• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

The canon info thread - what we know

While I'm not sure if this count as a real disadvantage of having a Parasite, it was said by Alex that Parasite hosts tend to be shunned by society. I imagine something similar to how mutants are shunned in the Marvel universe.
Examples: Samson, Leviathan, Sekhmet
Actually, Sekhmet is an interesting case. While she spends most of her time directly attached to Eliza, it's been shown in her gameplay write-up and concept art that she can move separately from Eliza. I'm not sure if that technically makes her a Remote Parasite, or perhaps something more unique.
Actually, Sekhmet is an interesting case. While she spends most of her time directly attached to Eliza, it's been shown in her gameplay write-up and concept art that she can move separately from Eliza. I'm not sure if that technically makes her a Remote Parasite, or perhaps something more unique.
Well it has been stated that Parasites can survive for a short time without a Host so maybe within the span of a battle Sekhmet can risk fighting independently of Eliza.
That brings up another question though, how can Eliza survive having her skeleton ripped out?
I think the key to Eliza and Sekhmet's special abilities is that Scythe of theirs. Maybe it bends the rules.
Well it has been stated that Parasites can survive for a short time without a Host so maybe within the span of a battle Sekhmet can risk fighting independently of Eliza.
That brings up another question though, how can Eliza survive having her skeleton ripped out?
I think the key to Eliza and Sekhmet's special relationship is that Scythe of hers. Maybe it bends the rules.
Hmm, yeah. That's a good point about Parasites being able to survive a short time outside the host. Squigly's dad was shown to still be alive even after Leviathan left his body, so that property seems to apply to both the Parasite and the host. Not sure if he was fatally wounded prior to that or did he sacrifice himself in order to save his daughter. I guess that's something for the speculation thread. :P

If that is the case, then I suppose it brings up the question whether the ability to detach and reattach is something that is unique to Sekhmet or is possible for all Parasites in some form or another.
That brings up another question though, how can Eliza survive having her skeleton ripped out?

I mean...

I think the key to Eliza and Sekhmet's special abilities is that Scythe of theirs. Maybe it bends the rules.
Now that you bring that up, it wouldn't surprise me if Eliza is some sort of archlich and the Staff of Ra (I think that's how it's called) is the object in which her soul is imbued, so as long it exists, she's immortal.
After that, she gets a parasite to stop her from decaying into a skeleton. Bearing in mind how Sekhmet "works", she likely had to become immortal before bonding with a Parasite that basically replaces the skeleton. If that concept sketch is of any hint, her skin and blood detach and stay anchored within the Staff.

But this is speculation, something this thread isn't for... (.__.)
Some interesting and horrifyingly sobering stuff guys. I'd go the crazy-awesome fighter of normal path (Wullllllllllllllllllf) or get tech from Stanley or someone similar. Aint no way I'm getting a parasite. *shudders in corner*
Something Alpha mentioned that is probably highly outdated information but interesting anyway!

- Alpha sent ideas to Alex that Muse could talk using violin noises or sounds of wood/strings moving. Also the older designs of her have hands.
Some interesting and horrifyingly sobering stuff guys. I'd go the crazy-awesome fighter of normal path (Wullllllllllllllllllf) or get tech from Stanley or someone similar. Aint no way I'm getting a parasite. *shudders in corner*
I wouldn't mind having Sekhmet as a parasite however...I have a fear of blood so you could only believe how that would go. Although, I wouldn't mind Muse as a parasite. I mean yeah my touch would be cursed, but to what extent? Was it even stated if Ta Lie Sin's could turn people to instruments at will

Something Alpha mentioned that is probably highly outdated information but interesting anyway!

- Alpha sent ideas to Alex that Muse could talk using violin noises or sounds of wood/strings moving. Also the older designs of her have hands.

I think it would be a cool idea if Muse used string instrument sounds to communicate, it would probably be the only way she could talk, while she has a mouth, she's mute (ha a string instrument pun) plus she has a mouth full
Alright! Brian just sent me a follow-up email about the Skype call yesterday so I assume that the Skype call will be soon (soon by Lab Zero's standard anyway). I don't want this thread to clog up with questions and I don't want to start a whole new thread for it, so if anyone has any question, send them to me by PM!


- Send as many questions as you can think of! Just make sure the number is reasonable.
- I'll probably end up asking 20-30 questions, depending on how long it takes him to answer each question, since I'm planning to use a half hour for Q&A and the other half to just talk about other stuff. If I get too many questions then I'd end up having to cut some, so please don't take it personally if I have to cut yours.
- There's no first-come-first-serve, I'll rank the questions in terms of what I myself find interesting. :P So no need to rush the questions, just send them in whenever!
- No blatantly spoiler-ish questions like "what's the true ending to Skullgirls will be like", etc. Alex obviously won't answer them so it would just waste everyone's time lol.
- Lore questions only please
Alright! Brian just sent me a follow-up email about the Skype call yesterday so I assume that the Skype call will be soon (soon by Lab Zero's standard anyway). I don't want this thread to clog up with questions and I don't want to start a whole new thread for it, so if anyone has any question, send them to me by PM!


- Send as many questions as you can think of! Just make sure the number is reasonable.
- I'll probably end up asking 20-30 questions, depending on how long it takes him to answer each question, since I'm planning to use a half hour for Q&A and the other half to just talk about other stuff. If I get too many questions then I'd end up having to cut some, so please don't take it personally if I have to cut yours.
- There's no first-come-first-serve, I'll rank the questions in terms of what I myself find interesting. :P So no need to rush the questions, just send them in whenever!
- No blatantly spoiler-ish questions like "what's the true ending to Skullgirls will be like", etc. Alex obviously won't answer them so it would just waste everyone's time lol.
- Lore questions only please
Theres a list of questions that were addressed in my topic in the art forum, people are probably documenting the transcirpt now.
Theres a list of questions that were addressed in my topic in the art forum, people are probably documenting the transcirpt now.
Yep. I missed the live stream cause I was sleeping. Gonna check out the archive later myself but hopefully someone will complete a summary beforehand. :p
Yep. I missed the live stream cause I was sleeping. Gonna check out the archive later myself but hopefully someone will complete a summary beforehand. :p
Might just be me but it doesn't look like an archive was saved.
i watched the alex q&a stream and here's mostly what i remember:
- Marie's full name is Marie Korbel
- "Cerebella" is a stage name. I don't think Alex has a full name thought up for her.
- No Man's Land, as a region, is a collection of collapsed nations between the Great Kingdoms destroyed by conflicts and skullgirl attacks. Its essentially the post-apocalyptic setting to Fist of the North Star. Meaning its swarming with bandits and other terrible individuals. Rommelgrad, Patricia & Marie's hometown, is within this area.
- Ileum is the first person to survive being implanted with a synthetic parasite.
- Lab 8 is dedicated to using its crazy technology for the betterment of all people, not just making weaponry.

there was more but i forget. i expect a more complete summary later.
Okay, I think this is everything.
  • No Man's Land is a collection of smaller countries and territories that became ravaged and fell into anarchy as a result of the three main countries quickly pulling back from war. Bandits in the area were able to get their hands on war equipment and human trafficking began in that area. Peacock and Marie are from Rommelgrad, which is a town in that collection.
  • Double can mimic anyone's voice, and is capable of talking normally to appear as, for example, a nun or a stranger at a party, in order to spread rumors about the Skull Heart.
  • Marie's last name is Korbel, and her birthday is April 3rd. She became the Skullgirl in late summer, and it's been a couple months since then, as the game takes place in autumn.
  • Samson has lots of contacts and "friends" that he bugs to get him and Filia a place to sleep, so they've been bumming it out. Samson knows Yu-Wan, and he is one of these "friends".
  • Parasites can greatly vary in age, some are ancient while others are relatively new. New ones can be created. They can stay alive forever as long as they have a host.
  • There are various side effects to synthetic parasites but no universal ones. The first successful parasite was put on a burn victim to replace her skin, and she now prefers to wear a mask.
  • Artificial parasites are not sentient.
  • Leduc can walk normally despite having goofy feat. Having a Segway style dash might be possible.
  • The kids in the back of Lab 8 are orphans with conditions that would have had trouble leading a regular life without Lab 8's help. One of the reasons Lab 8 originally went renegade was to prove they could help humanity outside of making weapons. The kids are written off as test subjects in order to justify taking care of them. The same was done people like Big Band and Peacock.
  • Hive's Beezle Bomb is a mix of an implanted modifier and her suit, so she could take the suit off and be more or less normal, but still have access to her powers. The triangle on her head is a reference to dorsal ocelli.
  • Every member of the cirque de cartes has their own reasons for joining, some of the more nefarious members like Taliesin, Beatrix, and Regina know they're working for the mafia, while people like Hubrecht don't. Cerebella isn't "literally pure" but is pure in the sense that's she's not entirely aware of how bad the mafia is.
  • The climate zone of the Canopy Kingdom is based off of northern US and the norcal area specifically. It's mostly based off of whatever looks cool.
  • The Canopy Kingdom's gentlemen's clubs all closed down after a sharp increase of girls without bras getting into street fights.
  • Each of the labs has a "metric bunch" of scientists. There's no specified number.
  • There's a lot of discriminations against minority groups like ferals. Parasite hosts specifically are heavily ostracized as hosting a parasite is seen as taboo.
  • Before Brain Drain was rebuilt as a robot, he was less shiny and more opaque.
  • Hive and Leduc are around 15, slightly younger than Filia.
  • Black Dahlia's time in the labs drove her mad, she used to be a lot different and had a different name before becoming an assassin.
  • Color palette choices are based loosely around having base camp conversations about ideas or looking at fan ideas. A character's original colors are based on choosing one central color and not branching out too far from that with lots of different colors for fear of becoming too "Original character do not steal". They can be based on personality or what seems logical (BB's coat being beige), or looking at what colors are not currently present in the game.
  • If Skullgirls was not a fighting game, the second genre choice would be a tower defense dating sim with collectable hats beat em up or RPG type game. With hats.
  • Of the current cast, Alex's favorite character is Eliza. Of the potential third characters, he also like Ms. Victoria, D. Violet, or Black Dahlia. If he drew concept sketches, they're probably his favorites.
  • Alex wouldn't want to go back to change or redo old characters, but has alternate or future versions of current characters. A la Ryu/Evil Ryu, Batsu/Burning Batsu, Hayato/Black Hayato.
  • FIlia's hairpin swords have not been forgotten. There may be an alternate or leveled up version of Filia could use them.
  • George (the dragon knight from the art book) is pretty much a design that didn't get used because they couldn't find a spot for him. If he does get put into the story in the future his name probably won't be George to avoid confusion with Peacock's bomb.
  • The River King will be making a splash.
  • There are a variety of other religions in the Skullgirls-verse, including many different denominations of the Trinity. Practitioners are called Trinitists.
  • Parasites and living weapons can having different effects on the people who use them. The Pazuzu whip brings out a deeper, maybe repressed side of Ms. Victoria in the form of D. Violet. Like the Hulk but with horniness instead of anger.
  • Painwheel developing Skullgirl powers from her blood might be implemented in a hypothetical EX version based on design and balancing. She probably won't go around throwing skulls though.
  • The Great Mother is aware of Aeon and Venus' interference in the verse. Venus is getting restless and might try and pull something.
  • Eliza's been operating under her current guise for about 20 years now.
  • Leviathan was present for the clash between Samson's old host, Delia, and Eliza.
  • Beowulf and Annie might have met and have a respect/acknowledgement of each other considering that they're both celebrities who have a lot of kid fans.
  • The gender roles and stereotypes are roughly the same as they are here, so chauvinists and slimeballs still exist. The Skullgirl might be equated to a witch hunt, enforcing this sexism.
  • Annie has encountered a lot of skullgirls and has fought a lot of them, but not the same a lot. She's seen the cycle multiple times and seen how they become stronger each time and is looking for the underlying source now.
  • The Annie of the Stars show is very similar to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show with live action segments with cartoons and PSAs and commercials in between.
  • The server for Alex's personal site is probably down and he should probably go transfer it to a different server. There are no plans though.
  • The reason why we don't see people looking for Filia might come up in the canon story mode. People are looking for her but there's only so much that can be shown in the character's own story mode.
  • Alex thinks the Annie fan game is cool and looks forward to seeing what comes of it.
  • He also thinks the skulldudes are interesting, and it's interesting how people interpret the non-human characters.
  • The No Evil triplets is a character design that may be used in the future if a place can be found for them.
  • Big Band and others managed to escape Lab 8's assault in Peacock's story mode. "You'll see later."
  • Gigans would cool as a boss battle. You could fight the gigan's face.
  • Sagan can talk. Somehow.
  • The boneyard stage is set in No Man's Land.
  • Eliza is older than Annie.
  • Boy's can't do much with the Skull Heart. They can look at it, punch it, yell at it, polish it, show it off as a trophy, turtle wax it.
  • The Black Egrets are open to people from any and all walks of life.
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Some tumblr post I saw on the subject of the Q&A said:
  • Annie’s show is very similar in structure to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.


  • If Skullgirls was not a fighting game, the second genre choice would be a tower defense dating sim with collectable hats beat em up or RPG type game. With hats

[tf2 intensifies]
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Alright! Brian just sent me a follow-up email about the Skype call yesterday so I assume that the Skype call will be soon (soon by Lab Zero's standard anyway). I don't want this thread to clog up with questions and I don't want to start a whole new thread for it, so if anyone has any question, send them to me by PM!


- Send as many questions as you can think of! Just make sure the number is reasonable.
- I'll probably end up asking 20-30 questions, depending on how long it takes him to answer each question, since I'm planning to use a half hour for Q&A and the other half to just talk about other stuff. If I get too many questions then I'd end up having to cut some, so please don't take it personally if I have to cut yours.
- There's no first-come-first-serve, I'll rank the questions in terms of what I myself find interesting. :P So no need to rush the questions, just send them in whenever!
- No blatantly spoiler-ish questions like "what's the true ending to Skullgirls will be like", etc. Alex obviously won't answer them so it would just waste everyone's time lol.
- Lore questions only please
I forgot to mention, try to send them a bit in advance, giving him a chance to think about the answers will yield much better results than just asking on the spot.
I forgot to mention, try to send them a bit in advance, giving him a chance to think about the answers will yield much better results than just asking on the spot.
Hmm, the thing is that I don't have Alex's email and I have never emailed him before. If he's okay with it though I totally would. Maybe you could shoot him an email for me?
Uh, I could, but it would probably be better if you do something like email it to Brian as ask him to forward it. When is your Skype call?
Uh, I could, but it would probably be better if you do something like email it to Brian as ask him to forward it. When is your Skype call?
Yeah that makes sense. My call hasn't been scheduled yet so I'm not in a hurry.
Gigan boss fight would be AWESOME. I knew they were supposed to be big, but just the face?
Oh man, oh man would that be cool.
Gigan boss fight would be AWESOME. I knew they were supposed to be big, but just the face?
Oh man, oh man would that be cool.
I don't think 15 feet tall would be big enough to warrant only fighting the face, I just meant it as a joke.
Hey, cool! I was the one who sent that question about No Man's Land and Rommelgrad, glad it made it into the list of questions to be asked. I'm pretty satisfied with that answer--clears up my confusion regarding the places rather nicely. Though of course, now I'm left wanting more.

Also, I'm really happy someone sent questions regarding Lab 8. Like I needed more reasons for them to be my favorite faction in the game! It's really sweet that they take in disabled orphans, aww. (I mean, aside from Peacock, but it looks like she was a slightly different case.) Definitely clears up any ethical questions about why they had a bunch of cyborg'd up kids in the lab, anyhow.

That answer of Alex's about what SG would be if it were a different genre of game is tantalizing. Someone at Lab Zero needs to win the Powerball jackpot so they can dump a bunch of cash into funding a ton of DLC characters and subsequently making a glorious spinoff.
Hey, Mike took a bit of time a while back and morphed the Skullgirls engine into a beatemup-style game. Why not use that for big boss battles?
RIP No Evil

You will all be sorely missed.
It's a shame too. I really wanted to see them playable. Maybe we'll get lucky one day...

at least they are still thought of, I always thought their abilities have moved to Adam. It is great news they were still cobsidered
Awesome info, thanks! Hmmm, boys can use the Skullheart as a trophy, eh? IF Wulf wins and has a ladyfriend over, he better not let her hold that for fear of Armageddon!

I love LabZero; this game has such a rich history and world, it's just aching to be let loose and the creators are on such open terms to just share details like this. I'd love to talk to Alex and pick his brain on these concepts. Cool stuff, thanks for sharing guys!

edit: sweet I just noticed one of my questions got answered! :D
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  • The gender roles and stereotypes are roughly the same as they are here, so chauvinists and slimeballs still exist. The Skullgirl might be equated to a witch hunt, enforcing this sexism.


I like this game, I like the story, I like the characters... But this comment, made me remember that the only guys who flirted or showed active interest in girls were the mobsters (sleazy balls) in Filia's and Fortune story mode, Taliesin (psychopath) and Adam (dogged guy).

There is a lack of guys flirting in a healthy way in fiction. It is always those stereotypes, or the uphill battle to conquer the special one heart, or almost dying after crossing kingdoms to save her.

Needed to say this.

Also, the witch hunt comparison is not very good considering that witches didn't exist in real life and the Skullgirl is a very dangerous existence.