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Souls Series and Bloodborne

I spent an hour in the Healing Church Workshop
Two thigns
Made it to the bottom and made it to a place I am totally not supposed to be at yet.
(The fucking Blood Gem I found had 8 things instead of two.)
And there's a second door you can fall down by rolling a specific way.
Then you find a super secret place.
I won't spoil the surprise for you.
Bloodbourne is the real ds2
Ended up in a different area after being killed by a bagman in the Church Graveyard area, weird.

Also got Ludwig's Holy Blade, 20,000 souls it's worth it.

Right now I'm trying to find/figure out the Covenants without too much trouble.
Praying with all my heart there's a PVE covenant, but apparently there's only three and none of them coming close to Sunbros.
So I beat the first two bosses, and I decided to use one of the features of my shiny new box and upload the fight with one of them, so if you want to watch my sub-par play, go ahead.
Spoilers, by the way.

Of the two bosses I've fought so far, the Father was definitely the better one. Much more fast paced, more like the rest of the game so far. Cleric Beast just felt like a Dark Souls boss, and it didn't really mesh well for me.
its private,
btw did anyone get the guide?
its private,

Oh. Sorry about that, it should be fixed now.

Also, does anyone who uses the Kirkhammer have tips for the transformed moveset? I understand that it deals alot of damage, but I'm not quite getting it's main purpose.
Dang Bloodborne, that's just dirty.
Decided to try out Chalice Dungeons, ended up stumbling upon an enemy that throws a posoned dagger at you...
...Which instantly inflicts slow poison.
So then I got hit by it at least 5 times and lost about 15 Blood Vials, then by the time I ran into the boss I had to go back to central Yharnam and grind.
I really hope these douchebags won't be a recurring enemy type.
So, as I type this, the Bloodborne NG+ is starting up, so here are my final thoughts on my first play through (Spoilers)

This game is awesome. The entire last portions of this game are amazing (Minus the Moon Presence, huge disappointment) and I'm excited to play through it again.
Favorites and least favorites:
Favorite Zone: Nightmare of Mensis and Mergo's Loft.
This zone is absolutely oozing with atmosphere and is home to both the Wet Nurse and Micolash, two of the coolest bosses in the series.
Least Favorite Zone: Upper Cathedral Ward.
Brain Suckers are the most annoying things ever, and the upgraded Werewolf monsters were a chore to take down. Also doesn't help that I am not a fan of either of the bosses in the area.
Favorite Boss: Gehrman, the First Hunter, Mergo's Wet Nurse, and Logarius.
This game has amazing bosses, and I'm unable to choose just one favorite, so I just chose my top three in no particular order.
Logarius is such an amazing boss fight, with great design and a fun mechanic, though maybe a bit obscure on the whole shoot the sword thing.
Gehrman is just so fun to fight against. His raw speed is horrifying and amazing, and perfectly foreshadowed. His first phase may have been a bit too easy to parry, but holy crap he jumps in the air ans shoots a tornado this boss is amazing. Shame that the true final boss is so lame.
Mego's Wet Nurse is just really cool and creepy. Not much else to say, though I did nearly have a heart attack when the second one started attacking me in the mist. THAT was terrifying.
Least Favorite Boss: The Moon Presence.
This games true ending couldn't have left on more of a whimper. You beat this boss by strafing left and mashing dodge when things come at you, and it's move set is just lame. I didn't want the final boss of this game to just have Amelia's moveset with a health wipe. The blood bubbles were kind of cool, but that's about it. Special mention also goes to Eribitas, though I found her more annoying then downright bad.
Best Atmosphere: The Micolash Boss Fight.
This fight gave me chills when I played it, and for good reason. The creepy puppets and the chilling music combined with his manic ravings are really scary, and even when I figured out how easy he is to beat, he still left me scarred.
Overall verdict, easily in the top ten of my $500 purchases.
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So, rumor going around that Dark Souls 3 will be announced at E3
The Rumor also mentions Miyazaki is directing, trying not to get my hopes up too hard.
But if this is true, alright, bring it on.
I need something to play while waiting for Bloodborne DLC
I find the BB DLC news at E3 more likely, but man, it would be nice.

It would also be nice for there to be DaS1 port to next-gen because DS1 runs not good on any platform (unless you use secret magic mods on PC which is something no game should require.)
I think we'll more than likely at least get an idea of what BB DLC we're getting at the Playstation experience.

Like I said though, DS 3 would be pretty pretty good too. I didn't mind DS 2, so another one's fine. Just let me be a Sunbro and help people out and I'm sold

A DS Remastered would alsoo be a good idea, I could buy DS 1 on PS3 but, ech, PS4 needs more games bro.
A DS Remastered would alsoo be a good idea, I could buy DS 1 on PS3 but, ech, PS4 needs more games bro.
All they need to do is make all areas run at 60 fps, make the end game areas less bad (especially Lost Izalith).

And maybe DaS3 could bring back Priscilla. Because Priscilla is still the best.
Definitely possible.

I'm just not sure what they'd do with Dark Souls 3, what else can ya do with the Undead Curse here?

Guess we'll find out in roughly two weeks.

Also I'm reading that thread I linked, someone posed the idea of __________ Souls with Japanese Folklore.
I think I felt my soul leaving my body that sounded so cool.
Supposed DS3 Leak information:

Bullet points for people who can't or don't want to watch the video:

- Coming in 2016 for PS4 and XB1, with the possibility of a PC release.
-Potential cap for summoning and/or invading at 4 players.
-10 starting classes (Up from 8 in DS2).
-45 new enemy types with 15 new bosses, not including enemies and bosses from previous games.
-100 new weapons and 45 new armour sets, once again not including weapons and armour from previous games.
-An hour combined run-time for cut-scenes, the majority of which is in-engine.
-12 zones in the game, with a comparable amount of total content to DS1.
-Co-op and invasion Orbs/Soapstones replaced with 'Sacrifice Rituals', in which the player drags a dead body to the area they wish to invade or cooperate. Doing this will mark you for invasions.
-Performing Sacrifice Rituals also changes properties in your own game, such as creating Bonfires and summoning NPCs. Also changes lighting, enemy layouts and boss battles.
-'Heat Up' mechanic for boss battles, which will severely alter boss fights based on currently unknown factors, perhaps similar to world tendency in DeS.
-'Sword Fighting Arts', equipable special moves that grant abilities outside of weapon type.

The source for these leaks has decided to remain anonymous, so take this information with the appropriate dosage of salt.

Also in DS3 news, what is supposedly and official promotional image was released by IGN, which sets the release date at 'early 2016', which lines up with the above leak.

btw, for everyone wondering, the moment Bloodborne can come to PC is probably the second this
can get removed from the game.
I there is a dark souls 3,
I will fucking flip my shit, if it hs nothing to do with Miyazaki it would already be dead on arrival,
for now, im just going to hope that its a joke.
I there is a dark souls 3,
I will fucking flip my shit, if it hs nothing to do with Miyazaki it would already be dead on arrival,
for now, im just going to hope that its a joke.

From what I've heard (according to other forums), Miyazaki is director again.
I can't wait for Miyazaki to let me play Berserk
I'll wait for Berserk Dogma online.
I'm more of a fan of that than Berserk Souls.
Story spoilers - SotFS related

If the ending of SotFS is supposed to be canon and you supposedly managed to use the crowns of the monarchs to break the cycle of fire and darkness caused by Gwyn's first sin... what's supposed to happen in DS3 I wonder?
You'll play as a different character, presumably
Man though, if there actually is a Dark Souls 3 at E3 this year, I hope it's the last one
Dark Souls is nice and all, but Bloodborne proved we can have stuff like _____ Souls in a completely different setting.
Like I'd spring for a Dark Souls-y game in a Central American or Japan cultured inspired locale.
IF IT EXISTS, I hope ds3 happens "before" ds2 so I can forget it ever happened.
It's most assuredly the last game in the series, and it looks bleak, post-apocalyptic, and only embers remain.
Apparently there's going to be a Lord of Cinders, pretty cool.
I'm glad, but yeah, also really happy this is the LAST ONE.
After this Miyazaki can make Bloodborne 2 or whip something new out
Lab Zero guys would cry after reading this
Twitch Plays, naturally.
That shit should've died with Pokemon.
They should've waited months to do Pokemon Gold/Silver
But nah, a week.

And even then, I consider it extremely frustrating and boring to watch.
Well, it was stupidly popular and it probably makes Twitch loads of money. Still don't understand what was going through their minds to think that Dark Souls would be the better one for that. It's like watching a few thousand DSPs attempting to play all at once with one controller.
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And even then, I consider it extremely frustrating and boring to watch.

It's more of a weird social experiment then something you watch for entertainment.

Not defending it, mind you.

So this is finally going to be a thing.