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Project Skulldate: The Unoffical Skullgirls Dating Sim.

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Well not right now, I mean after the shop and the casino are implemented.
Well I mean what is even the point of a casino or a shop when there is nothing to be accomplished from both and no other way to get money once you use it.
I mean there is a literal no point in even having the money system in the game as it does not affect the core game in any way and the only way it effects the game is so minor it is a waste of time to even work on.
And before you say the mystery shop, you save the shop keeper's life in the story, so you can just have him give you an item for free instead of all this trouble over something that in the context of the story/ and game play is worthless.
I hate to agree, but I'd rather see the money system go too. Like Funky's said, it seems really arbitrary, and the bones counter is a bit intrusive if anything.

Are there any plans for repeat playthrough rewards? Even if its something small like increasingly more money when you start off?

I thought about it, but the only thing I'd come up with so far is to have Squigly's "nickname" carry over into a second playthrough. If I can think of more special features like that to implement, then they could potentially be carried over too.
Minor updates to the battle engine:
  • "Defend" and "Rally" have respective arrow animations.
  • Healing moves now ignore defense, so the basic heal is guaranteed to heal every character for at least 100 HP, even if they've defended on that turn.
I also want to mention: if a character's status gets changed in battle (your stats are raised/lowered, or you get poisoned/burned), that change will remain until that character acts (which is doing anything other than clicking 'End Turn'). Originally I considered this a nuisance, but I've instead decided to incorporate this into the strategy of battles. Say for example, Squigly defends on turn 1, then on turn 2 you only attack with the Player and click End Turn to skip Squigly's attack. Squigly will end turn 2 with the defense boost, and will retain the defense boost until she acts again.

Players can utilize this feature to build a strategy around having a weakened character defend for a couple turns as the Player builds meter and continually heals them (as healing now ignores defense). Just remember that status effect turns won't count down either, and no meter will be gained if a character doesn't take their turn.

This probably sounds confusing, but once some more (particularly difficult) battles have been created, I'll make another video explaining everything.
Minor updates to the battle engine:
  • "Defend" and "Rally" have respective arrow animations.
  • Healing moves now ignore defense, so the basic heal is guaranteed to heal every character for at least 100 HP, even if they've defended on that turn.
I also want to mention: if a character's status gets changed in battle (your stats are raised/lowered, or you get poisoned/burned), that change will remain until that character acts (which is doing anything other than clicking 'End Turn'). Originally I considered this a nuisance, but I've instead decided to incorporate this into the strategy of battles. Say for example, Squigly defends on turn 1, then on turn 2 you only attack with the Player and click End Turn to skip Squigly's attack. Squigly will end turn 2 with the defense boost, and will retain the defense boost until she acts again.

Players can utilize this feature to build a strategy around having a weakened character defend for a couple turns as the Player builds meter and continually heals them (as healing now ignores defense). Just remember that status effect turns won't count down either, and no meter will be gained if a character doesn't take their turn.

This probably sounds confusing, but once some more (particularly difficult) battles have been created, I'll make another video explaining everything.
That's kinda interesting...

In fact that kinda would help with Painwheel since I'm making her a glass cannon...
Just an idea,

How about everytime you replay small things carry over and alter stories and progression? Maybe characters remembering things you did in the past, confusing both the MC and said character. Eventually the MC himself realizes all these things carrying over, revealing a time-loop sort of plot. At this point the story can branch into 3 separate endings: one where you go into denial and continue to live through the same days over-and-over again(Bad End), one where you meet with Isaac and stop the time loop(Neutral/Good end?), and one where you access Aeon's route(Love End~) possibly through specific conditions. It both rewards replaying the game and encourages the players to replay the game to find what changed in the routes~

I don't really know about Ren Py and its capabilities so I don't really know if this is possible.
Again, just an idea.
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I think that plot line can be used for a character not written yet but it can be done. But to use that for the other characters it depends on who is writing it.
@Mc.Rad so I got back to working on the Skulldate UI and title screen. sorry for not getting back to it any sooner. << school called. but yea so quick question about something I am working on. Is it possible to have a image slideshow on the title screen? I post below what I am talking about. The idea I have is having each character next to the menu being all cute but having a different image rotate to a different character.
progress so far


  • skulldate title screen.png
    skulldate title screen.png
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Funny you should bring that up, clawmaster, as I actually just went and changed a couple things about the UI. I fixed up the menu a bit, and also renamed the buttons at the bottom screen to "Fast Fwd", "Skip Fwd" "and Auto Fwd", so it's clearer what they actually do. I never used them before due to their inexplicable naming, but after experimenting with them I find they greatly enrich the experience, so I definitely recommend trying them out!

Also, I've heard a few criticisms about this and, no offense to the original title screen artist, but I believe we will require a new title screen (I believe the current one was just a beta anyway). If any artist or graphic designer is willing to volunteer for this task, please post letting us know.

I'm not too sure all of your idea entails, clawmaster. Is that entire screencap the title screen? If so, it seems a bit too tall to fit. Also, will the character images cycle automatically or will they change when the menu buttons are hovered over? In either case, figuring out how to accomplish it will take some research.
Funny you should bring that up, clawmaster, as I actually just went and changed a couple things about the UI. I fixed up the menu a bit, and also renamed the buttons at the bottom screen to "Fast Fwd", "Skip Fwd" "and Auto Fwd", so it's clearer what they actually do. I never used them before due to their inexplicable naming, but after experimenting with them I find they greatly enrich the experience, so I definitely recommend trying them out!

Also, I've heard a few criticisms about this and, no offense to the original title screen artist, but I believe we will require a new title screen (I believe the current one was just a beta anyway). If any artist or graphic designer is willing to volunteer for this task, please post letting us know.

I'm not too sure all of your idea entails, clawmaster. Is that entire screencap the title screen? If so, it seems a bit too tall to fit. Also, will the character images cycle automatically or will they change when the menu buttons are hovered over? In either case, figuring out how to accomplish it will take some research.

they would cycle automatically. Okay good to know in terms of the update on the game. again I been away busy with school so I wasn't much in here as much as I would like to be. No harm no foul in terms of wanting a new title screen. Its kinda the thing most graphic designers go through anyways. make 10 art examples, client takes one of them or disregard the rest.


for anyone in here who would like to work on the title screen, @LockjawsSaga what kinda of direction would like to see it headed?
they would cycle automatically. Okay good to know in terms of the update on the game. again I been away busy with school so I wasn't much in here as much as I would like to be. No harm no foul in terms of wanting a new title screen. Its kinda the thing most graphic designers go through anyways. make 10 art examples, client takes one of them or disregard the rest.


for anyone in here who would like to work on the title screen, @LockjawsSaga what kinda of direction would like to see it headed?

Something with the Skullgirls logo but reading "Skulldate" and a bit more romantic-looking without changing it too much. Basically, the same as what's there now, just a bit more refined.
What resolution should it be at?
800 x 600, but keep in mind the dimensions of the menu in the bottom right corner. I'd prefer if nothing gets obscured.


  • title.png
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Also, I just did a test and yes, it's very possible to have a slide show during the title screen. If that's the approach you want to take then go for it!
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Also, I just did a test and yes, it's very possible to have a slide show during the title screen. If that's the approach you want to take then go for it!

I think it be a cool idea if one artist draws a skullgirl character in their own art style for the title screen. It may not be consistent with who the rest of the game may look, but just an idea throwing out there.
That looks like a significant improvement in my opinion.
I have a very important question for everyone: would you like to see the game's resolution brought up to 1280 x 720? Not only will this show more of the bgs and of characters' sprites, but it will make it much easier to show two characters onscreen at one time (also it will remove the black bars when played in fullscreen). It will give the game an aesthetic that overall feels much closer to the actual Skullgirls game.

Here is what the game would look like at 1280 x 720:


I need to know if you guys would want this or not, because this would involve reconfiguring a LOT of assets. Do you prefer the resolution as it is now or should we make this change?
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Oh, yes please. It will make things look more pleasant.
Right then, 1280 x 720 it is. Hopefully it won't take too long to re-edit the sprites and adjust the script accordingly. I might even release it as an update when finished.

Also, amazing job on that title screen art, Crazyzooka! Would you be able to upscale it to fit the new res, and also make the "Skull Date" a slightly darker color?
Thanks! Of course. I'll adjust it now.
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Alright, I've changed the resolution and gave the title a gradient with a darker colour, no idea how I got that glow effect on it but it looks nice. Also redid the wings so they're larger and more smooth than my previous shaky drawn wings:

I hope we can still have the slide show idea though, I just realised this title gives no room for one :o
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Alright, I've changed the resolution and gave the title a gradient with a darker colour, no idea how I got that glow effect on it but it looks nice. Also redid the wings so they're larger and more smooth than my previous shaky drawn wings:

I hope we can still have the slide show idea though, I just realised this title gives no room for one :o

Love it. this is some goood shit man
I've finished reworking all the script and assets for the upscale, the only thing I didn't get around to was the fights. Man, rescaling all those attack animations is gonna be a real treat. :/

Here are some more screencaps to give a better idea of the new res:
an old favorite
Right.....so i've been gone for awhile what new changes are availible?
Another request to all my wonderful, artistically-inclined friends: I just made a bunch of sprites of Lev-less Squigly by cropping the pigtail from this picture onto her normal sprites. This is the result:

As you see, I don't know how to change the color to match the rest of her hair, or how to edit Lev's tail out. I'd really love if someone could take on this task for me so I can use these sprites during Squigly's theater scene and another scene I'm working on (and if anyone else would ever need to use them too). Attached is a .zip with all the sprites that need editing. To whoever does it, thanks for helping.


  • Pigtail.zip
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Fuck, looks like I'm too late ;-; I was trying to get it to look as good as possible. I'll post it anyway, if you or anyone wants to use it:



  • Squigly, No Leviathan.zip
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@Crazyzooka I looked at all your edits, and after showing them to RPG and asking him if it would be alright, we've both decided that yours would be what we'll use for the game. Thanks so much to the both of you!
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@Crazyzooka I looked at all your edits, and after showing them to RPG and asking him if it would be alright, we've both decided that yours would be what we'll use for the game. Thanks so much to the both of you!

Oh, sweet. Thank you for sharing the opportunity though, I have nothing else to do since its the last days of my holiday :[

Sorry RPG :v
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I just joined the Fourm to see if I could say a few ideas of my own. First, I need to say quick that I don't know how stressful, tedious, or difficult this is for everyone involved so I would like to thank for your dedication and hard work to this project. I know a lot of people are looking forward to this and it seems to be a great idea I, personally, hope this turns out well, so on the ideas. I would like to propose a personality selector of sorts, such as in the beginning of the game you can choose positive, negative, and double-edged traits. For every positive trait you chose you had to choose a negative to counter balance it, where as double-edged are good and bad.

So, for example, if I wanted to put myself/my OC (Sorry, I try to base my OC off myself) in this game I would choose positive traits like Brave (Has little to no scared options in dialogue), Kind (Has options to go out of their way for the sake of being nice consequentially gets some different dialogue options), and Polite (unless the character is around close friends they will not make vulgar comments) but I would have to pick three negatives according to my positives. My negatives would then be [Socially] awkward (changes dialogue to give impression of a cowardly or silly character around new people/acquaintances{if brave they have to be around a crowd for that to happen}), devoid(Can seem uncaring or bored due their still expression and/or monotonous voice), and distant (It would be hard for them to connect with new people) then would come the double-edged which don't need to parallel with the positive or negative. The double-edged traits would be things like honest(You always tell the truth whether it's good or bad even if it could hurt you/your partner and friends) or at the opposite and compulsive liar(you can save yourself my making lies but eventually they will come back at you) I would understand if my idea wasn't used, it's a lot of work and I wont forcefully dump it on you all. Finally before I go I did say ideas but I will not take up more room in this post than I already have and I know that if this idea is not accepted then my other will not be either.

I'm sorry for such a long paragraph, good night to you all (it's 11:53 PM here) I will be here to check for a reply Tomorrow thoughIdon'texpectone at around 5:00 PM US Central time. Oh and sorry about the formalities I'm really nervous right now.~Dralith, the guy that has no talents
Hello Dralith, and thank you for your feedback and support!

Though your idea is interesting, it sounds like it'd be a technical nightmare to implement, especially across several different character routes. If it's any consolation, the player IS given options on how they want to interact with their date of choice through the dialogues, be it positive, negative or neutral. The way the player treats the date will effect the caliber of ending they receive at the end of the route. Going by your idea, it feels as though the player would be locked into one ending right from picking their traits (like, picking negative traits would always get you bad endings and vice versa), but maybe I'm just not understanding it fully.
It seems like this would involve the writing of more dialogue if I understand correctly not even mentioning the technical aspect of it. I'm not even sure if anyone has even started on a new character recently or completely finished a characters path yet. But the think about this project Darlith since there are different writers its will hard to go back and make the plot lines cohesive to fit your idea.
side note if i have a plotline for a character should i send it to someone still or just start working on the file?
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