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Project Super Skullgirls RPG


I finished more Yu-Wan! I don't know if I should start on the sides....but how do you guys like the front sprites?
Question: Why did the demo start in New Merdian instead of Canopy Beach?
Crap.....sigh fixing it right now...that was for testing.
Funky, Should I copy-paste my ideas to the Google Docs, Or just do another conversation with you?
to me
I'm gonna play through this once and write down my thoughts on it so far. Warning: I'm a huge perfectionist.
I still don't like the announcing voice at the start-up of the game. It's not necessarily bad, but I don't think it fits these kind of games. It reminds me too much of SUUUPER SMASH BROTHERS MELEEEEE! - unless it's an intended reference.

WOAH, what's up with that Squigly placeholder when you meet and fight her? It looks really bad. Why not put her awesome sprite there facing Filia, a proper image, or should I draw one? Also, Leviathan's portraits have obnoxious, ugly, pink edges around them. My Skeletons have ugly white edges as well, even though they're PNG files. What went wrong there and how can I help fixing that? Oh, Yikes, Fortune's portraits have the same issue.

Minette doesn't have her portrait yet when she's screaming: "HELP ME!" as you enter the area. The background scrolling along with the player when they walk to the right is pretty disturbing and makes me dizzy.

There is A LOT of sloppy punctuation everywhere and I see typos occasionally. It's just too much to point it all out. I was actually writing down every single one of them, but realized soon enough that that's just too much work.

My game keeps freezing after I save Fortune. I can't continue from there.

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Yeah, just played through it and I'm getting the freezing problem too. Also, when Leviathan says "Sorry M'lady, but I shan't accept", the text goes out of the text window.

BTW, the Squigly fight stance image was my suggestion, since I thought it looked weird to have her just standing there expressionlessly during the battle, as how she was previously. Also, if you need the Lev face images, I have them right here (including the one I made myself using the Trading Card art)

P.S. LOVED the easter egg! :p


  • Lev.zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 471
The idea itself is fine, but the quality of the image there is really bad. It's probably too big too. It's as if Squigly has been driven over by a truck.

I see. Hmm.. these Leviathans look pretty good! No ugly pink outlines. I would much rather prefer to see these in the game.
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I'm gonna play through this once and write down my thoughts on it so far. Warning: I'm a huge perfectionist.
I still don't like the announcing voice at the start-up of the game. It's not necessarily bad, but I don't think it fits these kind of games. It reminds me too much of SUUUPER SMASH BROTHERS MELEEEEE! - unless it's an intended reference.

WOAH, what's up with that Squigly placeholder when you meet and fight her? It looks really bad. Why not put her awesome sprite there facing Filia, a proper image, or should I draw one? Also, Leviathan's portraits have obnoxious, ugly, pink edges around them. My Skeletons have ugly white edges as well, even though they're PNG files. What went wrong there and how can I help fixing that? Oh, Yikes, Fortune's portraits have the same issue.

Minette doesn't have her portrait yet when she's screaming: "HELP ME!" as you enter the area. The background scrolling along with the player when they walk to the right is pretty disturbing and makes me dizzy.

There is A LOT of sloppy punctuation everywhere and I see typos occasionally. It's just too much to point it all out. I was actually writing down every single one of them, but realized soon enough that that's just too much work.

My game keeps freezing after I save Fortune. I can't continue from there.
Alright will be fixing. All issues brought up.
I am planning on redoing the old crappy and outdated face sprites as well on stream.
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There is A LOT of sloppy punctuation everywhere and I see typos occasionally. It's just too much to point it all out. I was actually writing down every single one of them, but realized soon enough that that's just too much work.

Working on the typos.
Would you kindly.
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I feel bad for the people that miss out on the streams.
As you can see I got A LOT done!


Also I am uploading a new demo right now. With all bugs fixed.
I seem to be getting the opposite problem now. The game now starts at where you save Ms. Fortune.
I seem to be getting the opposite problem now. The game now starts at where you save Ms. Fortune.

Something's wrong with the base starting coordinates, and Funky forgot to reboot the demo again.
Might consult him for this, though he doesn't like being bothered while streaming so, yeah.

EDIT : Only the coordinates are wonky. Funky had everything set up and did everything that is needed to fix the problem already.
I feel bad for the people that miss out on the streams.
I'd feel bad for myself too.
But..y'know..school started again for me - Whiiich also means my part of the job will be slowed down.
Anyways, keep up the good work y'all!
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The streams are pretty good. I wish I had more time to jump on them and get my mic working again (which it now is).
So next time I show up, I might join in the fun :D
next time I show up, I might join in the fun :D
Let me rephrase that to "I might join in the skype call :D"

On Thawpics.
Did some more proofreading tonight, was feeling good, but suddenly...
An abrupt cut appeared on Leviathan's "Sorry, M'lady, but I shan't accept it even if I wait a million years!"
I demand a buff on the game resolution screen.
I still need to play the current build >_<

Again, when I get finished with Painwheel, what you guys want me to work on next? I'm fine with characters, items, maybe even some backgrounds or tiles. Whatever you need!
I'd feel bad for myself too.
But..y'know..school started again for me - Whiiich also means my part of the job will be slowed down.
Anyways, keep up the good work y'all!
Now I must learn how to draw like I did with Spriting!
Let me rephrase that to "I might join in the skype call :D"

On Thawpics.
Did some more proofreading tonight, was feeling good, but suddenly...
An abrupt cut appeared on Leviathan's "Sorry, M'lady, but I shan't accept it even if I wait a million years!"
I demand a buff on the game resolution screen.
I'll see what I can do in the resolution.
No promises though!
I seem to be getting the opposite problem now. The game now starts at where you save Ms. Fortune.
Fixing now

another thing I couldn't talk to NPCs who were behind desks (such as the innkeeper in NM)
but also I walked on tables and walked on more places I'm not supposed to
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View attachment 8433

another thing I couldn't talk to NPCs who were behind desks (such as the innkeeper in NM)
but also I walked on tables and walked on more places I'm not supposed to
Fixing the tilesets now.
We definately need more NPCs. They look so out of place XD

I'll see if I can get a few NPCs out after Painwheel. I have 2 started, and by started I mean I have half of one's front pose started but not colored and I have another one's head done. I might finish these after Painwheel, if you still need more NPCs.
I can't talk to the person behind the Bed & Breakfast counter, and I can't go back to the first town so there's no way for me to heal.
I can't talk to the person behind the Bed & Breakfast counter, and I can't go back to the first town so there's no way for me to heal.

Also just battle Eliza with Squigly, you are supposed to lose.
I am at the part with Ms. Fortune where the restaurant was destroyed. I tried entering the back door, but I was unable to do so.
I am at the part with Ms. Fortune where the restaurant was destroyed. I tried entering the back door, but I was unable to do so.
Fixed. Will be in the new demo tonight
Alright on stream tonight I am going to start work on ACT II of Super Skullgirls Rpg! Get excited for the unveiling of a new playable character!
Cerebella new character calling it now!
Cerebella new character calling it now!
Stop stealing my guesses!

BTW, I'm about 90% done with PW. I have the day off tomarrow, gonna finish it then after a few other things. I'll put it here, but may throw it on the stream for funnsies :D
If you were not on stream yester day I have now remade New Meridian to be bigger and to have the palette shop, and Eliza's temple in it, it is 1.5x bigger. (I know huge, so I made the encounter rate lower).
The insides of Eliza's temple Will have at LEAST 2 interior rooms, (one being the room Squigly wakes up in, the other being the main hall)

Here is the new look of New Meridan!

Now I know a lot of you wanted to know what the next playable character will be and here it is!
yep it is your favorite lab 8 backround character, Leduc!
and just like every character in this game he has his own special gameplay mechanic,
Leduc's own mechanic is that ALL of his attacking SP (Skull Power) and Meter supers will give him back 20% HP from what he damaged.

Here is an overview of his attacks that I added in the game during the stream!

10 Volts
Leduc shoots out a weak amount of electricity.


Greatly increases Sp attacks and Speed
for 3 turns!

Electron array!
Leduc shoots a wide cone of negatively charged
electricity, hitting all enemies!

Lighting Charge
Leduc shoots a concentrated shot of electricity,
hitting one opponent, with a high crit rate.


21.1 Gigawatts
Great Scott! Looks like time is up for your targets!
Leduc strikes the ground with great force!

And finally his stat ranges:

So tell me do you like our new character? Also do you like this kind of post to showcase the new character?
Remember I am NOT fully done with him so he is going to get more supers and specials, among other things.
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I wish I could help, but sadly my gaming computer's battery is messed up so i can't play the demos. :/