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Street Fighter V

Thanks man! So the debate on whether he's mind controlled or not is addressed in this bit of dialogue:

Urien: Do you think it will work?

Kolin: It will. It's perfect. Bison was an oppressor. His control over the minds of his subjects never worked because he FORCED his way in. That's what he never realized. A mind can only be controlled...[rest is cut off]

One thing that I love is that Kolin has a more active role than we've previously seen. When I looked at how she and Gill interacted, her tending to him in some of the SF3 endings, I thought there was a higher place for her rather than secretary. Trusted adviser and lover, maybe. So yeah, I think it's pretty cool she's selling the prospect to Charlie. I can see her as the Illuminati/Secret Society's PR chief.
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Well, EVO starts tomorrow, so Capcom could have a presentation any time this weekend. They could have Ono roll out on stage dressed as Karin announcing a new character (turns out to be the face-paint man from the Ken trailer) near the SFIV semifinals at 8pm on Friday, or they could wait to Sunday at 6:30pm for the finals to stomp out in an Alex costume to announce Gen's return, but he's like Xrd's Bedman, confined to a coffin 'cause he died years ago.

So many angles of Kolin's bizarre hairstyle really underscores how weird it is. If Gill gets in, she needs to change it to something actually possible.
When's Alex again guys?????:(
Buying shirts.
Buying shirts.
so he can destroy each one at the beginning of each battle.

Urien does the same with Suits. =P

About the scans, i think they are going with the idea that "nash is being controlled, but accept that and is okay with that", something like the revenants in MKX, but, without the death part.

And is strange, the girl says clearly that they can manipulate memories, they could just change Nash's memories to make him a slave, but they choosed to convince him to serve the illuminati.

Also, that explains why urien is using suit, Nash wouldn't be convinced if someone showed up in your dreams as a tall almost naked man.
And is strange, the girl says clearly that they can manipulate memories, they could just change Nash's memories to make him a slave, but they choosed to convince him to serve the illuminati.
Yeah, interesting isn't it? That's what I always found interesting about Gill, he's not a good guy (and Urien's even worse), but he's not outright evil like Bison. He's got dubious things going on for sure, but he's got a twisted bend on the saviour thing and a sense of honour. Also, in a couple of 3rd strike endings, he makes the point of how people must choose his way out of free will rather than force. Though sometimes he puts you in a position where you do have to choose his way because the other option sucks.
I hope Ono comes out dressed as R. Mika while John Cena's theme blares all over the place
Everyone in the audience would have to sing along with R MIKA SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS if that happens.
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More plausible he'd rip off the Mika costume to expose the Urien costume.
A better idea is that he rips the Mika costume off to show off his gorgeous summer bod.
He'd rip off his Mika costume and immediately get arrested because this is the US.
and then Ono rips off his Mika costume to reveal that he was actually Vince McMahon the entire time
and Vince is all like "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG AUSTIN!" and Stone Cold just runs on stage and is all like "YOU FUCKED WITH THE TEXAS RATTLESNAKE FOR THE LAST TIME VINCE!" and they fight in a SFV match where Austin is Charlie "kevin" Nash and Vince is M.Bison.

But not before Stone Cold jumps out of his seat and sprays Mike Ross with a can of beer.
damn we really need Ono to reveal a new character for the sake of this thread
Ono will just come out in an Alex outfit and then reveal the first costume pack. Which makes SF characters will have costumes very similar to KOF characters.

Because for fuck sakes Ken already looks like 98 Rugal Bernstein.
We're getting a new character this weekend, so it's fine. Hopefully more than one, but that's a different point.

Though, if Ono truly wants to be a showman he should come out in a suit attached to wires so it can explode off.
If anybody is interested here is the SDCC SFV panel.
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Yup. Evo starts tomorrow and we'll probably get a reveal on sunday after finals.
Panels are all on Friday and Saturday, but this being a new Street Fighter, who knows.

Panels aren't being streamed and as far as I'm aware a schedule has not been released, but once again, this is a new Street Fighter so they may want to stream any announcement during prime time. SDCC wasn't streamed though and was on day one, so, yeah, could go either way.

You'd think they'd do it early so they can roll out a new playable build on the floor.
Panels are all on Friday and Saturday, but this being a new Street Fighter, who knows.

Panels aren't being streamed and as far as I'm aware a schedule has not been released, but once again, this is a new Street Fighter so they may want to stream any announcement during prime time. SDCC wasn't streamed though and was on day one, so, yeah, could go either way.

You'd think they'd do it early so they can roll out a new playable build on the floor.
I didn't really know they had many panels. I knew of the KI one, but that's about it. I actually forgot SFV would be playable on the floor this year.
I think capcom should make a branch of street fighter with only shoto playables.

Street Fighter: Ansatsuken Edition

With: Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Oni, Gouken, Evil Ryu, Violent Ken, Sean, Sakura, Dark Sakura, Dan and Shin Akuma playable.

And the secret boss would be a zombie Goutetsu.
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I think capcom should make a branch of street fighter with only shoto playables.
You mean SvC Chaos?
There have been enough arguments about fanservice in this thread that I wouldn't say that's entirely true.

let me bring this one back for the sake of (another) final clarification

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let me bring this one back for the sake of (another) final clarification

Like all things, it depends. And it usually comes down to a combination of culture and reasoning/motivations. Why a person acts or dresses a certain way is more important than how they dress imo.

The video above, while funny and already in my favorites list, is pretty terrible in reality imo. People have worn leotards for centuries and ballet has been a thing for quite some time. People have also sculpted and drawn the human figure for eons as well, so I just never get these peoples' need to "prove" the human body is beautiful. It's more about how and why a person treats others and themselves a certain way. The female figure and body is awesome and always will be, but if a female (or any sex) is showing people how beautiful she in a back alley for $50 or barely wearing clothes in places where it doesnt make sense (like a presidential inauguration) then I really have to question the motives and reasoning of that person. Why someone is dressed a certain way is more important and relevant than how their dressed imo.

I mean Cammy was called out for wearing a thong leotard as modern military battle attire, not for her boobs... (for the record I think women in thongs leotards and boobs are awesome)
So how does that video make sense at all? I love Cammy's design, but I'm not gonna pretend that her design isn't questionable when compared to who she is and what she's supposed to do. Loin cloths at least make some sense: they're actually used to prevent clothes pulling, they provide minimal protection for sensitive areas, they force combatants to rely on their bodies alone (oil/mud can be added), they greatly reduce the risk of hidden weapons, and in some places the lack of clothes represented social status (slavery) and in some places people actually fought naked because of this. Of course some people/cultures fought naked (in addition to body paint) just disorient and frighten their opponents....of course fighting without anything on resulted in more injuries and death when the opponent didnt run soooo....

Wait what are we talking about again?
Slutty, Sexism, and sexy in regards to fanservice. Right.
Long story short. It depends.

Sexism exist. Sexy exist. Slutty exist.

Sexy doesnt mean sexist, but sexy can be a disguise/excuse for sexist.
Sexy doesnt mean slutty, but sexy can be a disguise/excuse for slutty.

Fanservice can be slutty, sexist, sexy, any combination of those concepts, or none of them.
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Why would they tease something they've already teased as hard as you possibly can?
Because we love being teased ;)
What could they even do at this point? Show gameplay footage cropped so you can't see him, just hear him?

Assuming this isn't a trick.
What could they even do at this point? Show gameplay footage cropped so you can't see him, just hear him?
That actually happened before for a different game. I'm pretty sure it was MKX, though it may have been KI. It was one of the two.
Don't remember if this got brought up here, but going through Ken footage a Capcom rep said "We are going to be mixing up how we deliver story content this time around".
That actually happened before for a different game. I'm pretty sure it was MKX, though it may have been KI. It was one of the two.

I remember Netherrealms "showing" a fatality with no visuals and just sound. It was Erron Black's I believe.
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All gameplay content can be earned in game. So, they're not locking characters behind DLC? Confirmed, characters and all gameplay content is free forever, just grind. All system/balance/gameplay updates are free.

16 characters, 4 will be completely new. V-Skill/Triggers designed to make everyone unique, which we have known. New characters are going to be constantly added, so if your main isn't back you might not have to wait long, information below.
Microtransactions-esque. There is in game currency you can grind or buy. The in game economy will be tested in the Beta.

Beta phase 2 is both platforms.

New mentality for balance is "Buff the weak instead of nerfing the strong"

Rollback netcode
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Live tweeeting

everything after launch is free, either grind to get or micro transactions. I'm fine with this, gives me more reasons to play like a maniac to get what I want. Ihope this means awesome unlockables like game modes, costumes, etc. :D
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New character is waiting 'till finals, which was pretty predictable.

Got a lot of good information though, check out these unused Chun and Nash designs.
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