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Street Fighter V

Since we're on a new page,
all the info from today is here.
And here is what the current stats screen looks like.
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PS Blog post

It basically just re-says everything the panel did
- 16 at launch <4 of which are newcomers>, and more will be patched into the game post release
- Characters and other things can be bought with in-game money. "fight money" is your in-game money to buy things free, and "zenny" is bought from real-world money, and is how you just unlock things without needing to grind

So they really are trying their hardest to make sure the only purchase you're required to make for SFV is the actual game itself
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Wonder how much the grind will be to unlock stuff considering they have a separate currency you pay with real money to skip all that. Think about it, why would they bother having a premium currency if the grind was short? As a business they need some form of reliable revenue for any post release content [force you to buy another updated game, simple dlc purchases, or micro models] and it seems that the premium currency will be that answer.

Some of the better micro games will allow you to unlock everything without having to pay a dime, but boy prepare to invest some hours behind the screen.

I'm actually ok with this since I'm not critical about grinding exp, game money, whatever and take it as part of the game, but man there are a demographic of gamers that are either impatient or simply don't have the time which is why that premium exists.

Capcom must have studied recent trends with certain PC/mobile games using a similar model not to mention console games recently have been experimenting with this as the growing negative stigma of all thing dlc related is steadily increasing.

The main goal for them was to spread good PR with key buzzwords of "no more upgrading games" or "no dlc" which will sound like an oasis to the average consumer. Well it can be an oasis depended on how it's handled, but if the grind is gonna be obnoxious then you can bet that from a consumer perspective it's just another anti consumer method to require post game revenue.
I think if the grind for a character or costume isn't insane I won't mind, it's a fighting game, you're going to spend countless hours in it to begin with. Though, I imagine some characters will get flat out bought if they're someone you want to play immediately.
The main goal for them was to spread good PR with key buzzwords of "no more upgrading games" or "no dlc" which will sound like an oasis to the average consumer. Well it can be an oasis depended on how it's handled, but if the grind is gonna be obnoxious then you can bet that from a consumer perspective it's just another anti consumer method to require post game revenue.

Except they didn't say "no DLC". They said it's possible to earn it in game. That's a completely different intent.

I mean I'm not expecting it to be easy but they could've easily not done it as well.

Also DLC is anti consumer now?
Also DLC is anti consumer now?
On disc DLC, content being taken out of a game to be released as DLC and a few games being released broken with a promise of DLC to fix them has created an environment where DLC is considered a bad word. Which is unfortunate, especially since this case looks like a good use of DLC, constant updates that you can play for instead of pay for sounds like a great system to me, especially for a fighting game. This is of course assuming the amount of grinding isn't egregious.
League of Legends basically has the same system and I'm fine with it there.

Also, that leak is looking more and more likely to be true now that 16 characters, 4 newcomers is confirmed.
On disc DLC, content being taken out of a game to be released as DLC and a few games being released broken with a promise of DLC to fix them has created an environment where DLC is considered a bad word. Which is unfortunate, especially since this case looks like a good use of DLC, constant updates that you can play for instead of pay for sounds like a great system to me, especially for a fighting game. This is of course assuming the amount of grinding isn't egregious.
Then it's more important to call out that specific crap than using it as a catch all.
Well yeah your gonna be spending many hours in a fighting game naturally , but how much of those hours will give you game currency? Is spending a few hours in training mode gonna give me some? Do I need to earn points the most optimal way by grinding CPU in game modes until I get what I want? How is the points gonna interact with online games? Will it cause a spike of grind boost lobbies? My point being is while this sounds very dandy in face value it can be something not so great as someone who played games with similar business models of grind and grind vs cave and pay up.

I'm fine with game currency in general. Many fighting games already have it and the grind for shit isn't too long, but having a 2nd premium currency conveniently nearby sets up red flags.

Also I never said Capcom literally said "no dlc". What I meant by that is it got away from the negative stigma associated with it with this business model. No I personally don't see dlc as anti consumer depending on how it's handled, but your kidding yourself if you don't think there are a demographic of consumers that hate the idea of not having a "complete" game from the start and start adopting the attitude of "I'll just wait for the complete version" and the like. One of the points of this announcement was to openly discourage that mentality by saying you theoretically just need the game
Then it's more important to call out that specific crap than using it as a catch all.
Did you miss the part where I said the use of the term as a catch all was unfortunate?
I think they are going with the League of Legends aproach.

I mean, they said that "gameplay" content would be possible to be earned, they didn't say anything about cosmetics.

So, i think they will do something like Lol, where you can buy new characters with in-game money, or real money, and some alternative costumes being with real money only.

But, there is one thing, on release date, we will get all the 16 characters, so, there is nothing to be "bought" or "earned", so, i think that is possible that alternative costumes are purchasable by in-game money.

Now i can only hope to get Makoto as a dlc character in the early life of the game, since they are planning to release characters constantly.

Fighting games are grindy by nature, a lot of people will pass hours and hours on the online, trying to be the best online warrior, so, the cash will come naturally.

And they said that the beta will serve to help the balancing between in game money and real life money (Bison Dollars).

EDIT: I would pay some money to get the second costume for chun li in this concept:

Nah I'm not kidding myself of anything. There's always going to be a segment of people who are never happy about anything.

Already there's people accusing capcom of trying to make people buy characters that should be 'unlockable'. And that's just the people that can't read.
It's basically meaningless. You can say it just to say it and it's a pretty popular line with casuals but it doesn't really explain anything. What if Blanka comes in and Blanka is horrid? What change would they make to "buff the weak"? Roll cancel electricity (CVS2 reference)? What if Dhalsim is in the game and Dhalsim loses a few matches extremely terribly that make him basically unviable (basically like SF4 except Sim loses all matchups in that game lol)? What would they do to help him there?
Did you miss the part where I said the use of the term as a catch all was unfortunate?

I was speaking in general on the Internet, not what you were specifically saying. That was good.
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13 just said what i was writting :(((
I fear if they put a character in some kind of "advantage to get money" nda see a sea of Birdies or Kens online. kinda tiresome play against the same char over and over.
It's basically meaningless. You can say it just to say it and it's a pretty popular line with casuals but it doesn't really explain anything. What if Blanka comes in and Blanka is horrid? What change would they make to "buff the weak"? Roll cancel electricity (CVS2 reference)? What if Dhalsim is in the game and Dhalsim loses a few matches extremely terribly that make him basically unviable (basically like SF4 except Sim loses all matchups in that game lol)? What would they do to help him there?

It was one line in a presentation and nobody is entirely sure what it means other than what they said. It might be a bit early to try and attribute anything hard to it.
13 just said what i was writting :(((
I fear if they put a character in some kind of "advantage to get money" nda see a sea of Birdies or Kens online. kinda tiresome play against the same char over and over.

I severely doubt they'd make a character overpowered just to make you buy them if that's what you mean.
Now one thing.

With this model, is possible that the roster for SFV at the end of its lifetime being bigger than the roster in SF4 actually. And keeping balance with so many characters is almost impossible. I just hope that they keep all characters viable.
I severely doubt they'd make a character overpowered just to make you buy them if that's what you mean.
This is how League of legends work. Launch a overpower character,everybody buy him nda play,after some time they nerf him. And repeat this over and over. :/
This is how League of legends work. Launch a overpower character,everybody buy him nda play,after some time they nerf him. And repeat this over and over. :/
Well, i've seen some releases when people didn't like the champ at first, and then after months they found some tech that made the champ amazing (lucian, yasuo comes to mind).

But well, capcom can do that, if they balance later, i'll not buy characters with real money anyway (unless it is makoto and i don't have the fight money to get her)
This is how League of legends work. Launch a overpower character,everybody buy him nda play,after some time they nerf him. And repeat this over and over. :/

The only thing I'd ask is was it like this for KI since I think it's better to compare that than moba.
No no. I highly doubt Capcom will be that stupid and have intentionally balance broken characters hidden behind a pay currency wall. That would be in the same league as the paid gems shit which got them ass blasted. They are already trying to distance themselves from that negative PR and doing something like that would be counter productive.

I have a vague idea how it will end up being and it shouldn't be too bad assuming you are fine with the idea of grinding or adopted the nostalgia feeling of unlocking stuff in games again.

In a nutshell, they intentionally wanted to be vague as possible without being too vague about it. That is what good PR is so it makes the consumers have enough to talk about the game more and have a greater reason to day one the game due to omit of any unnecessary details that may scare off some consumers. Because of this I personally can't be too optimistic or pessimistic about anything listed when the key points was "buff the weak balance approach" "16 characters initially/4 are new/more likely to come" and "game currency/premium currency introduced".

Anyway kind of burned out on this topic that is full of "what ifs" . Would come back to discuss about the next character reveal though since that should be a bit more fun then this.
Yeah this is why my stance is "Sounds neat will await more details".
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I'm hyped about SFV with more and more news. And if everything goes right, it will be the first fighting game that i pick on the beginning of its lifetime, and that is good.
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All gameplay content can be earned in game. So, they're not locking characters behind DLC? Confirmed, characters and all gameplay content is free forever, just grind. All system/balance/gameplay updates are free.

16 characters, 4 will be completely new. V-Skill/Triggers designed to make everyone unique, which we have known. New characters are going to be constantly added, so if your main isn't back you might not have to wait long, information below.
Microtransactions-esque. There is in game currency you can grind or buy. The in game economy will be tested in the Beta.

Beta phase 2 is both platforms.

New mentality for balance is "Buff the weak instead of nerfing the strong"

Rollback netcode

Seems like Capcom are starting to bring out their A game this time around
Looks like I have another game that will eat up my wallet... (and computer storage space...)
It's basically meaningless. You can say it just to say it and it's a pretty popular line with casuals but it doesn't really explain anything. What if Blanka comes in and Blanka is horrid? What change would they make to "buff the weak"? Roll cancel electricity (CVS2 reference)? What if Dhalsim is in the game and Dhalsim loses a few matches extremely terribly that make him basically unviable (basically like SF4 except Sim loses all matchups in that game lol)? What would they do to help him there?

Ok I see what you are saying. Yeah it could be that. But I kinda see that as being sayable about anything. I just look at it kinda like:

"We will try to buff lower tier characters rather than just knee jerk nerf strong characters" I see it in their wording. They used weasel words like try... Which in this instance actually gives me hope.

It seems that they know that they won't be able to always use this "buff the weak instead of nerfing the strong"

Previously they have said flat out that they will buff weak characters rather than nerfing strong characters, but in the end that didn't happen in most cases. Like they saw what that would actually entail and decided to just abandon that line of thinking. Whereas now they seem to know what they mean when they say this...

And though your questions are rhetorical... Why not take a stab at them:

If blank a is weak there are a number of things they can do to make him stronger. the most obvious is to just make his moves all do a bit more damage... Like anywhere from a 10% to 50% damage increase depending on how much sucktitude he is.

And going on, they could also, (or only) buff his frames to make things neutral or safe on block/hit or they could buff the startup frames of some of his key moves. They could make lp ball -1 on block and recover instantly on wiff after it recovers. They could give him an airdash after his non invincible upballs and not have it on his invincible upballs. Their are literally many many things they could do. They could buff electricity by giving it a command motion and making it do great chip and making it plus on block...

They could make his ground dash become attack cancelable which when combined with his ability to cancel his dash from normals would give him CRAZY pressure up close... Would almost certainly be overpowered, but could compensate in other ways.

Bla bla... You get the point. There really isn't any bad design for fighters in most fighting games, only badly implemented designs. When birdie was rumored to be in, people lost their shit because they thought that he would be fucking useless like always. But, capcom actually made him decent and now people love birdie. Birdies design was never bad. Capcoms old implementation of his design is what was horrible. The same as their design for sf4 deejay and others.

So, when I hear them say that they are going to really try to give everyone good tools and make everyone good... Idk, I just hear good things unlike before when Ono literally said that they design certain characters to be slightly weaker than others to increase "hype" when said character wins. Just glad they are looking to leave that philosophy behind.
It all sounds good to me. It appears to have the same method that Killer Instinct had, where we no longer have to worry about an additional disc release a year down the line and dreading about how many times the same game is bought.
highlander Nash looks cooler than his stupid frankin look why it was cut we will never know
I personally think that one looks really lame as a whole.
I like the concept of FrankenNash, but the execution could have been much better.
it's a shame chun couldn't have gotten an actually good design for once
but some things just aren't meant for the world
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Bro, I like Chun's design.

It's like, a really neat combination of traditional Chinese aesthetics with modern punk accessories.

Tho it really could stand to be changed yeah, but I guess her and Ryu are too iconic to get any massive overhauls like Ken and Bison did.
Cammy's got no excuse tho, when is she gonna get a better fitting leotard. At least pick that wedgie girl, that cannot be comfortable.
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it's just boring at this point
fuck iconic
gimme something new that actually suggests that chun-li has changed over the years aside from her boobs and thighs expanding to critical mass
Nah, yeah, I get what you're saying.
When I say Ryu and Chun are too iconic to change, it's in the begrudging way, the voice in your head that tells you that Capcom are probably still gonna have some kind of paid DLC no matter what they say.

I'm just saying, the old design was really good, even if it does need to change.
It's basically meaningless. You can say it just to say it and it's a pretty popular line with casuals but it doesn't really explain anything. What if Blanka comes in and Blanka is horrid? What change would they make to "buff the weak"? Roll cancel electricity (CVS2 reference)? What if Dhalsim is in the game and Dhalsim loses a few matches extremely terribly that make him basically unviable (basically like SF4 except Sim loses all matchups in that game lol)? What would they do to help him there?
All they're saying is that when they have some chars being stronger than some others, they will try to balance it by making the weaker chars stronger, rather than nerfing the top (as has happened in every SF4 iteration starting from Vanilla, which resulted in kinda every USF4 char being uninspired/unfun/bad)

Whether they actually do that, to which extend this is the truth (obv if you have one SS+ char and everyone else is A it makes more sense to nerf the one SS char, instead of buffing everyone to his lvl), and how it would actually end up looking in the game is obviously complete guesswork that Capcom themselves won't even know; but as a base philosophy I see no faults in it?
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I'm pretty sure we all know Capcom will be selling plenty of costume DLC
Which is perfectly fine; A+ business model to have paid cosmetics - they keep your company alive without forcing anyone to pay.
DotA2 is making so much money.. and nobody ever complained about that.
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