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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Where are these enemies from, anyway?

Tac is a reoccurring Kirby enemy, and the guy to the right is an enemy from Kid Icarus: Uprising. I hope they include Boo in the enemy pool since Koopa and Goomba are there. It'd also be nice to see some of those batshit insane enemies from the Mother series.
What if Ridley was the boss of that mode, and it wasn't revealed you could unlock him by beating him until someone does it?
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Dyna Blade appeared in City Trial as a huge boss that everyone would have to work together to beat. It's not unheard of.

man I'm still so excited for Mega Man's Final Smash.
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What if Ridley was the boss of that mode, and it wasn't revealed you could unlock him by beating him until someone does it?
Still clinging to hope I see. The Smash community just wouldn't be the same without delusional Ridley fans. Love you guise <3
Still clinging to hope I see. The Smash community just wouldn't be the same without delusional Ridley fans. Love you guise <3
When did I say I want Ridley?
I'd pay for an X Dakimakura.
I will be getting Lil' Mac what else could I possible need outta this game? Sorry duke I never really cared much for legendary pokemon to begin with. It be nice for him to be there just so at the very least you'd be happy but I can't really see them putting him in the game. well unless he'd be like a boss but kinda thought that job would of been filled by Rayquaza if there even is a pokemon boss character (sorry again last thing smash related was Lil' Mac blah blah blah in game and here's yada yada)

Don't give 2 cents for mewtwo actually, but the fans are pretty depressive with him and ridley out again...

I myself loved mega man's design. Don't need much else and definitely not a pokémon (except sandslash, sandslash is awesome)
I see you MVC2 Roll

Tryna cop a feel on yourself

Dirty girl
Oh. I knew that.
I was wondering why there were 2 classic Rolls, then I remembered Powered Up.

And who are the Mega Men lying on? There's a face where Roll Caskett's hat used to be.
All I could think of is Sheep Man, but his face is like that of a Met.
I was wondering why there were 2 classic Rolls, then I remembered Powered Up.

And who are the Mega Men lying on? There's a face where Roll Caskett's hat used to be.
In the megaman poster the creepy head is a 1-up. 99% sure. Reminds me of Yubaba's heads from spirited away.
And if it makes you feel better for not thinking of that, I was convinced that the roll caskett's hat in the corner of the original image was Eddie turned away from the camera until you pointed that out.

Also, more pics showcasing the irony of Marth, one of the few characters in all of Nintendo that are married in-canon, having all the girls gravitating towards him is always funny.
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Why are people even thinking about dlc now?
If you believe that he could be a dlc character (despite the fact that dlc isn't confirmed and full character dlc being pretty unlikely after the promise of no paid dlc) why don't you believe that he could still be in the base game?

I think it's unfair for you to assume that Duke "believes" anything in particular, or that he's stating something with any sort of certainty. As far as I can tell, he was just simply reminding everyone that Mewtwo as DLC is a possibility, regardless of whether or not it's likely.


yoshi wondering how dogs make it look so easy

[various Tony Hawk skate board game reference]
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Well that confirms veggies as downb for Peach again.
I think it's unfair for you to assume that Duke "believes" anything in particular, or that he's stating something with any sort of certainty. As far as I can tell, he was just simply reminding everyone that Mewtwo as DLC is a possibility, regardless of whether or not it's likely.
Hence the two "could"'s in that post.
Although I think you missed the point; if you say "he could be a dlc character" the implication is that you've lost hope in the character getting into the base game and that dlc is now much more likely for some reason. Which is a strange assumption, even if it's not directly addressed in the post.
Charizard is certainly getting around...

Game of Thrones style with Zelda...

Has a special seminar with Peach...

Teams up with Rosalina...

(You can see Zelda in the bottom left...dafaq?)

Checks out Yoshi...

Checks out Pikachu...

Goes to make Kirby uncomfortable...

Tries to get back to his one true love Goldeen...

Fails to get with Samus...

Gets sucked into an alternate dimension...


He doesn't want that Wii Fit Trainer though
Hence the two "could"'s in that post.
Although I think you missed the point; if you say "he could be a dlc character" the implication is that you've lost hope in the character getting into the base game and that dlc is now much more likely for some reason. Which is a strange assumption, even if it's not directly addressed in the post.

I understand, but what I was saying is that you shouldn't assume that there was any sort of "implication" in his wording. It's not safe to assume what his opinion is just because he stated a plausibility. I'm not talking about whether or not dlc is possible, I just wanted to point out that such a statement in no way implies any sort of fact or opinion. It was merely a statement regarding a possibility.

At any rate it doesn't really matter. dlc or no dlc, I'm just excited for any possible post-release reveals! Those are always the best :D
They're mostly riding on the fact King Dedede's Side B is different now.
And the fact they didn't show his Final Smash.

And though Waddle Dees were shown in Smash Run, they were Parasol Dees, not Bandanna Dee.
Remember when the ROBS were shown?
Same thing.
This is a bit late, but Gordos are also in Smash Run