So...can PW jump and react with Air Super to punish? Outside of predicting, I don't see what else you can use, and I'm not for nerfs to an already weak set of command grabs (looking at SPD, Pot Buster in comparison) just to make punishing easier.
Hell, can PW jump and react with one of the Buer Reapers? I believe you can flight cancel that and convert, yeah? That's better than a lot of other characters imo. Everybody else has to predict (except maybe Fortune and Val with super).
There are lots and lots and lots of ways to punish bellas command grabs, probably by every character in the cast.
Buuuut that isnt the point. As age said, and hes a rather good bella, he very rarely gets his command grab attempts punished. Punishing wiffed dd with pw super is hard to do on reaction. Possible in an offline environment... But i dont play offline and its still a super punish. Punishing with buer also works... But once again is a hard reaction. Pw can ground fly and punish with flight normals, she can hold up and mash hk i would imagine as well, which is probably the best counter since flight is an actual read and airsuper and buer are hard reactions, if not near impossible.
But like i said, that aint the point.. The point is making bella a little more hesitant with just being able to throw out command grabs all day with little of non exotic punishes.
Also, darkness little photo up top correlates with mgr having near half screen range. Range is calculated from the back of one character to another (since the back of a character IS affected by a move that hits there front) if he put a characters blue box just barely overlapping the red hitbox on mgr.. The back of the character being hit would be PAST midscreen (the middle of the clock when cornered) so yeah its actually a little more than half screen... I wouldnt have believed it myself had i not just tested it. I knew it had range but goddamn. Anyways, im sure some will disagree on the ranging... But whatever...
Fine it hits about 3 character lengths away from bella... Either way, the range is fucking huge.
Also, i dont play bella, but i just looked at her moves and... Yeah mgr mixed up with sweep hits from 3 character lengths away or more, or half screen...pick your terminology it doesnt matter. The range is huge.
My bad, the range in character lengths is 2 1/2
But thats still huge. And still reaches characters that are almost directly under the clock when bella is cornered.
-edit 2
Mgr has more range than uss.
A simple test in training mode should show you this: put a character into max range for mgr. save the state, now jump back in the corner to make sure no forward movements are registered and wiff uss all day, then when youve had enough fun, do the same with mgr.
And with that im wondering why people rush to put their foots in their mouths everytime i make a correct statement.
Also i like the ninja edit where you took out uss having more range than mgr...