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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread


"Pic of the day. This is the final destination version of Gerudo Valley. No more surprise visits from Koume and Kotake, and the bridge is gone. There are no distractions and there's nowhere to run. And the score that plays in the background is "Gerudo Valley."

Nothing too special, just Gerudo Valley Final Destinized. However, I guess thiss is notable for confirming that the FD'd stages also apply for the 3D version.
what the fuck is this?
Fox only sakurai. dammit
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It's good to see there'll be For Glory in 3DS too.
I swear I'm only gonna play that a few times though.
Because God Damn if all the serious SSB 4 players are gonna be there, there's gonna be so much salt and butthurt it'll look like a shitty dinner
Will the FD Versions of the stages will be accessible in local mulitiplayer, and not just in For Glory?

I can't believe that people ACTUALLY believed that because it was mentioned in the online section of the direct that it would ONLY BE an online feature. That's the silliest assumption ever.
screw nanako, give me demi-fiend.

final smash gaea rage, instantly kills anyone who isn't asleep.
It wasn't an assumption. I assumed that it would be available local, I just wanted to be sure.
I apologize, I wasn't referring to you as much as all the people scattered across forums and whatnot saying that they would be "bummed" because the FD stages would only be for online. People are really dumb sometimes it's unbelievable. There's even a clip of Rosalina using her damn FS on the FD galaxy stage.
To be honest, I totally didn't make that conclusion when I saw Rosalina using her Final Smash on a Final Destination stage... now that you point that out, I feel rather silly :P
To be honest, I totally didn't make that conclusion when I saw Rosalina using her Final Smash on a Final Destination stage... now that you point that out, I feel rather silly :P
All is forgiven. I must admit that it is easily overlooked.
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The red one looks like an homage to her fire flower outfit from Super Mario 3D World. I'm all for it.
Gimme the red one (I know I can't have the ponytail, but hot damn I want it so bad), the purple one and the black one and I'm totally good! However, I do not care for the yellow/white thing they got there. Weakest of the bunch. But I don't know any smash character that doesn't have a rather weak colour that hardly anyone cares for.
Shiny Charizard X is a Salamence? They could've done better.

If his color palettes are to represent dragon's he better have a fucking Garchomp palette.
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Un-Mega versions of their shinies aren't bad.

(Though you'd need to actually see both Pikachu and Jiggly's side by side with the regular to tell the difference)

edit: Found a good one for Shiny Mega Charizard X
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wow those are awful aside from Gren
>Colours are fucking awesome (Charizard's shiny)
>Won't be in the game
>Colours suck very badly (Charizard x's shiny)
>"Oh my goodness the fans will love this! Make it happen"
There's even a clip of Rosalina using her damn FS on the FD galaxy stage.
Actually, it's entirely possible that for glory has other differences too. We could get metered or otherwise alternatively triggered final smashes.

wow those are awful aside from Gren
Regular shiny charizard isn't terrible. Not sure why goodbye used charizard's worst palette for his image.
Apparently Sakamoto does not want to work on another Metroid after Other M.

Good. I don't hate Other M like some people, but it's not as good as the Prime series or the 2D games AT ALL.
I'd like to see Retro come back with Prime 4 (with Prime 3 controls please, I've never played a shooter with controls as good) or even their own take on a 2D Link Between Worlds style game that they said they'd like to work on.

Regular shiny charizard isn't terrible. Not sure why goodbye used charizard's worst palette for his image.

There's like no images I could find of Shiny Mega Charizard X, which would hopefully be included if they include Shiny's as is. I think there's a higher chance now that "Shiny" is the official term and they're more common and talked about by Nintendo themselves.
We could get metered or otherwise alternatively triggered final smashes.
Could you please read that again. Like really. Please tell me how that would be even remotely allowed in For Glory. Please, I must know.
Falcon and Wario are safe. They're inclusion is basically confirmed by Goroh, Ashley and Waluigi.

Pac, Wonder Red and Ridley... Welp.

Could you please read that again. Like really. Please tell me how that would be even remotely allowed in For Glory. Please, I must know.

And then Smash became PSASBR, and Nintendo became doomed.
Some will get good news while others will get bad news.


Don't worry, guys.

Bayo is at home, showing off her acceptance letter to Luka and Enzo.

Jeanne and Rodin will help her pick the weapons she'll use later.
Don't worry, guys.

Bayo is at home, showing off her acceptance letter to Luka and Enzo.

Jeanne and Rodin will help her pick the weapons she'll use later.
See what the artist wasn't able to draw effectively is the window on the opposite side of the room behind Pac Man and Sakurai showing the road outside where Excitebiker is driving to Bayo's for the acceptance party later that night with the letter in his hand.

You know, looking at the list of Brawl's characters that were only shown to be in/returning post release makes me wonder how many we won't actually see in Smash 4 until at least the 3DS version is out.

We got 8 returners and four newcomers unaccounted for. Judging from Smash 4's current roster, I could see...
  • 3-4 newcomers including Palutena
  • Lucas, ROB, Falcon, Falco, Wolf, Ganondorf, Jiggs and POSSIBLY Snake staying secret vets