I thought the Blazblue spinoff had some pretty cool ideas in there. Combos are kinda mashy, yeah, but I actually felt that's probably for the best when all you have is a touchscreen - it makes it a fun kind of dumb. And it should be noted that you can't actually combo forever like that though because most enemies besides small mooks will fall out. Annoyingly it's hard to predict when they fall out though, and since the combo counter works more like a beat-em-up you can still rack that number up if you manage to catch them again after they recover from hitstun, so you might not even realize how that works. Also it seems like they've taken some inspiration from IPS since repeating moves reduces damage and makes them fall out sooner, so it's not actually good to truly mash.
I even thought the PvP was alright (again, at least as far as trying to play on a touchscreen goes), and thankfully they were sensible enough to make that a level playing field (mostly, you still have to unlock characters though and one of them is $50). It can be pretty laggy sometimes though, and balance is a bit silly - seems to me like Makoto can get an automatic win if she's able to get an orb up in the corner, and Tager literally cannot touch Noel or Jin if they want to zone him out.
However, the whole thing is rendered utterly horrendous by piling on literally every terrible pay2win thing imaginable. A dozen different currencies to obfuscate prices and bottlenecks, energy, wait timers and X per day limits on everything, lots of RNG loot, and of course tons and tons and tons of grinding that gets worse and worse and worse. Skill cannot substitute for grinding since you always lose timeouts, you're stuck if you cannot deal enough damage in 99 seconds. Oh, and there's even a "VIP" designation that unlocks certain things based on how much total money you spent. Hazama is VIP only with a $50 paywall. And although all other characters can be unlocked normally, they still take a ton of horrible grinding. Did I mention you can't access PvP until you've unlocked at least 5 characters, which took me about two whole weeks to get to?
For the ultimate in how bad it is, I did the math and the maximum VIP level is for players who have spent ~$4200. That shit is absolutely disgusting, they're like a drug dealer basing their business model on compulsive addicts.