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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

  • Flesh Step distance traveled increased/decreased based off strength of button used.
  • Flesh Step has full invuln during its projectile invuln period.
yes, please.

also, how about:

4LP+HP - double rushes forward and does fukua H clone animation, like an overhead parallel to cilia slide.
My point is just that Double's reversal options are as good or better than some in the cast.

Almost every character can beat car mid screen, via pillar, counter, devil horns, or raw tag etc.
It's not good for being a reversal to get you out of pressure.
Car is also HORRIBLE without a safe DHC.
It's worse than post flash blockable supers because it even gives them a million years to set up to avoid it, and it's counter superable, counter everythingiable(?)

DC is invincible from frame 1.
If you buffer the input you're getting a close range hit, invincible super, which gets you left or right tech chase options into low/throw/high.
You also have armor xx DC!
You also have thresher which is ridiculous but you already agree with that.

Fast post flash unblockable invinicle supers from ground, and air, are not 'bad reversal options'
Also don't say Val needs reversal options.
Reversals beat attacks, EKG and Scalpels do that flawlessly, so does DC.

Also for Painwheel, the first frame that's not fully invincible (The only hit invincible frame of DC), is also the first ACTIVE frame, you can only throw her with something that is invincible, AND a throw.

So no you don't just 'throw her.'
And no, it's not 'unreliable'

LK Butt, with vulnerable startup, is not reliable.
Car, which begs "Please CH me" is not. (Unless you have some cool DHC set up, but she's an anchor character)
DC and Thresher, are post flash unblockable and invincible, those are good moves to use to break out of a reset.

The point of the reversals right now is to avoid blocking mix up.
LK Butt get stuffed by any frame trap mix up making it UNRELIABLE , car sorta blows too for that.

TL;DR Painwheel has fine defensive options and DC is fine for not blocking the reset and instead getting a hit. I think you're really biased about defending options because either your offence is brain dead, your defense is horrible, and your solo play doesn't give you the full experience.

Double gets hit or blocks something, double has to block, again, and PBGC, and everything, she doesn't have "I don't want to block this next mix up, I'm going to instead turn this into a 50/50, will he reset, or block?"

Painwheel does.
LK Bomber, if it was invul up to the first active frame, even if it couldn't be canceled into super, would be exactly what she needed
BUT...but...that's the EXACT THING I DID, though.
LK invincible first frame until 2f after it is active.
MK invincible first frame until 4f before it is active.

@ Double players
So for MK Bomber, would the Double Contingent prefer the old MK arc and hits with zero invincibility, or the new one with invincibility but(t) no lockdown? Cuz I honestly don't care either way, I just will not be leaving it with both. If people prefer lockdown I have no problem with that, I just figured people would prefer the invincible with combos option.
I can certainly make it lockdown with no invin...?
I'll even listen to sage despite the fact that I am losing a bunch of respect the more of his replays I see (hi sage, lmfao that you think Fukua is good, wheee)

And down-back while waiting to confirm off of your assist is a very valid, very boring thing to both watch and play against.
That's when you get thrown and can't even tech it, but whatever. You keep talking like you know what you're doing... :^)

Possible ideas for improving Double's playability:
Flesh Step distance can't change, she's attached to the ground and goes a fixed distance in the animation and she won't be getting a new anim.
Nightmare Legion dropping I can totally fix, that's a bug. Give me some reproducible instances where it drops or some videos!
Bigger bullet I actually don't mind at all.
I think we'd like to see how the current changes work as the beta hasn't been updated although on paper I would prefer lockdown but no invul (I think?)
BUT...but...that's the EXACT THING I DID, though.

Update Beta already so that I can start talking about LK bomber in present tense with actual gameplay experience instead of hypotheticals, then!

Also, would greatly prefer MK Bomber with old arc+lockdown and no invul.

That's when you get thrown and can't even tech it, but whatever.

I'm starting to incorporate downback mash assist along with the downback->back LP+LK+MP pushblock+throw tech OS. It's a bit tough to have it all mentally queued up, but give me some time. :)
the downback->back LP+LK+MP pushblock+throw tech OS.
How is that an OS if you get hit low by not holding down?
Although that's a decent reminder to remove throw tech + any other button as throw tech. :^P
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Also speaking of hybrid type assists, what about L Extend on Big Band then? It's a DP assist that's pretty good and can also be used for pressure due to how long it reaches and it pulls people in.
How is that an OS if you get hit low by not holding down?
The idea is to switch to back at a late enough point that you tech throws at the end of the window and lowblock c.LKs etc, so you are safe from both Lows and Throws
Obviously doesn't work if they delay their low, but that's too next level for SG .. atm?
So I'm watching the latest Poccola match, and something happened that I dont understand. Skip to 7:30.
Was that a product of Filia's hurtbox changes, or a problem with Parasoul's 4hk, or something else?
Was that a product of Filia's hurtbox changes, or a problem with Parasoul's 4hk, or something else?
He RC'd the kick before it hit...the smear has her foot down.

Also speaking of hybrid type assists, what about L Extend on Big Band then? It's a DP assist that's pretty good and can also be used for pressure due to how long it reaches and it pulls people in.
Beat Extend is a scrub killer and a decent counter-call but I don't think it's that great overall, and I think it kinda sucks on block. The payoff is good but it's pretty easy to bait, it has extra startup vulnerability, not that much blockstun, it comes with Big Band, and Brass is a much better counter-call.

Because I got curious, here are some numbers for how long your character is held blocking before they can act with various assists, including hitstop+blockstun:
Butcher's Blade - 83f
H Osiris Spiral - 80f
Drag'n'Bite - 75f
H Hairball - 75f
Cerecopter - 70f
M Bomber - 67f if blocked high/air (now you see why it would lose invin), 33f if it goes over you
Painwheel cr.MP - 60f
Filia c.MK - 60f
L Bomber - 57f ("new" not-yet-in-Beta 40f)
Fortune s.HK - 57f
H Drill - 53f
Peacock s.HP - 52f
- I'd put the cutoff for counting as "useful blocked pressure" (enough to recover and start a new mixup) at about 50-55f, but pushblocking anything below here tends to increase the blockstun -
Fukua c.MK - 43f
H Fiber - 42f
L Beat Extend - 42f if blocked high/air, 24f if blocked low
H Brass - 42f (!)
Val s.MP - 38f
Cilia Slide - 33f
Luger (any) - 32f
H Bypass - 31f
Pillar - 31f
SoiD - 30f
M Shadow - 30f
M Love Dart (close) - 29f
H Lock'n'Load - 27f
Egret Charge - 27f
L Tear Shot - 26f
H Updo - 23f
He RC'd the kick before it hit...the smear has her foot down.
Oh, haha, yeah.
Nightmare Legion dropping I can totally fix, that's a bug. Give me some reproducible instances where it drops or some videos!
I don't know how to set it up with a real double combo, but Double with filia's c.mp assist, just do assist, c.hp, and lvl 3 after the bounce. First hit connects as she passes under, and the punch whiffs.

Edit: Done to Squigly.
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How is that an OS if you get hit low by not holding down?
Although that's a decent reminder to remove throw tech + any other button as throw tech. :^P

no pls i like the defensive os, it loses to lots of stuff so it's not dumb. besides all that would really do is make the os downback back, LP+LK then PP shortly after, limiting the OS to people with faster excution
Give me some reproducible instances where it drops
Feral Edge(all hits) into DHC nightmare legion against Squigly gives the first hit that freezes them, but no followup.
I think some people are being slightly disingenuous as far as painwheels ground reversal ability.

Well, disingenuous is a bit harsh. But not telling the whole story, either cause of ignorance or because of just trying to skew the facts in their favor, seems more in line with what is being said.

Deathcrawl is a ridiculously bad option against crossups and anything aerial that is moving upward at the time or will not simply land on deathcrawl. Deathcrawl is only hitstop unblockable against things that it can make block, if the opponent is above deathcrawl it gets none of that hitstop unblockability, like vals bypass super in the same fashion. This makes deathcrawl pretty bad as a good lead in for safe on block dhcs, and it makes dc a hard to use reversal option against people that use overheads and crossups against painwheel. As an example, filia can high against dc or crossup high against cd and make dc basically useless.

Not only can filia do that, but she can also st.hk THROUGH deathcrawl and then reversal gregor the deathcrawl since deathcrawl cant hit filias st.hk active frames (filia also cant be thrown out of st.hk)

Ranged mgr beats deathcrawl for free.

And other things such as just giving no shits about dc as an option on resets since you can just crossup or high for free. And on the off chance that pw does call out a meaty throw or or cr.lk, she gets nothing... For a meter. Which wouldnt be so bad except for the terrible reversal hitbox its stuck onto.

Before sg i considered reversals to be moves that:

Hit air, hit ground, are throw invincible as well as hit invincible. Now with sg i have to rethink what a reversal actually is in the context of this game.

Bellas raw tag is a reversal. It doesnt lead to anything, just like deathcrawl, but it hits air, it hits grounded, it hits throws, it hits crossups. There's a very big reason why you see taluda using bella raw tag as his go to ground pw reversal option instead of deathcrawl.

Having said that, deathcrawl is a good reversal at point blank under the following conditions:

Opponent is grounded in the middle of a move or not blocking.
Opponent is locking pw down on the ground with something and grounded themselves, which will allow pw to pbgc into deathcrawl.

Outside of those 2 instances, deathcrawl is rather bad. Which is neither here nor there, because i personally think pw deserves a somewhat shitty reversal. But lets not call it good when it pretty much isnt "good" its applicable at its best instance of use and thats about it.

Armor "reversals":

Not throw invincible. Generally have ridiculously bad hitboxes that have terrible AA abilities, cant be called "reversals" because all have startup frames that can be hit before armor becomes active. And this isnt even counting breaking armor.

Then you have the fact that armor reversals arent mashable at all and actual timing has to be used (yes, this matters.) and you have to react to a break in offensive combo pressure and react to be able to use armor.

This doesnt mean armor is useless. But it does mean that its hard to apply. Then we also must note that armor gets crossed up easily, so, in order to not get armor crossed up, one has to use st.mp armor, an armor which has more startup than light attack armor and is easier to counterhit.

Which means very correct reads to be able to use well. And well, if people could come up with reads that accurate people wouldnt need reversals in the first place.

So painwheel has reversal options, but most of the ground ones will get her killed for not completely accurate reads. Such as predicting the reset spot and st.mp armoring it, but uh oh, they did a very fast low instead and counter hit you. Or hey, you predicted the reset spot well and cr.lp armored through it. But uh oh, they crossed you up and your armor wiffs completely and you get opened up.

These kinds of "reads" that need to be made, require very high end, narrow choices, to be made correctly and they usually wont be so you usually dont see armor used in positive ways. It happens sometimes but more often than not it gets painwheel hit and opened and killed.

Doubles car reversal, while weak doesnt have many of the weaknesses that deathcrawl has. It isnt weak to crossups or to aerial pressure, and its a great safe dhc starter since the hitbox is huge and hard to avoid.
The fact that its good against air is almost enough to make it a good reversal. You cant tag in the air to avoid it and you more than likely cant dhc to stop it.

Anyways, ive always felt double had better grounded reversal options than painwheel and ive never thought differently and ive been using double as long as ive been using pw.

This has actual ramifications besides cosmetic ones. A reversal that is good against air has applicability in the neutral and to offset lockdown pressure, more than one that is bad against air.
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Beat Extend is a scrub killer and a decent counter-call but I don't think it's that great overall, and I think it kinda sucks on block. The payoff is good but it's pretty easy to bait, it has extra startup vulnerability, not that much blockstun, it comes with Big Band, and Brass is a much better counter-call.
Well it's not the most amazing pressure tool but imo it's better than Updo because of how fast the hitboxes reach the apex. It also keeps them blocking longer according to your list and has a vacuum like effect. It's a DP Hybrid rather than a Lockdown Hybrid.

Yeah it's easy to bait if they're just spamming it but you can't jump forward and block every time or not try to poke your toes out. It even catches things that Updo wouldn't. There's also things like giving you an easy combo while Updo confirms has to be chased after sometimes.

Also are you implying having Big Band himself is a negative?
Fukua has her super uppercut which is super great.

It has like 5 vulnerable frames on startup before the invincibility starts. Its not a very good reversal.

Of course if you get counterhit out of it you won't see the super flash or spend the meter so people assume that they just input the move wrong when that happens which gives the illusion that it is a good reversal.
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Nightmare Legion dropping I can totally fix, that's a bug. Give me some reproducible instances where it drops or some videos!
I specifically remember Fortune air super dhc nightmare legion not working properly on enemy fortune. I think I have footage of it somewhere.
@ Double players
So for MK Bomber, would the Double Contingent prefer the old MK arc and hits with zero invincibility, or the new one with invincibility but(t) no lockdown? Cuz I honestly don't care either way, I just will not be leaving it with both. If people prefer lockdown I have no problem with that, I just figured people would prefer the invincible with combos option.
I can certainly make it lockdown with no invin...?

Nightmare Legion dropping I can totally fix, that's a bug. Give me some reproducible instances where it drops or some videos!
Bigger bullet I actually don't mind at all.
Bigger bullet sounds more interesting, because it sounds like luger combos won't whiff as much, as well as a better AA with hp luger. I would prefer old M bomber without invincibility bc of its variable uses (people actually used it as reversal?!). However, from what you said, it sounded as if you could combo after new M bomber. Is this true?
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I feel like I might get scolded for saying this, but I am not a fan Peacock's changes so far. The fullscreen gun confirm into lenny then super is nice, but I don't see myself really going for that unless it will win me the round. Wasting two bars for a chance to get a single mixup in or do a 7K combo (or a bit over 8.5K if I use a third bar and so on) hardly seems worth it in most situations. Maybe I just need to mess with it a bit more but not feeling it yet.
@Lem or really anyone that would like to chime in

You tell me a situation in which DC wins that lk.bomber loses. At this point I'm legitimately curious because I must be playing PW wrong.

I'm going to make the claim that lk.bomber loses in (almost) every situation that DC does and wins in some that DC doesn't. I've just spent a few minutes (though hardly exhaustive) in training confirming as much. I'd be glad to admit that there are probably some frame traps that DC wins out one that Butt loses to... though I've yet to find them.

Also, keep in mind that one costs meter and the other doesn't. And that one can't be combo'd into outside of a DHC for any amount of meter while the other can.

On that note, let's do the same for car. I again make the claim that any situation you can counter or block car, you can counter or block DC. And car wins in situations that DC doesn't... while doing more damage on a successful reversal.

Anyway, dime summed it all up nicely and concisely (I kid on this last part).

Relevant to my feelings on the beta, I don't particularly care what Double gets. She's not top tier and could probably afford a few QoL changes to make her feel better. I'm just mostly taking exception to the non-sense statement that Double doesn't have a reversal.
@Lem or really anyone that would like to chime in

You tell me a situation in which DC wins that lk.bomber loses. At this point I'm legitimately curious because I must be playing PW wrong.

I'm going to make the claim that lk.bomber loses in (almost) every situation that DC does and wins in some that DC doesn't. I've just spent a few minutes (though hardly exhaustive) in training confirming as much. I'd be glad to admit that there are probably some frame traps that DC wins out one that Butt loses to... though I've yet to find them.

Also, keep in mind that one costs meter and the other doesn't. And that one can't be combo'd into outside of a DHC for any amount of meter while the other can.

On that note, let's do the same for car. I again make the claim that any situation you can counter or block car, you can counter or block DC. And car wins in situations that DC doesn't... while doing more damage on a successful reversal.
You can't be serious. Try car from mid screen.
Oh god I'm getting out of bed to show you how silly this is.
Try DC from midscreen. They both get fucked up.
Try DC from midscreen. They both get fucked up.
Keep talking, uploading now.
Aside from the fact that solo is the least consideration, does jMK Lenny Argus work, or does that take too long?
takes to long, you can argus though.

yeah i can combo with the soid and do a very good amount of damage but its pretty situational, you have to do the soid right after the launcher, and after that all thats left is air grab since they have time to block whatever else. a precharge item doesnt hit since the time it gets you to get to the opponent hit him and then launch him is to long.

You are right, is not that usless since it can still be use but from the situation is something i would rather not to use since it does less damage than my normal midscreen combo and doesnt give you mixup opportunities.

I see using the new grab just like something like this, but with less damage.

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Simple frame traps or simple high low resets BEATING HER REVERSAL and turning into bonus damage combos because of the good starter and extra undizzy.

No, I am not going to record any one of those with Deathcrawl.
Deathcrawl beats every single set up in that video clean, 100% of the time.

Also I forgot to record things with car, but know this:

If you did car in any of those situations in the video, and I was mid attack.
I can press raw tag, I can do Pillar xx jHP starter for free combo, I can do Pillar xx Sniper xx Showstopper for a Bella combo.

If I were bella? I could devilhorns into a jHK CH starter vs Car.
Fukua? BFF
Valentine? Counter
Filia? Updo

If it were death crawl instead?

All cast? Get hit.
Special shout outs to 2LP xx 5HP being a CH starter combo and beating LK Bomber every time without fail

I forgot about this part:

"On that note, let's do the same for car. I again make the claim that any situation you can counter or block car, you can counter or block DC. And car wins in situations that DC doesn't... while doing more damage on a successful reversal."

Okay so go into training mode Spencer, and make AI do car while she's touching you.
After the flash goes off, press block.

Nice block dude!

Okay so go into training mode, and make AI do Deathcrawl while she's touching you.
After the flash goes off, press block.

You just got hit! : (

Same thing works for if you're in mid attack like I explained earlier, just do a reversal and she will pass through you, you can even buffer Parasouls pillar during the super flash.

EDIT2: Why do I have to explain hitstop supers still.
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Haven't been able to try beta recently but does anyone know if peacock can do airthrow > j.MK > adc fastfall with aerial > Lenny > argus?
Haven't been able to try beta recently but does anyone know if peacock can do airthrow > j.MK > adc fastfall with aerial > Lenny > argus?

Ninja Nutria said it takes too long just 3 or so posts above yours =p
takes to long, you can argus though.

yeah i can combo with the soid and do a very good amount of damage but its pretty situational, you have to do the soid right after the launcher, and after that all thats left is air grab since they have time to block whatever else. a precharge item doesnt hit since the time it gets you to get to the opponent hit him and then launch him is to long.

You are right, is not that usless since it can still be use but from the situation is something i would rather not to use since it does less damage than my normal midscreen combo and doesnt

I see using the new grab just like something like this, but with less damage.

In order to use soid and air grab in the same setup, cant you start your ground chain with lp bang, call item and still have time to launch even if they attempt to mash out?
In order to use soid and air grab in the same setup, cant you start your ground chain with lp bang, call item and still have time to launch even if they attempt to mash out?
Without even testing I can say no. Dash forward, c.lk is hard enough against some characters after LP bang
Sup @Mike_Z l m f a o if you think Fukua isn't good -_^b


- HP Luger could use some adjustment. Vs Valentine, Squigly, sometimes Filia, Sometimes Fortune it whiffs if you do st.hk -> luger in the corner. This sucks, when you want to save your otg for a dhc follow up or if you reset and want to do a combo that wont trigger undizzy (reset -> ground chain -> launch hp luger -> ground chain).

Also, against some characters (Filia/Fortunea again) if you do st.hk wait hp luger, it ends up whiffing which also kinda sucks.

- Please increase the damage car does fully scaled. It does 730 damage atm which I feel is way too little. Only character that I know of who gets less is parasoul, who's super puts you into a crumple state and can be dhc'd early to get more damage. Filia's gregor doess les but she gets to do another attack afterwards which ends up also being more damage than fenrir and also ends up being a burst bait. I'd like it to be at least 900 damage, similar to big bands super.

- Make one of the flesh steps throw invincible. Just another tool I can work with.

- Catheads. This is probably a bit much, but I want cat heads to always restand my opponent on hit. Or something to give them more consistency on hit so I can combo it into a restand.

- Otging with Cilia slide gives you the bounce it gives you if you land it raw or mid combo. For coolness, and to help with hitting people with luger and confirming off it. It'd just be nice

- LK bomber is better from what I read, which is nice. MK I don't like, but I want to try it out. Chances are though, I'd prefer it being the old way - invincibility even though I said in the past it didn't need to lose it. If she gets some stuff to compensate I'll give the invincibility

- I know you probably don't want double to have a standing overhead, and she probably doesn't need it. BUT on the off chance that you'd be willing to try it, then I'd have it be not only slow enough to react too, but also slow enough that you can't do something like cr.lk -> b.hk and beat out people mashing cr.lk.

- J.lk barrel loop on painwheel. Why doesn't this work in the corner???

- Cr.hp Would you buff this to be as good as fukuas???

Set the barrels on fire.

Thoughts on mp luger change: yay
st.mp buff: I can combo off of cilia slide with st.mp vs parasoul now. Yay~

The legion thing
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Out of curiosity, what do Double players even want? Like, specifically.

Exploding Teacups
Exploding Barrels
Break The Law
unused Peacock air eye laser thing

Some sort of command overhead, command throw, or specials/mechanics that give Double more of her own identity instead of "huahuehahehe this character has all the good normals!"

I need to test the new L/M bombers, but I'm worried M bomber will be messed up for counter-calling, combo extensions, and reset setups.

I do like that the new L Bomber removes the exception placed on it and gives Double a consistent PBGC reversal. TBH when I used it as a reversal it would work about 90% of the time, but when it didn't that 10% was infuriating. It'll also give her more opportunities to cut through fast lockdowns with PBGCs that you couldn't before, like Cerecopter or Hairball.
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Otging with Cilia slide gives you the bounce it gives you if you land it raw or mid combo. For coolness, and to help with hitting people with luger and confirming off it. It'd just be nice

FYI every single OTG hit gives you the exact same hitstun properties, which is why you an combo off of an OTG Sweep but not anywhere else. Its also why Diamond Drop > F+HP doesn't cause a slide knockdown, etc. This is also the reason why Squigly OTG HK Divekick doesn't combo, which I asked for way back in the Squigly beta testing.

Only exception is hit-grab attacks like Silver Cord.

First, I'll say thanks. You're 100% right. DC will win in just about any frame trap. Granted unequivocally. I misspoke.

But what you are missing is that DC loses cleanly to just about every other reset which is why you aren't seeing it mashed out a ton except out of desperation. I watch Elda games fairly religiously, and I can't think of a single time he's used it. I watch other top tier PWs too, and pretty much the same thing. That's not to say they don't, but it is hardly the panacea of reversal options that you are implying.

Literally, try an air reset while PWs on the ground. She's prone to eating cross-ups due to her wonky hurtbox, and all of her potential reversals really only work if you are on the ground (ignoring the risky as hell 7 frame-until-invulnerable s.mp of course). Try a basic Parasoul string into j.5lk. You'll cross-up or if DC is mashed, you'll cause it to whiff which by extension means a full combo + optimal starter. Results will be similar around the cast.

At the very, very least we are talking apples and oranges since neither DC nor bomber really counter anything the other does counter outside of throws. Keeping in mind also... that one costs meter which isn't easy for PW to come by.

Similarly, car can punish pushing buttons at any height on the screen except the very top as well as coming from either side making it also more useful in some situations that DC. Of course, why does car need to be infinitely useful? Double has catheads which is one of the best uses for meter in the game, even at 2 bar. But you are right. In many cases (not all) DC > Car.

I'm still mostly just responding to the idea that PW, Val, etc. have reversal options while Double doesn't, which is patently false.

You seem to think that I'm saying bomber is fucking amazing, which I'm not. Like I've said above, I really have no issue with point Double taking a reversal buff. I'm 'meh' on it entirely. My only concern is any buff to a move is also a buff to its use as an assist which I'm generally opposed to when it comes to reversal assists.
FYI every single OTG hit gives you the exact same hitstun properties, which is why you an combo off of an OTG Sweep but not anywhere else. Its also why Diamond Drop > F+HP doesn't cause a slide knockdown, etc. This is also the reason why Squigly OTG HK Divekick doesn't combo, which I asked for way back in the Squigly beta testing.

Only exception is hit-grab attacks like Silver Cord.

Yeah I remembered this after I posted. ayyy
Car is such a bad reversal that most players have their own unique teabag or taunt that they do before punishing it.
Mine is putting down a lenny bomb..... then level 3ing
It has like 5 vulnerable frames on startup before the invincibility starts. Its not a very good reversal..

Wow damn, 4 vul frames but still I was dead wrong. My bad. I haven't done that much srs research into Fukua I just use her sometimes, do things and they work.
- J.lk barrel loop on painwheel. Why doesn't this work???

it does work midscreen, and in the corner just cut out the jmk