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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Put Annie in Smash Bros
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Alright, here's the plan. We storm Nintendo of Japan, steal some of Sakurai's hair, make a clone of Sakurai using his hair, and use the clone to get Valkyrie into the game, does that sound about right?
valkyrie is better namco rep than pac man that's for sure
valkyrie is better namco rep than pac man that's for sure

It sucks she got downgraded to an assist in PXZ.
So after playing a good 15-20 hours of smash 64 in the past week or so, I've noticed something horrifying that no one seems to care about.
Why did they take out kirby's horizontal drill kick? And make his vertical one suck by giving it a ton of start-up? Why is no one fighting for the return of kirby's drill kicks? I mean damn, I understand nerfing his obviously ridiculous up a, but just... please, Sakurai. The drill kicks.
Probably didn't want Kirby to become the zeroth coming of Gurren Lagann.
kirby was fucking OP in Smash 64 have you not seen his uptilt
I remember, as kids, we all thought Link was the toughest shit ever and beating 3 level 9 Links was the requirement to get into the Melee group at school.

That might be why I never played much Melee.
Link was a noob killer in that game.

Unlike every other game where he just flat-out sucked.
kirby was fucking OP in Smash 64 have you not seen his uptilt
Specifically addressed his up tilt but you know whatever.
I just want the drills. Please. Drill kicks.

Link was a noob killer in that game.

Unlike every other game where he just flat-out sucked.
>mains or second mains link in every smash game
eternal sadness
Oh god, don't remind me. First time playing Brawl, had only very casually played Melee but Link was my go-to because he was such a good character. Words cannot express my devastation at his down aerial.
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Oh god, don't remind me. First time playing Brawl, had only very casually played Melee but Link was my go-to because he was such a good character. Words cannot express my devastation at his down aerial.
Link was the best in melee. Don't listen to Nap. He's just a heretic. Look up videos of the germ, and be proud of your link main heritage.
Although admittedly I switched to toon link in brawl. He's too adorable, I can't help it.
Stolen from Reddit, but I remember seeing this in the newspaper, actually

Anyone have some fun Brawl launch day/week memories? I remember going to my friends house THE DAY it came out and we totally played almost everything together and then at school I was in my mom's classroom (she was a teacher there) and my friend came in and asked me if I had Brawl, and I said "NO, AND I WON'T EVER BECAUSE MY MOM HATES VIDEO GAMES" really loudly and somehow, through the will of God and Sakurai's goodwill, my mom actually took it to heart and we went out and bought it together that day.

Now I have my own money though so it's cool
Link was the best in melee. Don't listen to Nap. He's just a heretic. Look up videos of the germ, and be proud of your link main heritage.
Although admittedly I switched to toon link in brawl. He's too adorable, I can't help it.

Too adorable, huh?
You mean actually playable, right?
My LEAST fun memory of Brawl was when my copy got stolen, along with the Gamecube controller I brought with me to a friend's house.
My least favorite moment of Brawl

Was inviting everyone in my grade school class to a tournament with all the characters unlocked

Accidentally deleting all the unlockable information

Furiously going through special brawl to unlock every character and maybe the stages

Getting that done

With nobody showing up
Anyone have some fun Brawl launch day/week memories? I remember going to my friends house THE DAY it came out and we totally played almost everything together and then at school I was in my mom's classroom (she was a teacher there) and my friend came in and asked me if I had Brawl, and I said "NO, AND I WON'T EVER BECAUSE MY MOM HATES VIDEO GAMES" really loudly and somehow, through the will of God and Sakurai's goodwill, my mom actually took it to heart and we went out and bought it together that day.

Oh god... Brawl launch day was HELL for me... So here's how it goes...

I wake up super early to get ready for the release of this damn game. The closest store with the game is about a km away (Not far by any means of travel) but where I lived... there was a damn blizzard. 7 in the morning I'm trudging waist deep snow to the store. Visibility was about maybe 20 meters and the streets were DEAD. The world seemed to have ended. The plows hadn't even come by to shovel the roads, so if the stop lights weren't 20 feet tall I wouldn't know where the road was. Anyways, so I manage to make it there, and I'm already starting to feel the tingle of frostbite, and it turns out I got there 30 minutes before the store even opens. Great. Gotta freeze my buns off for 30 minutes while employees watch me suffer. But none of that mattered. I was so fucking hyped to get Brawl, they could look at me all they want. I get in finally and get the first copy of the game. Was so worth it. If I knew what I knew now about brawl back then, I woulda never sat in that snow for it lol.

And to be all retrospective with Horseman, I agree that his drill forward kick is awesome, but it's literally his down air turned 90 degrees :P What SHOULD be brought back (Outside project M) is Pikachu's back air kick. That shit's a WHOLE lot more useful than the spinning crap we got now.

"Pic of the day. You can get up on the lights of this special ring. It's a perfect secret hiding place."

"And you can attack the lights and have them fall to the ground! That makes things dark. The lights are way up high, but even Little Mac can get up there by jumping off the ropes."

The lights in the Boxing Ring are a platform that can be brought crashing down for an attack, darkening the stages as well.
Make sure Diddy doesn't shoot the lights out.
alternatively, give diddy bonus points for shooting the lights out
Woke up to a bevy of comments on all my Smash forums saying it's banned.

It kinda angers me. Like, why is this banned? If it randomly fell, hey, that I can understand, but in this instance it's instigated by a player.

I just feel like after everyone complained about For Glory mode being only Final Destination, isn't this a little hypocritical? What's wrong with a degree of interactivity in the stages?
Interactivity for players creates an advantage for a certain characters. While Sakurai says that even Little Mac can get up there, it is obviously clearly easier for Zelda, who can camp up there if she has the lead to run out the stock/match. And when anyone approaches, she can just break the lights.

I have a feeling this stage will be banned regardless because of walk-offs and the walls that are obviously present on both sides of the arena and now the newly added feature we didn't know about. I think it would be a miracle to even be a counter-pick stage.
People just love whining. I don't see how it would be banned unless someone's dumb ass decided to hit it.

EDIT: Just read Rellek's post. That makes sense.
I guess it makes sense.

I dunno, it just feels like there is no pleasing anybody with any update.

And after seeing posts on Twitter and such that are "don't buy smash 4 play melee" it just rubs my rhubarb wrong and kind of makes me understand why Nintendo doesn't streaming of Melee in that it can potentially hurt the sales of Smash 4 if everyone's just on the boat of Smash 4 being 'worse' than Melee.

While I don't agree, let them stream, I can understand the idea behind it. Competitive players don't like change.
I really don't think it would be that easy to break the lights, if it's anything like the Luigi's Mansion stage then I don't think Zelda or any other camper would be able to break it on reaction.
Not to mention any character that decides to break the lights then loses their camp, so there is a risk to the reward.
Woke up to a bevy of comments on all my Smash forums saying it's banned.

It kinda angers me. Like, why is this banned? If it randomly fell, hey, that I can understand, but in this instance it's instigated by a player.

I just feel like after everyone complained about For Glory mode being only Final Destination, isn't this a little hypocritical? What's wrong with a degree of interactivity in the stages?

'tis a joke. Not in the sense that it won't be banned-it obviously will be-but as a reference to that video linked a while back where the group of guys yelled BANNED! at over half the stages.

And besides, just cause it's banned doesn't mean I won't play it. Playing only tourney legal stages would get kind of boring, you wouldn't have enough to choose from.
'tis a joke. Not in the sense that it won't be banned-it obviously will be-but as a reference to that video linked a while back where the group of guys yelled BANNED! at over half the stages.

And besides, just cause it's banned doesn't mean I won't play it. Playing only tourney legal stages would get kind of boring, you wouldn't have any to choose from.

fixed by Roxie
Even if the Boxing Ring didn't have that stage hazard, and wasn't banned, odds are that tournaments would have used the FD variant of the stage, since it would be the same exact stage but without the walk-out stairs and bouncy ropes. It would be one thing if it was a Battlefield-like stage (in terms of platform placement) that was banned, but Boxing Ring is already a mostly flat stage, so not much is lost becoming a FD variant.

Seriously though, Melee is not going to hurt Smash 4's sales. The Smash Bros fans that are so attached to Smash's competitive play as to not want to purchase this new one are, while quite vocal on the internet, far fewer than they appear. Speaking as a fan of the competitive scene, I am very hyped over Smash 4.

Project: M and Melee may better serve the competitive community, but they do not make me any less excited when I see that Midna and Ashley are Assist Trophies. I'm buying Smash 4 when it comes out, and I will have fun with it. When Project: M gets another big update, I will have fun with it. When Melee has another big tournament stream, I will watch it and have fun with it. I can do all of these things, and so can other fans of the competitive scene.

I am sorry if I'm just whining and venting, but I have seen FAR more criticism against the competitive community by casual Smash players than the other way around on this thread, and I am so tired of it. If these two subsets of the Smash fandom could co-exist, that would be fantastic, but the never-ending and incredibly pointless arguments between these fandoms are still going on everywhere, and I am so tired of it.

<sigh> Sorry for the rant.