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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Maybe extra colours or menu appearances or something. I can't see them patching an entire character into the game :/
Don't forget songs.
I don't see why they wouldn't.
He isn't thinking about DLC until the game is 100% finished.

We also might get a major new trailer or something, but chances are they're waiting until E3 for another trailer with a bunch of veterans/characters.
So more than likely just the one.
Don't forget songs.
That would be fun. Though they should allow you to put your own musics on, frankly. You can do that with modding and etc, but I mean without modding. Like, you have an SD filled with MP3s and can assign the songs on the song menu. At any time you can switch it back/delete/replace/edit start loop and end loop times/etc.

Could be fun.
Speaking of songs.
What kinda song do you want to play in the Character Reveal Trailer?
For example
If it was Dixie, I'd hope it'd be Bramble Blast.
If it was King K Rool, I'd want Gangplank Galleon
If it was Little Mac, Punch-Out Theme
Stuff like that
I had a dream where the 3DS version had, along side trophies, spray paint cans (from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror) that you could get in battle/single player that would let you edit colors a la Street Fighter x Tekken.


And then of course, upload it to the WiiU version.
Why wouldn't the Wii U version have that?
Well, Sakurai confirmed that there's something that you can customize on the 3DS and upload to the WiiU. We don't know what though.

And I don't know, how conscious to logic are you in your dreams? I'm fairly certain I was a penguin in that dream as well.
Even if he's not in now, I'd be down for Cranky DLC.
PLease......dont go there. I'd like to keep dlc character shenanigans to a minimum, especially if that character probably isnt free or in an update
PLease......dont go there. I'd like to keep dlc character shenanigans to a minimum, especially if that character probably isnt free or in an update

Sakurai did say in an interview that any DLC would be both free and in a mandatory update.
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Oooh that bit. Ok, that would be cool I guess. Though then I can imagine even moreso now that the Wii U versin having several minigames that use the Gamepad that aren't going to be on the 3DS. Possibility.

And I am completely unconscious to logic in my dreams. Because it's inconceivable to say that I cannot eat a chili dog while falling from Big Ben and landing in an Arwing. That is the most logical thing ever.
Link plz!

Sakurai on the concept of DLC:
Sakurai on DLC…

Oh, it is not as if I did not like the DLC, it is just that I do not really have the time to think. I’m too busy to work on the game and to include a maximum of content. The goal is to propose a complete and interesting gaming experience for players.

In principle, I am not opposed to the DLC. I loved those proposed for the game Fallout 3, for example.

As for the free thing, I can't actually find it. Hmm. I'm sure I did read it though, in an interview. I'll post it when I do.
So Sakurai likes Fallout 3? Learn something new every day.
Brotherhood of Steel confirmed for Smash 4.

Ok no, joking.
Shit like that's why he doesn't tweet about what he plays anymore.

But yeah. I wonder if we'll also see any stages in motion again.
Goddamn my hype is too high.
Like, my stomach is churning.

Let's just hope it doesn't reach...
(yes that is me. No, that was not fake)

levels again. Cause I'm going to be watching it in a study room of the university.
... third. Sonic is, despite seeming to be otherwise, still third party.

I do want Snake back, I just can't see it happening.
And no, Pac Man, just no.

But the one thing I truly, TRULY want is Simon Belmont so we can get Mega Man, Pit, Mother Brain, Simon and hopefully one other character on screen at once to recreate the beauty that is Captain N. This may be our last chance for this to happen.
Also just keep in mind the Smash Reveal will probably be at the ass end of the Direct.
So don't keep waiting for it and let it spoil the rest of the Direct.
Think of it as a dessert to the awesome dinner of other stuff
I'm excited for the full thing, not just the Smash.
Give me Hyrule Warriors.
Give me confirmation of A Hat in Time on WiiU.
Give me more info on Sonic Boom.
Give me new games.
give me shin megami tensei x fire emblem

it's been a year atlus/intelligent systems
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Again, all we can do is wait and hype it up.

I personally hope we can see some more stages in motion.
But then again, the only new stage we've seen since Rosalina (on the Wii U at least) is the Kid Icarus Stage.
But it could be like Sonic where we got a stage reveal to go with it.
... third. Sonic is, despite seeming to be otherwise, still third party.

I do want Snake back, I just can't see it happening.
And no, Pac Man, just no.

But the one thing I truly, TRULY want is Simon Belmont so we can get Mega Man, Pit, Mother Brain, Simon and hopefully one other character on screen at once to recreate the beauty that is Captain N. This may be our last chance for this to happen.

That would be nice but I'd much rather personally have Ryu Hayabusa as my third guest character before Simon Belmont.
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Sakurai on the concept of DLC:

As for the free thing, I can't actually find it. Hmm. I'm sure I did read it though, in an interview. I'll post it when I do.
Yeah, I remember that , but I legit cant remember the free dlc part. If anything Pikmin 3 is probably our best bet at figuring out smash dlc methods. Some free and some paid.
Sakurai's going to show off the next character, Sandbag! He's going to be an item, but it's still a character and that's what we wanted, right?