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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Wow it is a lot later than it was last time. . .

It was probably broadcasted late afternoon for Japan, and then early morning for the US.
Their just switching it this time I guess.
I don't see the hype. It's just a Direct...
Direct's almost always have new games and new info. Stuff that was never talked about before gets revealed.

And Sakurai retweeting it means we get SOMETHING for Smash. He did it with Luigi, Sonic and Rosalina. Rosalina got a pic of the day telling us to watch the direct. Same thing here.

And at 41 minutes, we're going to get a lot of new info.
As much as I want Little Mac in Smash, I would also settle for Next Level being in the direct for a Wii U Punch Out!!, cause that would still be pretty hype.
Direct's almost always have new games and new info. Stuff that was never talked about before gets revealed.

And Sakurai retweeting it means we get SOMETHING for Smash. He did it with Luigi, Sonic and Rosalina. Rosalina got a pic of the day telling us to watch the direct. Same thing here.

And at 41 minutes, we're going to get a lot of new info.
I see. So it's possible to get a newcomer. That'd be cool, though that feels a liiiittle too soon since DDD. But what do I know?

Possible reveal of Dixie alongside Diddy seems the most logical thing to me. Like, for real.
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I see. So it's possible to get a newcomer. That'd be cool, though that feels a liiiittle too soon since DDD. But what do I know?

Possible reveal of Dixie alongside Diddy seems the most logical thing to me. Like, for real.
It's pretty much guaranteed--the pic of the day mentions the Direct and he's only done that for Rosalina and Sonic, the two characters that were important enough to have trailers. Something tells me Diddy wouldn't be that important.

I'm still hoping putting my cards on the possibility that Sakurai pulls another fake-out and we get a Little Mac v. Donkey Kong rematch.
Or a little Donkey Kong skit with dixie, Diddy and DK. I mean Tropical Freeze did come out in Japan today didn't it?
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It did, but remember this is Sakurai we're talking about. That's why I'm suspicious of a fake out of any kind.

I'm HOPING it's for Mac, but it could be for anyone realistically if they can fit it into what looks like a DKCTF trailer.
Fucking gorgeous. For the love of god... that is literally the greatest possible scenario.
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Entire Kong family confirmed for Smash?

Entire Kong family confirmed for Smash.
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Yeah, 41 minute NIntendo Direct? My body is ready

I'm ecstatic to see who it is.
If it's Diddy/Dixie Kong Tag Team though, I'm not gonna like that.

But if it's Dixie Tag-Teaming with...let's say Cranky, Funky, or Baby Kong yeah that'll be fine.
The Tag-Team Mechanic is fine, just don't shoehorn it onto Diddy
It wouldn't be a tag team if they brought in Dixie. That's silly. They would likely reveal them together, but they are individual characters.

Though if Dixie is playable in any way whatsoever, I'll take it.
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If they really did a Diddy/Dixie tag team...

I would die.
I'm temporarily naming myself DXB (DixieBound) as to raise the Kong hype. Whoo! Sakurai, it better be Dixie, you jerk.
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I actually wouldn't mind playable Cranky, is that a bad thing?
I mean shit, he could be like Yoda.
Old but fucking badass.

But yeah, we have no idea what we're getting today.
Donkey Kong seems most likely, but Sakurai could throw us for a loop.
Playable Cranky is a great idea. We've yet to have an old fart (minus ganondorf (But he's more in the evil dark lord category)) running around beating people with shop items and sarcastic, sadistic taunting. It's a glorious idea.
Crap, work called me in. I may miss it.
"Sorry man, there's an announcement about super smash bros so I can't come in today. I'm really hoping the girl gorilla with the pretty hair is a playable character and I just have to know. Good luck finding someone!"
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I will be totally down with playable Cranky as long as he never stops talking.
Every action, even standing still has a whole list of possible sayings and quotes.
I will be totally down with playable Cranky as long as he never stops talking.
Every action, even standing still has a whole list of possible sayings and quotes.
What he doesn't have in physical ability, he makes up for in being annoying as hell. I like it.
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Even if he's not in now, I'd be down for Cranky DLC.

But yeah, let's guess.
I said it before, but I'll list what I think it'll be today:
Dixie (With or without a tag-team), King K Rool, Cranky Kong, Little Mac, Takamaru, someone else that was in Captain Rainbow
I realized that Diddy isn't technically a Kong. He's not even technically an ape or gorilla.

He's the only Kong with a tail.
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Place your bets, folks!
Diddy Kong veteran reveal 1:2
Dixie Kong newcomer reveal 1:2
Cranky Kong newcomer reveal 1:4
King K. Rool newcomer reveal 1:5
Little Mac newcomer reveal 1:8
Shulk newcomer reveal 1:15
Dixie 1:1.2
Diddy 1:1
Cranky 1:0.5
King K Rool 1:100
Little Mac 1:50
Ridley 1:1000
Yoshi 1:15
Pretty much anything can happen too.
Sakurai always goes in for that sucker punch

"Banana Bird slips in!"

Hoping for Dixie though.
Reggie probably is just gonna be a trophy...at first.
Major DLC later
Ok, I'm confused on this whole DLC schpiel. I've looked everywhere but can't find the instance where Sakurai has said he'd have downloadable characters after the release of the game. Where am I missing this?
I'm skipping class for this. I'm rebel.

Ok, I'm confused on this whole DLC schpiel. I've looked everywhere but can't find the instance where Sakurai has said he'd have downloadable characters after the release of the game. Where am I missing this?

Sakurai said he likes DLC like Fallout's that adds a lot to the game. He also said that if there was DLC for Smash Bros, it would be free. Apparently not saying No DLC means DLC.

It's not impossible, but I don't think it's likely.
Oh, so it's Jutsei being horribly naive and optimistic.

I figured as much.
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Let's not start that again.

Besides, it's likely especially given Super Luigi U and Fire Emblem.

Anyway, yeah, anything's possible today.
I'm always hypde to see the reveal trailers for new guys.
Also, calling it now.
Tomorrow's pic of the day will be something related to the new character