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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

because lets face it, Naoto is freakin' gorgeous no matter what she wears.
Persona 4 Arena Daily Post!

Theme is every Shadow characters intros and outros! Some we've seen already




Yes Chie stomps on the other character's head when she wins










Also Persona 4 Dancing all Night story stuff from http://www.joystiq.com/2013/12/04/persona-4-dancing-all-night-story-details-emerge/

Taking place after the events of Persona 4, Dancing All Night finds former Investigation Team member Rise Kujikawa back in the idol biz, returning to a life of everyday celebrity after solving multiple homicides in Inaba. When a member of her idol group goes missing amid rumors of the Midnight Channel's return, however, Rise once again teams up with Persona 4 protagonist Yu Narukami to find her missing coworker and bust some moves along the way.

I'm hoping there'll be more than one intro/outro for the Shadows, btu hey, those are some pretty awesome custom ones at least. Love how Shadow Naoto has that operating table.
I doubt they would have a 2nd set since the shadows would sometimes be seen recycling the original intro/win poses as seen in footage.
I doubt they would have a 2nd animation set since the shadows would sometimes be seen recycling the original intro/win poses as seen in footage.
Yeah I noticed that when I was watching Shadow Teddie.
I was like "They're not recycling, are they?"
And then I was like "Yes, yes they are"
On the bright side, said recycled poses do at least come with some new dialogue, it appears
Footage of Shadow Sho/Persona Sho
Also 3:54 = Fuck

First comment =))) PerShoNa really needs to learn from Shadow Aigis when it comes to evil laughter.
P4A2 Daily News Post

Not much for pictures today but here is a link to a hub of videos on Nico so far. Just click the character you want to see then click the link of the match. It has the time stamp right beside it too. Ex:


Blue link leads to the video and the second red arrow is pointing to the time stamp


As for images, Yukari has a Hawk Eye color and her IK looks like his super too
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Heh nice one.
Never noticed that poor Yukari being compared to him,
Moving on...

Apparently, Risky difficulty Score Attack is like the original Score Attack in P4A; Junpei, specifically, starts at 9 runs and has all the bases loaded. Dunno if there are other changes made to him. There probably are, though.
I'm going to have the hypest time yelling "THE BASES ARE LODADED, BITCH, GET FUCKED" when I smack someone with that grandslam super.
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Daily P4A2 Post!

I'm not sure if this has been posted at all but story premise!

It’s several days after the fighting tournament, the do-or-die battle involving the Investigation Team and the Shadow Operatives. The two groups investigate who is the mastermind behind it all. Suddenly, at Yasoinaba, the Mayonaka TV again goes live!

“All-out war, outbreaks-kuma!”

The supreme ruler Teddie appears again with a boisterous announcement. The footage is an announcement of the the fighting tournament P-1 CLIMAX, now with 200% more absurdity! Along with the announcement, the surroundings of Yasoinaba completely change. Space-time warps, people vanish, and the sudden appearance of a red fog has transformed the streets of Inaba into something bizarre. Yasoinaba has become just like the alternate dimension inside the TV. What’s more, the Investigation Team finds Mitsuru and the others crucified on Mayonaka TV!


The Investigation Team sets out to solve the situation. In order to save Mitsuru and the others, the Shadow Operative rescue unit is also urgently dispatched!

Standing in their way is the Shadow army! Just who are the masterminds behind this, and what are their goals…!?

There is also this image of the rest of the Shadow Ops

Apparently a Persona 4 Arena Manga. Spoilering the covers for size.


From what I've seen, Labrys goes by the name of Hayase Reku, similar to how the Persona 3's protagonist has Minato Arisato as his name in the manga.

And this is the Skullgirls Forum so have a fan made palette

Maybe one day..
Shadow Ops pic appeared in the first game, and the manga's been known about for a bit now. Colors are kinda cool, though.
Those fan palettes are awesome! They made my night.
Fortune CHie, Double Elizabeth, Marie S.lab and Feng Youskue are legit hype.


That Fortune Chie color needs to be an actual thing, I pray there is a color editor like Cvs 2's console port.
Nadia Satonaka and Bloody Labrys need to happen. I don't care if it's reference or not, the colors just look great on them.

Parasuru is basically Mitsuru's default palette a wee bit more saturated.

Teddiewheel would be the greatest thing ever if it came with a voice pack.

Ahikiho not Beowulf. LOL WUT?

And why doesn't Elizabeth have a Eliza palette? It's right in her freakin' name - ELIZABETH!
Seriously - dark skin, black dress with those circles gold colored, blue eyes and gold grimoire and I think she'd look great.
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I'd pay double for Double Elizabeth.
If only we could get D. Violet Yukari and Beowulf Junpei.

Annie Sho would be funny.

Taliesin Adachi would be fantastic, as well
I...really want Link Yosuke... I love both of them so the combination is awesome


Also if Jutsei hasn't purchased the DLC color pack for Naoto yet...


This tumblr made fan palettes for Skullgirls found and has a bunch of others. It's worth taking a look
Pretty sure Teddiekaka is also in the DLC color pack.
Doesn't Naoto already have a Hazama color?
Doesn't Naoto already have a Hazama color?
yeah. pie was just telling jutsei about it in case he didnt buy the DLC colors yet, but the palette itself is one of the main reasons justei bought the ultimate pack.
Well no it's more because I'd be fucking stupid to pass the deal
I said one of the main reasons you bought the DLC, not the entire reason. ;D JK JK.

still, its good to see that the persona fighting community is still strong.
Quoting someone on Dustloop who played more Score Attack:

EDIT: Found risky courses B and C, both a yukiko run so I'll note changes to the best of my ability aside the ones that are from the previous game, this is course B's character changes.

Course B:Mostly normal, 3 shadow characters.

*couldn't decypher

*Konohona sakuya has some charge attack likely one of her persona attacks enhanced

*Power charge is flashing blue (someone who chie's explain this to me I don't do chie XD)
*unsure if this was with the old S.A. Chie but she can do her furious action counter attack in the air like a special

Shadow Kanji
*j.214B isn't doing much damage, so safe to assume either the overall damage buff is different for kanji or something else
*low distance on his airdash (again never reached kanji in score attack so I dunno if traits between both versions are inherited or not)
*he kept the dropkick...come out very fast, like split-second the round started then DROPKICK! went low so I assume it's the sweep version

Yukari (someone's waiting for this so I'll look forward to their reactions to the changes)
*5B does 18 hits, so in a way rapid fire.
*2B fires 3 arrows that track the opponent
*I believe a triple arrow-like move had ricocheting arrows
*All B attacks can track the opponent
*gimlet-super tracks (or goes forward than back, the yukiko used her dia move to block it), do not know if this applies to air version, turns out on hit it can hope in for a second strike...if done within a clusterbomb of arrows it's garunteed loss for the round.
*I think I saw 2 bombs fall so maybe whoever said she throws more than 1 bomb is correct or it could b the SB version

Shadow Mitsuru
*...I could not decypher a darn thing from her match

*999 Bullets...go figure.
*turns out her flame cartwheel movie I have NO IDEA what the name is can be cancelled into itself in midair as if it were a third jump... (somehow, again I barely know half the characters or faced 'em in score attack)

*since axe level is red...one of her supers IKed the yukiko... (surprisingly...or unsurprisingly...again never got far in S.A.)

S.Labrys (w/Asterius)
*couldn't decypher her well

*as much as I wanna decypher liz..there's only two words I can truly say WE'RE...BONED
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No surprise about Elizabeth, do all attacks instantkill now?
Oh yeah. Just learned why Reach Out to the Truth is no longer the P4 mirror match theme. It is instead... the theme of Shadow Yu.
Y'know what would be cool as hell in the next Persona game? having a "main persona" that would could change slightly based on how it evolved: like changing its colors and some small details if it advances more on a certain stat or skill (like, say, getting more fearsome gauntlets if it learns a physical attack, some small parts of it getting more red if you decide to increase its attack, etc.)

Personas reflect the person inner self, and that inner self evolves with their experiences. drastic events or change in a mindset provoke a persona "evolution", but small changes should make some effect too.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There's gonna be a patch to P4U2 on the 19th. In addition to adding PerShoNa as a playable character, there will also be a new training mode (which is apparently timed) and numerous bug fixes, including the infamous Elizabeth Debilitate ones.
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Haven't gotten back to Persona 4 yet because of things.
But is Shadow Kanji harder or easier than Yukiko?
Legitimately curious.
I think I had a tough time if I remember correctly. I know I at least used one of my easy mode revives.
I think I had a tough time if I remember correctly. I know I at least used one of my easy mode revives.
I was asking because I saw a gif set of the anime and the game of two of his abilities (Poison Males, Enrage Females), and I was like "oh boy status effects. That's fair"