you have 3+ bars.
If the button(s) you're holding include HP, you get the Lv5 if you have 5 bars.
In testing this was the most intuitive thing of everything suggested.
Should be perhaps noted that pad players who do not use PP macros most likely always do either LP+HP or MP+HP for PP supers, as the one PP option without HP is rather uncomfortable to do. If that's going to be an issue, maybe an alternative could be MP+HP (two strongest) for a lvl5 while LP+MP and LP+HP always ending at max at a lvl3.
That actually works out very well for me as a pad player who uses a LP+MP macro.
That's intuitive enough for ANY setup, unless your somehow using macros that force you to hold down buttons.

Anyway, I can't WAIT to lazor some dodongos!
Should be perhaps noted that pad players who do not use PP macros most likely always do either LP+HP or MP+HP for PP supers, as the one PP option without HP is rather uncomfortable to do. If that's going to be an issue, maybe an alternative could be MP+HP (two strongest) for a lvl5 while LP+MP and LP+HP always ending at max at a lvl3.
Actually I do lp mp everytime on pad and i find it far easier than any of the ones involving hp personally (no pp macros either)
Should be perhaps noted that pad players who do not use PP macros most likely always do either LP+HP or MP+HP for PP supers, as the one PP option without HP is rather uncomfortable to do. If that's going to be an issue, maybe an alternative could be MP+HP (two strongest) for a lvl5 while LP+MP and LP+HP always ending at max at a lvl3.
Release HP continue holding other punch. You only need to hold 1 punch that isnt HP according to Mikes post.
Getting restands right feels easier after that weight change, j.LP, LK, MP, jump LP, LK into restand is easy as pie now even if it's not IPS optimized
You can't pushblock RF's HP Laser until the last hit.
Can Robo's 2LP be disjointed so it's a better anti-air or make it like how other normals have the hitbox come out first, then it gets filled in with hurtboxes?

At least for the first hit?