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The Official League of Legends Thread!

I'll definitely buy him day one as well.

I love bard characters and a mobile support is a neat addition.
The amazing stuff he can do. Omfg i hope someone i know mains him so I can ADC for days.
Tower diving with his ult is gonna be so much fun.
Hoping he gets either a Shakespeare or a Edward Chris von Muir costume.

His kit certainly seems interesting.
Debonair Galio Skin Preview

Secret Agent Xin Zhao Skin Preview

Xin's recall is so obviously taken from Tokyo Ghoul.​
Someone in the comments of Secret Agent Xin pointed out that his recall reminds them of Tokyo Ghoul.
Which, then someone said it's like Investigator's summoning their Quinque, but in reverse.
And I can see that.
So I'm totally getting Secret Agent Xin for that.
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guys, he's roaming support. his entire kit is meant for him to roam around the map and help out everyone.

not just bot lane.
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I'll stick with his basic skin.
because that red is delicious.
tbh, I like his voice is just horns. it gives him a soothing mystical feel, which fits him fantastically.
Headhunter Akali Skin Preview

Now we have an official headhunter team.

Headhunter Rengar - Top
Headhunter Master Yi - Jungle
Headhunter Akali - Mid
Headhunter Caitlyn - Adc
Headhunter Nidalee - Support​
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guys, he's roaming support. his entire kit is meant for him to roam around the map and help out everyone.

not just bot lane.
That may be true. But I want him all to myself in bot lane. Unless I am doing mid or top then he may roam to help me :P
Neat. I'm (trying to) update my Pbe so I can give this guy a whirl.

..............PBE launcher isn't launching...
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guys, he's roaming support. his entire kit is meant for him to roam around the map and help out everyone.

not just bot lane.
It will definitely be cool to not have to jungle Leona/Taric to fill the roaming support role. Dude might be the first champ I actually spend rp on
spoilers, he won't. Riot get's no money from me.

I dont play PBE that much. First time logging in today. I am mostly on the main game e.e
you can still earn the money and get a gift card that will more than cover it.
but, how else will you get the skin?

it costs RP. which you have to earn by doing a job or receiving it via a gift.

I don't know how else you'll get it.
why not both?

swap around from different champs.

at the very least have about 3 champs you like to play for each position.
at the very least, try to do so for your supports.

you like Sona, Zilean, and Braum. try to cycle through them continuously.