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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

Because talking mascot.
inb4, Persona 6 you just get a Jack Frost for an ally. Totally calling it now.
This would be a million times better than any direction they're taking Morgana right now.
the only way for Morgana to be good is if they got a DEEP BOOMING VOICE to contrast whatever the fuck Kappei screeches out as Teddie
I'm expecting a slightly shrill voice. I'm expecting him to be a bit haughty, self centered, snarky, the usual cat mascot stuff.
*breathes deeply*

I'm in love with Anne

She definately immediately stands out more than previous girls, if her cut in is anything to go by. Kinda reminds me of Lisa design-wise...kinda
That's actually my greatest fear for that cat is getting another Teddie..



Ugh, I really hope we don't get another Teddie...I'm sorry, but he wasn't cute nor funny to me...(gotta admit, he was funny in Persona Q, maybe they got a new script writer or something) he was very annoying. In and out of his bear suit.

I hope Morgana is a snooty, arrogant typical cat and not all cutesy, please god. Make him one bad ass cat.
Random thought, the whole bear pun with Teddie was actually a localization choice as in the original Japanese, it was just Kuma having a verbal tic of adding "kuma" to the end of his sentences. "Kuma" means bear, so just adding "bear" to the end of everyone's sentences wouldn't sounded very natural. The bear pun thing makes more sense if you look at it that way.

Having said that, there's always the possibility that the cat doesn't have the same style verbal tic in Japanese, which means the pun thing might be unnecessary as well. I doubt the localization team would make such a decision if it wasn't based around something similar they did in the original release.
Teddie...err...existed in Persona 4? I never thought anything of him besides a decent healer.

He's the worst fucking thing ever in the spinoffs however. Especially PQ.

I already like Morgana a lot more than Ted design-wise alone.
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People already starting to break down the trailer and the symbolism that lies within it, especially with the main characters and what they represent. Seems a lot of people are rolling with the concept of the 7 deadly sins, and how our main characters are representative of these sins, and how maybe they might be looking for repentance.


Breakdown of the musical stylings of the trailer compared to P4

And miscellaneous stuff that people might have misssed
If Morgana's going to be spouting off a bunch of cat puns, then they should get Kimlinh to voice her.
I hope Morgana is another teddie just to spite you guys.
cuz I legit like all the animal mascots.
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As long as he's funny and a good contrast, I'm fine with it. He might just be the down to earth one of them to counteract the insanity the main party seems to possess in this XD
what consoles is this onj again? Ps3 and Ps4 right? I wonder what limitations will have to be put on the PS3 version
Who's Jason Statham?

Also, what are the naming possibilities for the twins? Assuming we're keeping with the Frankenstein angle, I don't know who'd be left...Stil want the Demon Painter to make a cameo as a normal guy since he was noted as human in P2

The PS3 version will be limited video-wise. Probably longer load times and less cinematic transitions maybe. It's running on the catherine engine, which did some pretty impressive stuff in real time
By the way,

I don't care what anyone says, that's Jason Statham.

He looks too young to be Statham.

Also Morgana is automatically better than Ted because he/she will more than likely not hit on or flirt with anything that has a vagina.
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It also appears we fight with a dagger or knife as opposed to the MC traditional sword. Well I guess we already had basic shortswords and then 2h swords, so now daggers is the way to go? Whatever, it works.
I thought main guy used a gun? both? MC remember the basics of CQC
Also Morgana is automatically better than Ted because he/she will more than likely not hit on or flirt with anything that has a vagina.
well, most men don't have those.

what consoles is this onj again? Ps3 and Ps4 right? I wonder what limitations will have to be put on the PS3 version
eh, I can see them doing less sharp textures. adding a little fog here and there to cover up stuff like draw distance.

All characters get the gun it looks like. If you look closely as it changes, you see a pic of a knife above the gun.
Alternate weapons? I highly doubt that based on what we've seen.

Also, that brings up a point, so we're te Joker here it seems. Does that mean that we'll be using some other special tarots, like the Hunger/Lust again? The major decks that have altering major arcana are few and far between, and there aren't negative versions of all main arcana, so I can't really see anyone but us getting a special arcana aside from maybe aeon...
gee guys it's not like a previous persona game gave you a melee weapon and a firearm or anything
I thought main guy used a gun? both? MC remember the basics of CQC
It's actually a pretty common thing in the Main line SMT games for the MC to be able to use a melee and ranged weapon. Usually it's to compensate for the fact that those MC's can't use magic but in this case it might be for variety in non-persona attacks.

Translated P5 Trailer
You don't have to pause trying to catch things because at the end they show stills

Looks like we are in Shibuya after all
Tokyo's gonna get destroyed yet again isn't it.
gee guys it's not like a previous persona game gave you a melee weapon and a firearm or anything
it's not like there was JUST ONE GAME where they did that.
and then they got rid of it every game after.
because it was a bland SMT game.

Tokyo's gonna get destroyed yet again isn't it.
naw man, tokyo is gonna get stolen, so we gotta steal it back!
>stealing Tokyo

Are we Dark Cloud 3 now
Because I would like that very much sir
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we need a slam jam remix of the games opening like IMMEDIATELY.
it's not like there was JUST ONE GAME where they did that.
and then they got rid of it every game after.
because it was a bland SMT game.
Living up to your tag as ever I see.
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We're actually in Tokyo this time? Boring! I honestly preferred non-Tokyo. It's always Tokyo, ALWAYS! Not even in SMT, it's just always Tokyo. Tokyo is the New York of Japan.
Shibuya's cool I guess. Maybe Neku will show up and crash the party?...
Actually...since we're in Tokyo, that almost doubles Raidou's chances of being a guest character/cameo! Yeah! He doubled from 0 to 0! WOOH!
what if Raidou shows up and just hijacks the plot
P5 is the stealth Raidou sequel that we've all been waiting for
You mean the game where he's actually a detective and does his job? Sure, I'll take it XD
considering the entirety of Persona's existence relies on him succeeding or not, I would say he's a bit out there on taking the spotlight.