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Robo-Fortune: "Why Do I Feel Pain, Creator" edition!

Nah, she´s not canon.

And pls no, she´s a joke, just that.

I'm sad now. :(

Anyway can someone posts these lines against Robo-Fortune. I want to hear them.
The icon would be pretty hard to differentiate from Fortune's from a distance, though.

I'm guessing the current icon will stay. Haven't had an icon change before and the one we have fits/defines RoboFortune pretty well.


Well you are right, will be difficult to differentiate, but a didn´t like the current one, hope will get another one.
I'm busy programming tiddy phisycs
Can I have your job?
Monsoon palette is perfect, I'm satisfied now.
Since Ms. Fortune has a Mami palette, should Robo Fortune get a Canderlolo palette to match Ms. Fortune?
I'm so hyped for the MGR palette ever since I picked that game up two days ago.

Bladewolf may be my husbando, but I'm gonna use the heckies out of that palette.
...make the 2D tiddies on a separate plane, lock them to chest like a boomerang effect, reduce distance for more realism and watch them bounce ...then tell yourself "WTF?!"
TwT #couldntresist
...make the 2D tiddies on a separate plane, lock them to chest like a boomerang effect, reduce distance for more realism and watch them bounce ...then tell yourself "WTF?!"
TwT #couldntresist

Really Viro
Robo Fortune gets all the physics from you but not Nadia Fortune.
Shame was given, but I pulled it back.
Thank MIKEZ you supported Robo Fortune.

Is she another Hyperspace Pocket? with all the chainsaws, heads, and intelligence to write certain fanfiction about our detective and wrestler that Persona totally didn't write while doing some animation stuff with Robo Fortune, it seems that she is a Pseudo-Hyperspace Pocket.

Please correct me if my theory is wrong.

By any chances do we get a HOT Loader palette for Robo Fortune? Because she's hot and everything, and I totally didn't reference Borderlands 2 in any way possible shape or form, or even in language.
That's a pretty hype looking level 1.
There's supposed to be more cannons if I recall correctly. I guess the Salty stream cut that short?
4 cannons in total. Persona was on his thrid cannon when Salty popped up and he hosted it on the LZ stream.
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Gonna see a lot of
stuff and things-> st.HK -> Beam -> Purrton Catton

Looking forward to it
In early concept art, yes. No idea if they changed it
So do anyone know when mike will update the beta with the new robo with the lasers ?
two weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeksssssssssssssssss. now just wait here and be quite and if you're good Mike might take you to Dairy Queen or what ever. just be patient, geeze.
So, the leading edge of that super is gonna be Nyancat, right?
Watch the lazer sound effects be dubstep laced with cat sounds.
We can only hope.
Well...Robo Fortune has the Hype Cannon, now where's the Hype Train?