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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

basically, #FE should have had the audience/stage from Thousand Year Door
get hype for bonus, have stage mishaps, wardrobe malfunctions, have the fans help you out/boo you and throw shit
that kind stuff + what Paper Bag said
wardrobe malfunctions,
fumble an attack and wind up tripping on your weapon. Your helmet falls down and blinds you so you can't hit anything. That little girl in the yellow submarine falls over and can't get up because it's too heavy for her.

They all just write themselves at this point.
that's why I'd love a sequel, solely so for the fact that what was missed can be achieved in another installment.
Just some Persona 4 stuff but why is there no real choice between joining the Drama club or the Band. I did the tour of the Band room, saw the girl who is obviously the social link option and went right for Yumi instead. I don't think I've ever seen the band side of the cultural club but is there an actual draw to it?
Band club is just for people who like lolis over foreheads.
I found a pretty cool Satan figure for 13 bucks on Amazon.


I always liked the look of Satan's tentacles.

That Beelzebub figure though. Ooooooooh yeah baby
If you all are interested in sprite art from the first two SMT games.
Tumblr user Crash Carnival regularly posts gif's and rips of enemy sprites and background areas. It's a marvel how good these sprites look even after all these years.
Man, there is so much good stuff on that tumblr in general.

Good, bad and ugly... but the art compilations are good (the multi gif scenes are awful, though)

still, cool stuff! both suggestions added to the RSS feed!
Keep in mind some of the stuff that's "ugly" is from the old Japanese PC 98 and PC 88, which necessitated a unique sprite style.
So, uh, here's the final cutscene before the last boss fight in #FE.

:^) nope, but I can say that the comments only prove to me that this game brought in the cancer of both fanbases together.

megatens and classic FEs.
What about this, senpai?

I just want to point out that the quad city dj's fit the Fire Emblem theme better and afford it more dignity then jpop vocals.
So what do those lame Jpop lyrics even translate out to?
hopefully "stop spoiling things that just came out please"

probably wrong though.
Keep in mind some of the stuff that's "ugly" is from the old Japanese PC 98 and PC 88, which necessitated a unique sprite style.
I was talking about Tumblr. Lots of bad stuff there
it could be worse
at least it's not Skullheart
I wouldn't wish that place on anyone tbh
Try to keep on topic here? huehue.

Anyways I've finally gotten my hands on Persona 4 Golden and its really a fun and refreshing playthrough of persona 4 which i havent dont in a long time <3
Golden was alright... Aside from how hard they force the worst new character.
Golden was alright... Aside from how hard they force the worst new character.
but Rise was in the vanilla version
Ruin you don't realize

Rise's had an amazing transformation once she became playable in Arena

She even got her own shitty dance spinoff thing

Rise clearly the only P4 girl of any caliber
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Aigis is and will always best best girlbot. And Waifu, and whatever memes blah blah blah. I love me my robots :D
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I enjoyed Persona 4's characters while I was playing, but they all kind of faded into a grey haze after I finished it. No one really stuck with me.

I've personally come to believe that it's partly because character interactions are gimped by having everyone talk at a silent protagonist all the time. For example, Trails In The Sky's constant back and forth conversations between its principle characters is part of what makes their personalities and relationships feel so vivid and believable...you don't really get that when one character (who's always on screen) can never respond or take part in the conversation and the other character has to do the talking for both of them.

On the other hand, maybe it's a bad comparison because Trails script writing utterly schools every other jrpg in existence anyway. So does its battle system (well, once it expands a bit...if Silver Will is playing you're in for an epic boss).


Go play Trails In The Sky is what I'm saying.
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So far from what I've experienced with Marie she wasnt too bad other than the cliche tsundere archetype. Some of her dialogue with the cast is funny though, very blunt, something that definitely felt like it was missing prior.
I just mainly hate the stereotypical tsundere archtype. its been done to death and Marie reminding me of it doesn't increase appeal of her one bit.

I will say her storyline is interesting, but her personality is not my cup of tea.
Continuing my trek through P4Golden. I really hope that Atlus abandons the Diorama feel of character interactions. It's appropriate that this game has the Television motif because it feels like everything is taking place on film sets.

Gripe aside. I really love the new opening. Unlike Persona 3 FES which added an inferior theme to Burn my Dread, I don't really skip the Golden themesong when I boot up the game. It's a nice listen
I've always thought it's P4 welcoming you back to it's story.
it doesn't care if you like it or not, it just loves the company.