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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

lots of SMT games don't involve destroying Tokyo.

I know for a fact Strange Journey is not about Tokyo getting destroyed.
No just the people who are screaming that Fire emblem has to be rigid and follow their ten commandments and never attempt to appeal to wider audiences because god knows that's how companies make money.:PUN:

I mean I know that Atlus didn't give what they were implying in that trailer but come on. One game isn't out yet and I highly doubt most of the people in here bought,played,and understood the japanese release of Fates. Can't we wait for the games to Actually be playable and reviewed before bashing them?
The future is, in fact,

NOT written

The game might not be what it might have been originally but games change all the time man
And if you don't like it you'll always have your Final thing

So chill
It's not so much the Fire Emblem itself

but the sheer quantities of shitty Fire Emblem stuff being shoved down the throats of many
Given sales numbers the Japanese don't seem to be too happy about this travesty either.
the console bundle sold out entirely and it was 15th highest selling game on the WiiU eShop if that means anything.
There was a console bundle?
It sold out?
People bought WiiUs for this game?
All that pandering and generic shit really did add up to something in the end...
There was a console bundle?
It sold out?
People bought WiiUs for this game?
All that pandering and generic shit really did add up to something in the end...
you're sad it didn't do good
you're sad if it does

make up your mind.
Maybe I'm bad at remembering but did I ever say I'd be sad if this game sold like shit?
I'm sorry if I seem on edge.

:T I'm just seeing people revel in it not having good sales.
if you're gonna brag about something not selling well then you're a fucking asshat.

fucking pisses me off
I'm sorry if I seem on edge.

:T I'm just seeing people revel in it not having good sales.
if you're gonna brag about something not selling well then you're a fucking asshat.

fucking pisses me off
Yeah,people being happy that people's hard work and creativity over the course of a few years being unsuccessful kind of pisses me off too,even if I really don't like what the result of their work is.I was just baffled people bought ENTIRE CONSOLES for one game.I'm not too broken up about this game selling well though,that confirms localization,and my inevitable new self-torture method.
i hope they cast johnny yong bosch so we can use his radical badical singing skills to make this new persona game shine like the most golden turd in the world
i hope they cast johnny yong bosch so we can use his radical badical singing skills to make this new persona game shine like the most golden turd in the world
I hope Johnny Yong Bosch and Vic Mignona could be the only voice actors for every character.
i hope they cast johnny yong bosch so we can use his radical badical singing skills to make this new persona game shine like the most golden turd in the world
I want Jason Liebrecht as Toma.
the console bundle sold out entirely and it was 15th highest selling game on the WiiU eShop if that means anything.
15th doesn't exactly sound like success, but I'm the idiot who forgot to bother looking up digital sales.
Whoa what happened here. Lots of arguing again out of nowhere over guess what.

I'll just restate my opinions on FE and SMT X FE again like I always do:

1: FE franchise is doing great. Instead of going off the rails and doing something that has none of the appeal of the franchise (see: Castlevania Lords of Shadows), or sticking with year after year of slight remix's of the same theme (see: Mega Man), they're actually going out of their way to experiment and play around with new mechanics (pairing, dual strike), have a different tone each game (Awakening is markedly more light hearted and campy, Fates promises to be darker), while still sticking true to the fast paced tactics and punishing gameplay that gives the series its tension and excitement. Even if not everything they do works, it's at least interesting and leaves potential for even better attempts down the line. This is how you keep a franchise relevant after 10+ titles IMO.

2: SMT X FE's Japanophile aesthetic would be grating to many even if we weren't teased with the prospect of an actual cross over. But as I've said, the real tragedy is the loss of an opportunity to merge FE's ultra streamlined tactics with SMT's clever demon summoning mechanics. I can think of a million ways it could be interesting...a million ways now lost to the void....
Until I get to work on my own srpg in Unity after my shmup is done....
Anyway might be an okay game. Hard to imagine the same director who okay'd the aesthetic would pick a good writer IMO, so I imagine it'll be for the gameplay or bust (I could be wrong, but I'm not often surprised). I don't need another Atlus dungeon crawler though, still playing Etrian Odyssey anyway.
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I buy fucking Neptunia games physical at gamestop and the prospect of doing the same for #FE really embarrasses me.
I love how everyone is judging the sales based on quality and not the fact that it came out literally a day after Christmas, a suicide date for retail.

Plus, the game was in the top 8 on the wiiu's digital store
So imo, digital sales have not yet been taken into account.
The reason it's doing better in digital sales is because it has better load times on the digital version rather than the retail version.
And because nobody wants to be seen buying that in public.
you do realize you guys are pushing a Japanese made game made by Japanese people, which involves Japan, and sold in Japan as a Japanophile game right?

like, say what you want about idol stuff, Japan does like it.
lots of SMT games don't involve destroying Tokyo.

I know for a fact Strange Journey is not about Tokyo getting destroyed.
Tokyo not being a major location is a reason why Strange Journey is not SMT IV despite starting out as that.
That being said technically in two of the endings Tokyo does get destroyed so...
Tokyo not being a major location is a reason why Strange Journey is not SMT IV despite starting out as that.
That being said technically in two of the endings Tokyo does get destroyed so...
when it's part of the whole world, that doesn't count.
you can't move the goal posts.
Right because the world never get's destroyed in any other mainline smt game.
I never said that wasn't it.
just that when the entire world is blown up then it shouldn't count to Japan's death count.
I never said that wasn't it.
just that when the entire world is blown up then it shouldn't count to Japan's death count.
And I don't know how I moved goal posts when all I said was that Japan technically get's destroyed in Strange Journey. And the world being destroyed would contribute to Japan's death count but I know what you;re trying to say.

Anyways, it sucks that Atlus seems to have given #FE the death sentence with it's release schedule in Japan. I wasn't exactly rooting for that game but hopefully it's not too much of a hit to Atlus provided it doesn't do well over here.