: Pilum Sanguineus - Triad points forward, gesturing for Jupiter to lash out a great distance, grab the foe in his mouth, and pull them back to Triad where Triad's knee awaits their gut. This move can only be done one the ground and is a far-reaching Command Grab.
Hic! ("Here," in Latin.)
Come away from there! (The opposite wording for "Get over here!")
The name is Latin for "bloody spear," as the move is similar to Scorpion's Bloody Spear.

: Gastraphetes - Triad lifts his leg to allow Jupiter to use it as a base for lunging upwards at an angle, grabbing the foe with his mouth, and driving them to the ground in an arc where Triad stomps on them when they arrive. This move can only be done on the ground and is a Command Grab.
Quotes: Scorpio!
Be gone from my skies! (Jupiter. Skies. There.)
Referencing the Roman artillery, the
Gastraphetes and similar weaponry, such as the
Scorpio and the

: Aegis Of Juno - Triad holds Juno in front of himself and, if attacked, will counter with a shield bash. This move can only be done on the ground and is a Counter.
Perfect guard!
Break it!
Aegis was the mythological shield used by Jupiter and Minerva. Both quotes reference Urien's line: "My perfect guard! Nobody can break it!"

: Lost Babel - Jupiter straightens and stiffens, allowing Triad to thrust upward at a forty-five degree angle. The

button can be pressed again to do a second thrust, or the

button can be held (only on the first press of the

button) to initiate a counter where Triad brings Juno in front of him and, only if hit, will initiate a more powerful upwards thrust. This move can only be done on the ground, causes a Knock-Down against aerial opponents, and can be a Counter.
Tower of Babylon!
Scutum and electrocute 'em! - This is only done for the Counter variant. ("Scutum," means "shield" in Latin.)
Named after one of the
Uragaan Lances from Monster Hunter, which, in turn, references the
Tower of Babel. The quote "Seleucia!" comes from the fact that after Alexander the Great conquered Babylon and died, it became a place of turmoil, so the citizens were moved to

: Nero's Atrocity - Triad thrusts forward with Jupiter, covering a long range. The

button can be pressed again for a second thrust. This move can only be done on the ground.
Quotes: Tyrannical rex! ("Tyrannical king" in Latin, referring to how many viewed Nero.)
Quit fiddling around! (The emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned.")
Burn! (See: Above.)
Named after a
Deviljho Lance from Monster Hunter that is named after the Roman Emperor
Nero, who is believed to be behind the Great Fire of Rome - hence his "atrocity."

: Aquilifer Evasion - Triad slides on his knees with his upper half leaned back significantly, making his body a smaller target, and with Jupiter's tail held high and straight up by Triad. This move can only be used be on the ground and moves Triad forward a fair amount.
Quotes: Draconarius drag! (Another standard-bearer, the
Draconarius, had the dragon.)
Eagle bearer! (The eagle is the symbol on the standard and is Jupiter's animal.)
Referencing, by name and quotes, the
Aquilifer, the bearer of the eagle themed standard in the Roman military.

: Cicero's Demise - Triad circles one leg upwards and stops it at its peak straight in front of him, Jupiter then rests his tail and some of the length of his posterior on the underside of Triad's leg with the blade underneath his foot, and Triad brings his leg straight down. This move can only be done on the ground and is a High.
Quotes: Labrys! ("Axe." You know what language, if not, pay attention.)
Hold your tongue! (Cicero was executed for his antagonistic speeches.)
Sustentatione! ("Forbearance," referencing Parasoul's move of that name.)
Cicero was killed due to his orations making him an enemy of the state, as declared by Mark Antony.

: Spartacus' Gladius - Triad performs an exaggerated frontal kick with Jupiter's back half resting against the underside of his leg and the blade sticking forward from below his foot. This move can only be done on the ground and causes a Knock-Down if not near the corner and a Wall-Bounce near the corner.
Quotes: Spartan kick! (The frontal kick was popularized as such.)
Named after the Latin word for "sword" - "gladius" - and
Spartacus, the famous gladiator.

: Scutum Scoot - Triad runs forward quickly with Juno held in front of him. This move can only be used on the ground (I bet you're surprised), does no damage and has three hits of Super Armor.
Quotes: Miles of the milites! (
Milites were Roman foot-soldiers.
"Scutum" means "shield."

: Exia Lordlancea - Triad runs forward quickly with Jupiter held rigidly in front of him. This move can only be used on the ground and does three consecutive hits of damage.
Velites! (
Velites were Roman light infantry.)
Light feet, heavy hands!
Exia Lordlance is a Ceadeus Lance from Monster Hunter, with the "lance" portion turned into its Latin name. It roughly translates into "Exit Lance of Lords."

: Marathon March - Triad runs forward almost incredibly quickly, with both Jupiter and Juno held in front of himself. It has one hit of armor and one damaging hit, and - of course - can only be done on the ground.
Us to Athens, them to Hades! (The fable of one who ran from Marathon to Athens.)
Bull charge! (The
Cretan Bull became the Marathonian Bull after it was captured by Hercules and released in Marathon.
Referencing the
Battle of Marathon and the myth of the soldier who ran all the way from Marathon to Athens.

after a

: Pegasus Rein-Back - Triad quickly hops backwards to halt his run and retreat to a safe distance. This move can only be done on the ground, does not hit, and is Grab-Invincible.
Quotes: Trippy pterippi ("Pterippi" are winged horses.)
Named after the famous winged horse,
Pegasus, and the horse maneuver involving going backwards, the

after a

: Xanthus Piaffe - Triad skids to an immediate stop on his heels. The move can only be done on the ground, does not hit, and is Hit-Invincible.
Trojan Horse! (Xanthus was a horse present at the Trojan War.)
Xanthus was a horse of Achilles. The
piaffe is a horse maneuver involving staying in place.

after a

: Arion Half-Pass - Triad leaps forward with a low-profile by using his arms and legs in the lunge. This move can only be done on the ground, goes not hit, can pass through foes, and is Projectile-Invincible.
Quotes: Fastest Adrastus! (Adrastus was the rider of the fastest horse, Arion.)
Arion was the mythological fastest horse. One horse maneuver involving going forwards is a

after a

: Cranium of Minerva - Triad headbutts forward while the horse-hair plume is arranged in a series of spikes. This move can only be done on the ground - yeah, yeah.
Quotes: Helm splitter! (As Jupiter had to have his head split open to birth Minerva.)
Cause them a headache! (Jupiter had a headache from Minerva being in his skull.)
Minerva is associated with wisdom, which is associated with the cranium (and Triad uses his head in the move), and she was born from Jupiter's cranium.

after a

: Ancile Exile - Triad swats the opponent away with Juno. This move cannot be done in the air and will cause a Wall-Bounce from anywhere.
Dismissed? (On whiff only - play on words of "This missed?")
Referencing the shield of Mars (Ares) that was said to protect Rome, the

after a

: Albrach Demolisher - Triad quickly thrusts forward with Jupiter. This move can only be done on the ground and causes a Hard Knock-Down (Skid).
Transigo! ("Thrust.")
Lancea! ("Lance.")
Full-arm pole-arm! (Pole-arm class weaponry can include javelins, spears, and lances.)
Albrach Demolisher is a Brachydios Lance from Monster Hunter, which roughly translates to either "The Arm Demolisher" or "Full Arm Demolisher" in Latin.