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Project Super Skullgirls RPG

If we can ever get back to it if we have the time I would love to see an updated fillia sprite. It's Samson's mouth seems to "cluttered" on the small sprite
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It's funny how Lockjaws ignores any other sprites other than Squigly's.
On Topic, should we use creative names for the SSGRPG Updates?
How so?
If the question relates to Lockjaws, then let's say that he doesn't respond until when you posted the Squigly Sprite.

If the question is about the Update Names, I am referring to something basic to categorize the updates like "Character Sprite Update." or more unique ones like Skullgirls' "Are You Ready For? Update."
I've just finished the Minette facesheet which we need for her in-game dialogues:


In-game size:

Just for comparison, this is Lab Zero's Filia facesheet:

I've just finished the Minette facesheet which we need for her in-game dialogues:


In-game size:

Just for comparison, this is Lab Zero's Filia facesheet:

Sigh.... if only these were in SkullDate... But that's another thread
If the question relates to Lockjaws, then let's say that he doesn't respond until when you posted the Squigly Sprite.

If the question is about the Update Names, I am referring to something basic to categorize the updates like "Character Sprite Update." or more unique ones like Skullgirls' "Are You Ready For? Update."
Ok the update thing sounds fun. I might do an update tonight. Remember 'might'
I've just finished the Minette facesheet which we need for her in-game dialogues:


In-game size:

Just for comparison, this is Lab Zero's Filia facesheet:

Great job crux, you can put Yu-Wan's face on the same sheet, or work on the Medicis' faces or their batter art. Or that other thing we started. It's up to you.
Ehhh sure. We've been doing that with the Skulldate Updates. Be free to rip us off with that ideal

The idea is not original, and it appeared when I realized that the updates for SSGRPG has no names to categorize it. I have no Idea that you were using that in the first place. Though that doesn't mean I ripped the idea off of Skulldate just because I suggested a thing that apparently is the same. If you're using that kind of update categorizing then that means you also ripped it off from Skullgirls.

Your move.
The idea is not original, and it appeared when I realized that the updates for SSGRPG has no names to categorize it. I have no Idea that you were using that in the first place. Though that doesn't mean I ripped the idea off of Skulldate just because I suggested a thing that apparently is the same. If you're using that kind of update categorizing then that means you also ripped it off from Skullgirls.
Your move.
Hey fun fact on Stream I investigated this and guess what
@Mc.Rad has never used the categorizing Updates for Skulldate EVER in the entirety of the Skulldate thread there has only been one use of the catorizing updates
and it was by @LockjawsSaga in page 16 and was never again used in any future updates.

Oh but if we are talking ripping off other people hey what about your google doc for ideas.

you mean the one I made way last year that has 16 pages worth of ideas.
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Oh but if we are talking ripping off other people hey what about your google doc for ideas.

I did not direct the ripoff idea message to you, It is a simple reminder to Mc. Rad that not all ideas are original, and one cannot claim an idea just because one is using the same.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, Funky.
Categorized updates? Not sure what you mean by that.
Hey fun fact on Stream I investigated this and guess what
@Mc.Rad has never used the categorizing Updates for Skulldate EVER in the entirety of the Skulldate thread there has only been one use of the catorizing updates
and it was by @LockjawsSaga in page 16 and was never again used in any future updates.

Oh but if we are talking ripping off other people hey what about your google doc for ideas.

you mean the one I made way last year that has 16 pages worth of ideas.
I ment that to be a joke, holy crap man. I'm sorry I didn't meen to piss in your wheaties
Ok thanks to Dawn111 winning the tournament yesterday he picked Riven from LOL to be a cerebella palette
This was much harder than I anticipated.
Cerebella Riven Dawn111.png
Ok, so I've been putting a ton of work into the Painwheel. Here's a sample of what I've got. I was having a ton of issues with the hair and face, so I took the ones from your stream palette and tweaked them slightly for this. It's far from finished, and I'm not 100% even with this, but it's a start, yeah?

EDIT: I have no idea why it upsized it like that. I was trying to post it the ways yours are. When I post the final set, it won't look so sloppy.


  • Painwheel crawl 1.png
    Painwheel crawl 1.png
    798 bytes · Views: 584
As much as I love seeing Minette being posted every second comment, please stop quoting images. You can still quote the posts themselves, but please delete the images. It clutters up the page rather severely.

(Also, because I'm super nit-picky, Minette has purple eyelids ;D)

Minette Talk Polite.png
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Ok, so I've been putting a ton of work into the Painwheel. Here's a sample of what I've got. I was having a ton of issues with the hair and face, so I took the ones from your stream palette and tweaked them slightly for this. It's far from finished, and I'm not 100% even with this, but it's a start, yeah?

EDIT: I have no idea why it upsized it like that. I was trying to post it the ways yours are. When I post the final set, it won't look so sloppy.

I like it a lot, keep up the good work!
North be sure to be on stream tonight because I want to know how far are you with
Yu-Wan, if its not that far and you need a little help I'll take a crack at it.

As much as I love seeing Minette being posted every second comment, please stop quoting images. You can still quote the posts themselves, but please delete the images. It clutters up the page rather severely.

(Also, because I'm super nit-picky, Minette has purple eyelids ;D)

Edit: Sorry it didn't appear when I first looked at the post
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(Also, because I'm super nit-picky, Minette has purple eyelids ;D)

Put Cellsai's image of Minette having purple eyelids here.

Ah, Cellsai, paying attention to detail since Skullgirls' Launch Party.
On Topic.
North, did you complete all the Crawlwheel sprites or just that single image? because it already seemed good, but I do want to see it facing backwards and forward, not just left and right.
Also, I didn't pay attention to the updates, what update is it now for SSGRPG? U 7.0?
Ah, Cellsai, paying attention to detail since Skullgirls' Launch Party.
On Topic.
North, did you complete all the Crawlwheel sprites or just that single image? because it already seemed good, but I do want to see it facing backwards and forward, not just left and right.
Also, I didn't pay attention to the updates, what update is it now for SSGRPG? U 7.0?
Oh that's not the only one I have finished. Unfortunately, the Painwheel has kinda taken over over hte Yu Wan. I'm working on other poses. I've got a half finishes back and front sprite, and then I'll start on the movement sprites obviously.

I'll be at the stream then. Again, the Yu Wan sprite kinda fell by the wayside as a lot of things have come up, and the painwheel sprite has been eating up the spriting time I do get. Reason this has taken so long is cause I've restarted it like 3 or 4 times due to awkwardity. I used the head on the Painwheel sprite you made, and altered it a bit to fit with the crawl pose, cause I've having the most trouble with the heads. :(
can you provide a picture of her with her eyes closed, because I can't seem to find one when I googled Minette. This is just so that it can help Crux if she needs to go back and edit it. She'll then know the color and shading of the eyelids.
You just quoted the image I posted of her with her eyes closed.
Hey if anyone wants to help me finish this Yu-Wan thing. I made the first sprite for him. I hope it looks good. It is my first time not having a base sprite to help me make this, so everything was by scratch!

Bigger size for you.

You just quoted the image I posted of her with her eyes closed.
yea the picture was not showing when I posted the reply.

(Cellsai Edit: Combined a couple of posts)
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This is what I got so far. I borrowed heavily from the Painwheel heads already submitted. As you can see, there are some sizing an style issues that I'll need to edit and fix down the road, but it's a good actual start now that I got myself going again.

EDIT: I'd offer to take Yu Wan again, but I didn't very far for him and I'm hella busy, so working on Painwheel is all I got time for at the moment. Sorry
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I played the most recent demo (which you should probably put in the initial post btw, so folks don't have to search for it through the topic). I'll put my thoughts on what I played here.

The demo itself was pretty glitchy. I sequence-broke and got to the end right after the party splits up. It thought I had three party members despite only having Squiggly in the party, so I checked the area I didn't have access to before and it took me right to the end. Afterwards I backtracked to go see what I missed in New Meridian, and I got into Lab 8, but couldn't interact with Double or Big Bass, which I don't think was intentional. Afterwards I found Eliza but the dialogue during her battle kept looping infinitely. If you travel left or right on the beach, it also loops the screen until you enter the cave. And characters sometimes used the wrong dialogue at the end of the battle (i.e. Parasoul exclaiming she is hungry and hopes the enemies dropped something to eat).

The spritework is nice, but the sprites have less colours and shades than most of the other things in the game, which is a little jarring. You can definitely tell the difference between sprites made specifically for the game and the sprites used from RPG Maker's default stuff. Innsmouth's background was a little weird, too. Having some characters with transparent portraits in-game and others with a solid coloured background was also weird.

Speaking of RPG Maker default stuff, an RPG Maker game using default things from it makes it feel like just another RPG Maker game, where a custom tileset (while time consuming to make) gives a game its own identity. OFF was an RPG Maker game, which I didn't know during my first playthrough, because it used all custom stuff.

Some areas don't have music, while some places swap music when you enter a building. Too many music changes in the overworld causes the music to lose its mood. Some of the area transitions were also weird, like the one from Innsmouth directly to New Meridian. The beach area and the first town had a nice, natural transition with the cave. There are more ways to do this, though.

I dunno if the jokes were just for the demo, but things like the Homestuck joke and fourth wall stuff was a little overdone, and I feel it detracted from the experience overall. If you want the players to be immersed in the Skullgirls world, taking them away from it will break that immersion. A few references here and there never hurts, but too many does.

A lot of grammatical errors in the dialogue, too. But that was mentioned already.

Overall I am excited for the idea of a Skullgirls RPG, but this doesn't feel finished. And it might not be, and that's okay. Keep at it and work on improving things overall and you'll be golden. I may contribute to the project, we'll see.
I believe there were plans for a totally custom tileset. They're using default stuff till they can sub in the custom stuff.
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Everything is in beta and is subject to change. We also plan to have a transition map between little innsmouth and new merdian.
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A lot of grammatical errors in the dialogue, too. But that was mentioned already.

Someone make a gif of someone typing indefinitely with a broken keyboard for me, because it seems that people aren't noticing any updates on the grammatical errors :

I am totally not working as the Beta proofreader for SSGRPG and totally won't be one, and because Funky did not rush the storyline before the grammatical errors so that he can release Beta Builds sooner than expected. Sprites are totally not our first priority right now because of popular and obvious demands. There is so far only one Proofreader for the SSGRPG, and it is totally 100% NOT me.

:PUN: Not really, I am still working on Proofreading all the dialogues on SSGRPG, and I do it for the sake of people that has OCD reading stuff with incorrect spelling. Funky is currently working on several character's sprites and is taking their time so that the characters will be on a reasonable degree of playability. Balancing the characters is another topic that I will discuss later on.

Beta Builds are coming, courtesy of :
Magma442 as the Revamping Mapper
FunkyHellboy as the Producer/Director
Crux as the one and only artist as of now
Me as the Proofreader
North888 and Rob as the Spriters
Night Phyre as the only Musician.

We do accept anyone who are willing to put their time on this project and we do hope that this will be a perfect one for us to spread the word about Skullgirls. You can also volunteer by contacting FunkyHellboy and teling him specifically what you will be doing for this project.

I hope this explains everything. And sorry for the long, drawn out mess of Katpaw (Kappa).
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I played the most recent demo (which you should probably put in the initial post btw, so folks don't have to search for it through the topic). I'll put my thoughts on what I played here.

The demo itself was pretty glitchy. I sequence-broke and got to the end right after the party splits up. It thought I had three party members despite only having Squiggly in the party, so I checked the area I didn't have access to before and it took me right to the end. Afterwards I backtracked to go see what I missed in New Meridian, and I got into Lab 8, but couldn't interact with Double or Big Bass, which I don't think was intentional. Afterwards I found Eliza but the dialogue during her battle kept looping infinitely. If you travel left or right on the beach, it also loops the screen until you enter the cave. And characters sometimes used the wrong dialogue at the end of the battle (i.e. Parasoul exclaiming she is hungry and hopes the enemies dropped something to eat).

The spritework is nice, but the sprites have less colours and shades than most of the other things in the game, which is a little jarring. You can definitely tell the difference between sprites made specifically for the game and the sprites used from RPG Maker's default stuff. Innsmouth's background was a little weird, too. Having some characters with transparent portraits in-game and others with a solid coloured background was also weird.

Speaking of RPG Maker default stuff, an RPG Maker game using default things from it makes it feel like just another RPG Maker game, where a custom tileset (while time consuming to make) gives a game its own identity. OFF was an RPG Maker game, which I didn't know during my first playthrough, because it used all custom stuff.

Some areas don't have music, while some places swap music when you enter a building. Too many music changes in the overworld causes the music to lose its mood. Some of the area transitions were also weird, like the one from Innsmouth directly to New Meridian. The beach area and the first town had a nice, natural transition with the cave. There are more ways to do this, though.

I dunno if the jokes were just for the demo, but things like the Homestuck joke and fourth wall stuff was a little overdone, and I feel it detracted from the experience overall. If you want the players to be immersed in the Skullgirls world, taking them away from it will break that immersion. A few references here and there never hurts, but too many does.

A lot of grammatical errors in the dialogue, too. But that was mentioned already.

Overall I am excited for the idea of a Skullgirls RPG, but this doesn't feel finished. And it might not be, and that's okay. Keep at it and work on improving things overall and you'll be golden. I may contribute to the project, we'll see.
That demo is very very out of date and very glitchy. I haven't updated it in awhile just because it is now just missing just like 2 things then all of ACT I will be complete.
I did fix all the bugs found in the game.
also the lab 8 section is just a preview section, (a little eater egg to show off other things in the game.)
that homestuck thing does suck but it is in there because the guy won the tournament and by my word I had to put him in the game.
(Though I might delete him because it's annoying to me as well.)
the sequence breaks are fixed as well.
I wanted to do some custom tileset but I haven't had the skill to do it. (Though based on how well I doing Yu-Wan so dar maybe I can one day)
Music problems have also been fixed as well.
The thing with ending quotes like Parasouls it is because she is unfinished, so it is a placeholder)

I will use your idea of purring the updates on the first post. I will upload a new demo before my tomorrow's stream (where I plan to finish more of Yu-Wan). So that you can play a more completed version of the game and tell me more changes that need to be made.
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to @Hidgerknight here is a better list
Beta Builds are coming, courtesy of :
Magma442 as the revamping Mapper
FunkyHellboy as the Producer/Director (because you know doing spriting, writing, mapping, programming, tester, and I did most of the face sprites, cept for Crux's Minette as of now)
Crux the one and only artist as of now. (Face art, enemy art, etc...)
Hodgerknight as the Proofreader.
North and Rob as spriters
Night Phyre as the only musician

But remember we can never have enough help!
so tell me if you want to help
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Ok, so quick question. How are you guys posting the sprites? So that they come out so small and crisp? Mine keep getting sized up, or are you fine with that?

Also, I'm gonna be busy for awhile, so Painwheel might be delayed a bit, sorry. I got most of the movement sprites done, and try to have it by the end of next week for ya :D

After Painwheel, wat you need? I might repick up your Yu Wan, just to make up for me dropping that one >_< But I'm going one at a time till my schedule frees up.
Ok, so quick question. How are you guys posting the sprites? So that they come out so small and crisp? Mine keep getting sized up, or are you fine with that?

Also, I'm gonna be busy for awhile, so Painwheel might be delayed a bit, sorry. I got most of the movement sprites done, and try to have it by the end of next week for ya :D

After Painwheel, wat you need? I might repick up your Yu Wan, just to make up for me dropping that one >_< But I'm going one at a time till my schedule frees up.
I just drag the file into my reply box and pick, "Full image"
Oh, I hadn't tried that. Well we'll see how it turns out when I finish :D
We almost completed Verizon.
My life is complete.
ACT II and III are now Proof-Readed, but not yet checked. Buy me some more time and I'll correct anything that is wrong on the dialogues.
List of quirks that are Proof-Readed :
1. Adam Easter Egg
2. Double Encounter
3. Innkeeper.
4. Yu Wan's surprise meetup
5. Eliza Encounter.
Question: Why did the demo start in New Merdian instead of Canopy Beach?