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The Official League of Legends Thread!

Part of me wants to try Zac because his appearance amuses me. I keep seeing Earthworm Jim and something I find funny would be a rapper skin with the shades and a gold watch and necklace and other "bling" floating in his body. I find that amusing. Zac doesn't have enough skins for how long he's been around.
It'd help if I could get Zac in the first place. Outtra RP and not enough IP. Wish I'd grinded more during the IP weekend cause getting 6300 IP takes a good while XD

Ah well, a goal to shoot for.
vlad is one of the easiest champs it's hard to lose lane with him because of all his sustain and his pool
he is very fun i love him
Sion (Whenever I play him, I scream Mad Max quotes, I'll try to scream "WITNESS ME" when I ult )
I nicknamed his ult the "Noxian Man-Missile" it's my favorite ult in the game just for the full map Scream and unstoppable aspect.
I seen someone actually glitch it out and was able to run in circles, which fucked us over quite a number of times. Wonder if that actually got fixed. My fave thing about it though is if you see a team grouped up and have enough time to see him come, I love how they part like a sea when he comes charging in XD It's pretty funny to watch.

Anyways.. I have an announcement...
*Stands up and looks about her friends on Skullheart*

Hi.. My name is Kit Ballard... *sighs* and I have an addiction to Salt that comes from League of Legends...

I just admitted to a friend I miss playing League cause of the salt I get from it.. I'm broken D=

On a non-silly note: Did they ever get around to making Team Builder Draft? (was that the mode they had planned? forgot)
In more ways than one :3
btw, I know this isn't the ideal Fortune Build, but my full build for her:
Berserker Grieves
Infinity Edge
Static Shiv
Last Whisper
Runaan's Hurricane
I like MF, but I can't really get into her playstyle. I can't get into most ADC's playstyles honestly. I tried Lucian out and it was...well...a disaster XD

Only "ADCs" I can really play are Kennen (who really isn't an ADC but can be built to play as one) and TF (who's meta has changed so he's a mid/support instead of a ADC really, even though his ADC build still works somewhat). I can play top, I can kinda jungle, and I can play and I can run support, but ADC is something I always struggle at D:
My favorites champ always have a weird motive why i like them.

Vi = She is the reason i started playing league of legends, her neon strike skin, is based on franky from one piece, and that is how i knew about the game, and since i started playing, i wanted to get the champ and the skin, but the more i played her, the more i liked the character, and i have all of her skins.

Soraka = Since playing world of warcraft, making my beautiful lady night elf (i never got far into WoW, boring game), i always found that this tone of blue/purple in a female skin very beautiful, and soraka is such a good character, and she was my first support. (and i know soraka looks more like a draenei, but is the tone of the skin that is important here, and draenei are beautiful too)

Annie = The first main, we never forget, she was my first main, and boy do i love to burst entire teams with tibbers.

Sona = Her pentakill skin is awesome. She is beautiful.

Leona = What a tank, is so fun to play with her as support.

Shen = A funny video made by some youtubers here in brazil made me like him, and is so fun to use his ult to save people.

Jax = He is badass.

Xin Zhao = Easy mode jungle in season 4. =P

Mundo = Another champ to have fun, tanking everything, and the way he talks is super funny. =P
When I first started, Annie was my first champ I tried to main. Every time I summoned tibbers I always allchatted "MR. BUBBLES!!" XD Should really learn her more. After that I got my mits on Sivir. Then I learned where my Role was. ADC. After a while, I fell behind on Siv's power changes and stopped playing for a bit (cause other reasons). I returned sometime after the Pool Party Update (and Jinx) and played a while. Entered into a ARAM match and was given Jinx, since she was free that week. Love on first shot. Her personallity, the weapons, the way she handled. She was like a crazy me (which I am slightly crazy in that way too XD). I picked her up as soon as I had the IP and she's been my main ADC since.

edit: might as well continue.

When I finally hit level 30, my bf at the time was wanting me to learn other roles, since I should be more flexible when I want to rank. I was pretty resistant on it but started to try. Again, in ARAM, I was given Thesh. People was commenting on my well placed hooks, like I've played with him since launch or som'in. So I picked him up and he's been my main Support since. Saved many games and lives with that guy.

Before the Jungle update, Gnar was my to-go-to for Jungle. But I changed over to Teemo, cause it was funny to see people freak when the little rat came out of the woods. But when Ekko came out and I played him in PBE? Yeah. Main Jungle for sure..

Top lane is now my true weak point. I don't have many champs that I can say I play up there asside from Gnar.

Mid lane was my worst till I played some other champs outside of Annie. Ahri was my first true attempt and, while fun, I couldn't really play her well. Then I got my paws on the Final Boss Veigar. Instant main and love. I just love deleting faces with him, and all the game quotes XD
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Championship Kalista Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends

We just need a mid laner next year and we'll have a full team.
Also, there is an Ironside Malphite skin in the files but no updates added yet for it.

why would riot give kalista a championship skin she is shit

Because her and Thresh have to remain in style as the spookiest ship in LoL.


When's Deep Terror Kalista? I want her to throw harpoons in that skin.​
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I know, I got that mixed up.

it still kinda sucks that her only other skin is gonna be limited.
u can still get it in mystery skins and it will always return around championships
the only one that wont return(?) is the riven one

but anyways the new victorious skin is gonna be ADC i hope it's draven tbh but it will most likely be ashe or sivir
I heard its gonna be Sivir.

it could be wrong but I feel if it is Sivir I don't think it would be a bad thing.
I was honestly considering it, Urgot did have a pretty interesting impact on the meta for a little while (I believe that's a huge part of who gets the victorious skin)

The only reason I see it not happening is the fact that Urgot is definitely due for a visual update in the near future and I doubt they'll give him a skin before then.
hes boring imo

id rather play shaco or evelynn if i wanted to be invisible or have a clone
Reminds me I need to find a good jungle build for Zyra and Nidalee. I stopped playing Vi in jungle cause it never felt like I had the force when ganking to help, but Zyra is a force in the jungle thanks to her seeds and she's got enough spawn to scare off when ganking, and nidalee is just...spears and tigers and death.