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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

Whether the indicators stay or not isn't really up for debate, same for the red flash.
I like 'em. :^)
You already got hit/thrown/whatever, so they don't impact gameplay all that much, but they DO help new players learn.
Does that mean throw indicators are gonna happen?

Eh? It's way more than 2 hits. Clarify?
The beam ends after you parry two hits and she goes to the second part of argus, looks super weird.
now this is just a minor suggestion and I am not an expert programer so I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement but what if you had the option to turn the indicators on or off in settings depending on your own personal preferences. I would like to point out that I like the indicators :-)
Edit: just noticed your last post..... sorry for wasting your time.....
Eh? It's way more than 2 hits. Clarify?

It seems like you only parry the first and last hits the rest of them pass harmlessly though you. Its hard to explain you should probably just see it for yourself.
now this is just a minor suggestion and I am not an expert programer so I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement but what if you had the option to turn the indicators on or off in settings depending on your own personal preferences. I would like to point out that I like the indicators :-)

If Mike implemented an on/off toggle for everything some small percentage of the community didn't like, then there would also need to be an on/off toggle for:

  • PBGC flashes
  • Poccola Effect
  • IGG NPCs appearing in Casino/Canopy
  • Glass Canopy's music (I personally like it)
  • Gehenna appearing in random select
  • 240 undizzy
  • Hitstop supers
  • Big Band
See where I'm going with this?
Any filia player found ANYTHING broken? i didn't find much broken from all the plays i've been doing.
Colorblind is actually a valid concern that I overlooked.

Now that I think about it, how hard is just the red flash to tell on Eliza's all red color?
@Natezer do you have any trouble identifying the counter hit flash and/or the PBGC flash? I'm assuming they look exactly the same but presumably you can tell which one is happening based on context.
I don't know how you guys don't notice the red flash. I mean, I'd understand if you guys noticed the flash but wouldn't go into your counter hit combo because you didn't react or were planning on doing something else. But to not notice it at all?
I know, right? It's like not noticing the reset spark or something.
User warned for flamebaiting.
If Mike implemented an on/off toggle for everything some small percentage of the community didn't like, then there would also need to be an on/off toggle for:

  • PBGC flashes
  • Poccola Effect
  • IGG NPCs appearing in Casino/Canopy
  • Glass Canopy's music (I personally like it)
  • Gehenna appearing in random select
  • 240 undizzy
  • Hitstop supers
  • Big Band
See where I'm going with this?
TBF, though, all of those things are terrible and ruin the game.
If Mike implemented an on/off toggle for everything... there would also need to be an on/off toggle for:

  • ...
  • IGG NPCs appearing in Casino/Canopy
  • Hitstop supers

I fail to see where the problem exists ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@Natezer do you have any trouble identifying the counter hit flash and/or the PBGC flash? I'm assuming they look exactly the same but presumably you can tell which one is happening based on context.

I know, right? It's like not noticing the reset spark or something.

Man I looked for the reset spark and it ended up being on the characters waist. I definitely would have never seen it LOL
Also is it new that val can do crossup launcher, or is this old? Bc I cant do it in retail

So far this setup with variant timing has a reset launcher (Cr.hp) crossup:
Launch j.hp adc j.mp (1hit) j.mk(1hit) j.hp fastfall launcher on landing will crossup on Filia/Fukua, Fortune, Peacock, Parasoul, and Valentine, yet whiffs or hits same side with everyone else. It also seems to on 1 frame be a sameside crossup, but I can't get it in retail.

Hitboxes are weird
I didn't thought he was overpowered. And althought his parry makes him dangerous, i almost never see people use them online up to now, which is a shame!.
@Natezer do you have any trouble identifying the counter hit flash and/or the PBGC flash? I'm assuming they look exactly the same but presumably you can tell which one is happening based on context.

In training mode I can see both but in a match I can only really see the counterhit flash. The biggest red green problem I have is the hitboxes/hurtboxes and the assist indicator lights. OH and the ips and undizzy burst sparks look the same.
OK, so I found 3 things.

1. air moves will make you go into pre-block for what looks like a single frame
2. you can cancel upback jump startup with crouch pre-block (looks like a teabag when performed)
3. Beo's j.HP doesn't send the opponent down as quickly as other similar j.HPs do so it's extremely difficult to impossible to punish him by trying to chicken block it.
Steam people complaining about H brass? I could see that argument for the assist version, but...
Unless it's like as far back as possible it's ridiculously unsafe mane Everybody knows that.
I like how you try to think of things that make Big Band overpowered and the first thing you think of is his parry. Amazing
Well, all his other feature is standard large character stuff, it's not like he can combo like crazy like most other characters. With all the fuss people did with parry in street fighter 3, i would have thought it would have been more exploited here.
Well, all his other feature is standard large character stuff, it's not like he can combo like crazy like most other characters. With all the fuss people did with parry in street fighter 3, i would have thought it would have been more exploited here.
His combos do quite a lot of damage...

You can still do stuff with parries in SG, it's just more risky due to more mix ups and failed parries can spell your death.
The thing is that once a BB player shows that they are adept at parrying, then sg neutral turns somewhat SF-like in that all jump ins, if practiced, can be parried and then either dp'd or other normal to punish with. Obviously it wont beat everything, but it is really good. Especially if backed by decent damage/utility assist
Well, all his other feature is standard large character stuff, it's not like he can combo like crazy like most other characters. With all the fuss people did with parry in street fighter 3, i would have thought it would have been more exploited here.
he has the highest damage combos in the game, next to bella
mcpeanuts doesn't need to master parry. His Peacock followed by Beat Extend assist makes for a strong mixup/ reset team. If he keeps the pressure then he can easily win a match.