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The Official League of Legends Thread!

With Jax you want guinsoo and Bork before ya get hextech, but I can see This working to make him a God. Especially Since trin force is worthless compared to just getting a cleaner 4th or 3rd.

Tryn gets more crit than ever, more lifesteal than ever, and death's dance, which he can use to do many BS things with his ult.

I don't quite know how GP has fared, but from my research it seems the item changes mean you build as a juggernaut at first (so cleaver and then a bit of tank) and then power up his barrels as normal

How does death's dance help Tryn's ult? It seems to me that it will just kill him.

GP just needed some cdr + crit and essence reaver is exactly that. I still go straight up trinity + IE. I don't see why I would need to get Black Cleaver. GP doesn't really benefit from building tanky when he just needs to drop a barrel or two and fire a gun.
So I'm gonna be taking a break from League for a week or so whilst I get my computer built up, and to avoid the balls to the wall batshit insanity of early ass preseason.
How bad is it right now?
Welp, few ppl know how to jungle right now, Yasuo is the most broken champ atm thanks to the new masteries (they are already preparing to address this), adcs can now all be the pains in the ass they were supposed to be, instead of just Vayne, who is now just the example of an adc being ridiculous.

A lot of things are debatably broken. There are a lot of good changes, just no one has figured out how best to use anything yet.

How does death's dance help Tryn's ult? It seems to me that it will just kill him.
Death Dance->ult. Basically Tryn can use his ult to remove the bleed effect at the last second.

GP just needed some cdr + crit and essence reaver is exactly that. I still go straight up trinity + IE. I don't see why I would need to get Black Cleaver. GP doesn't really benefit from building tanky when he just needs to drop a barrel or two and fire a gun.
well, I'm just going off my friend who mains GP and is godly with him. He builds cleaver for the damage since Trinity no longer gives ap. Trinity being good for later. Cleaver gives HP, 20% cdr, and 55 ad now. Also Essence Reaver isn't a good first or second item on most champs. It only gives cdr for crit from outside sources. The cleaver gives him more sustain, a decent amount of extra HP and damage, and the grievous wounds. The bulk and tank means GP can stay in the fight longer, meaning more barrels, more Qs, more medallions, and stronger ults (which scale off ap so eeeeh. Trinity doesn't even help his ult anymore ;_;)
Welp, few ppl know how to jungle right now, Yasuo is the most broken champ atm thanks to the new masteries (they are already preparing to address this), adcs can now all be the pains in the ass they were supposed to be, instead of just Vayne, who is now just the example of an adc being ridiculous.

A lot of things are debatably broken. There are a lot of good changes, just no one has figured out how best to use anything yet.

Death Dance->ult. Basically Tryn can use his ult to remove the bleed effect at the last second.

well, I'm just going off my friend who mains GP and is godly with him. He builds cleaver for the damage since Trinity no longer gives ap. Trinity being good for later. Cleaver gives HP, 20% cdr, and 55 ad now. Also Essence Reaver isn't a good first or second item on most champs. It only gives cdr for crit from outside sources. The cleaver gives him more sustain, a decent amount of extra HP and damage, and the grievous wounds. The bulk and tank means GP can stay in the fight longer, meaning more barrels, more Qs, more medallions, and stronger ults (which scale off ap so eeeeh. Trinity doesn't even help his ult anymore ;_;)

Really? Yasuo is broken? He and Tryn do benefit the most from the crit Keystone.

I'd say the good changes were a step in the right direction(somewhat), but not good changes as in they are well tuned.

Black cleaver does sound like a good idea, but I don't think I could choose it over trinity first. I don't think the differences are quite worth it. I don't think you know, but the HP difference is only 50. 10% cdr difference and 30 ad difference just from base stats that the items share. The stacking armor penetration is something that I don't think I could get off. Gangplank simply isn't much of a front line fighter to make use of it. The main reason I get trinity is because of Sheen. Sheen basically gives you another option to effective harass. Gangplank's Q alone doesn't do quite enough to be worth spamming on the enemy. With Sheen, its nearly effective as Q + Barrel. The other reason is Crit with the Keystone.
Yasuo with the crit keystone gets 100% crit with an item and a half. Meaning every attack heals him and gives him the keystone boost. Meaning he effectively has infinite health.
Yasuo with the crit keystone gets 100% crit with an item and a half. Meaning every attack heals him and gives him the keystone boost. Meaning he effectively has infinite health.

Which they are already working on major nerfs to after they found this out about it.
Yasuo with the crit keystone gets 100% crit with an item and a half. Meaning every attack heals him and gives him the keystone boost. Meaning he effectively has infinite health.
That is way over exaggerating. Every 2 seconds a 15% lifesteal is applied to the critical strike. That is pretty much having a vamp scepter(5% difference) every 2 seconds and Yasuo has reduced multiplier on his crits. 2 second cooldown is a huge factor. Also the fact that you have to be attacking. Infinite health while attacking and just having infinite health is different.

But yeah the keystone does need to be nerfed.
Also the fact that you have to be attacking. Infinite health while attacking and just having infinite health is different.

But yeah the keystone does need to be nerfed.
infinite health is infinite health regardless.
considering he's a melee based champ, the attacking thing should matter since that's what he's gonna be doing anyway.
infinite health is infinite health regardless.
considering he's a melee based champ, the attacking thing should matter since that's what he's gonna be doing anyway.
Should or shouldn't?
My point is that he doesn't have infinite health while stunned or not in range. Therefore, it is different.
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Am I the only one who is tired of Riot making deliberately unbalanced changes? I played one game this preseason and watched a Kog'maw attack 5 times in 1 second. ADC's are the new juggernauts and, while I understand that they were really under-powered these last dozen patches, this is unacceptable that across the board ADC's are now hilariously overpowered.
5.0 as isn't that bad until you get rageblade.

ADC aren't that op imo right now. They do a crapton more damage, but tanks still scale better into the late game. Its crit chars that are broken right now.
Kog'Maw's not that bad considering he can only do that while standing still now.
he should be weaker to being kited out.
Saw this recently. Might be useful.
I'm gonna need to reinstall League soon, so I can see how much better my FPS and graphics are with an actual graphics card
Snow Day Bard Skin Preview

Snow Day Gnar Skin Preview


Snow Day Syndra Skin Preview


It's not Santa Bard, but I'll take it. I'll also buy the Syndra one as well.

Also, all of Poppy's files were removed from today's PBE update. It's happening.​
Worst Ult to fucking fight against.
You're about to kill Poppy?
Nah she's invincible now.
You're a squishy?
can't do shit, you're fucked.
What's that? She's tower diving?
Good fucking riddance.
Lol makes sense now =3

Glad she got a Splash update too.. that Lolipoppy was driving me nuts on how horrendous it looked x,x
Please tell me they kept the "Jokes? I don't have any jokes.." line T~T I can't watch any videos right now.. my Cellphone's blowing up from what's going on..
she's does have jokes.
I won't say she has GOOD jokes.

this new poppy is way better than the old one.
improved abilities, better looks, and her lore is even better too.
I love it.