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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I really don't think it would be that easy to break the lights, if it's anything like the Luigi's Mansion stage then I don't think Zelda or any other camper would be able to break it on reaction.
Not to mention any character that decides to break the lights then loses their camp, so there is a risk to the reward.
It depends on how easy the lights are to break. Something in my gut tells me it'll have about the same amount of HP as Great Fox's Lasers, if not a slight bit more. So the strategy is to widdle down the hp of the lights over the course of the match (I'm almost certain Zelda can aim a Dins Fire up there) and then camp up there when it's down to about a hit or two left. Then proceed to camp until someone tries to get up, perform ledge tactics, edgeguarding, whatever and should some decide to attack the lights themselves, it'll end up crashing ontop of them anyways. It would be ESPECIALLY cruel to characters with low max jump heights like Ganon and Little Mac because it would be a struggle to get up there and stay up there. Mind you, a good player could work around the edge-games and take over the spot, but then you're faced with the other player being easily able to come back and/or destroy the lights from the distance.

Point is, it creates unnecessary imbalances that favour characters who can jump high.

Even if the Boxing Ring didn't have that stage hazard, and wasn't banned, odds are that tournaments would have used the FD variant of the stage, since it would be the same exact stage but without the walk-out stairs and bouncy ropes. It would be one thing if it was a Battlefield-like stage (in terms of platform placement) that was banned, but Boxing Ring is already a mostly flat stage, so not much is lost becoming a FD variant

You seem to be implying that there is an FD variant of the stage which we have no confirmation of. If I were sakurai, I would not make a FD variant of the stage. It already has 2 different appearances. It's fun and neutral enough to stay the way it is.
Dang. Well with that in mind, MAN I hope they have a FD variant of Boxing Ring. I would think that it would be one of the easier to program, given the stage design, but I can't be sure.
Well consider that it'd be kinda weird to have a boxing ring where spectators are literally sitting up next to the ring suddenly be a bottomless pit :P They could pull a pokemon stadium, but I'm not sure how I'd feel about that.
What if you could go through the lights like a platform? That was never stated.

And don't you dare point out that's a big platform to go through.

"Pic of the day. Members of the Enemies That Love to Hide Association, here are Octorok and Met. Calmly grab them while they're ducking."
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What if you could go through the lights like a platform? That was never stated.

And don't you dare point out that's a big platform to go through.
That is too big of a platform to go through man.
It's too big, damn it! This'll never work!

"Pic of the day. Fight! The Wonderful 100!! We also made trophies of some of the other Wonderful Ones."
Damn. I was hoping he would at least make it in as an assist trophy if not playable.
Just out of curiosity, do playable characters still get trophies?
Just out of curiosity, do playable characters still get trophies?
Was about to say that myself. This doesn't deconfirm him, it just makes it very unlikely.
Just out of curiosity, do playable characters still get trophies?

Yes but Sakurai would have be trolling harder than with Ridley for him to still be playable after being originally revealed as a trophy. He's not in the game, and even an assist trophy is highly unlikely at this point.

at least get palutena in for me please sakurai
I'm still confused. Doesn't Platinum Games own the rights to the Wonderful 101? So wouldn't this count as a 3rd Party developer trophy?

This also makes me double worried for Shulk not getting in as a playable character now. First Dillon, one of my most wanted is regulated to Assist Trophy status and now DDB's choice doesn't even get that far.
When's Wonder Red

Now. Wait I mean Never.

Really sad about it, my favorite pick =/
I'm with ruin... And the ridley fans, and mew2 too

Mega man fans know how harsh is to have a company denying your favorite character a chance to shine.
Greninja now finds himself in my eyes as an equivalent to Eliza.

And you know how I feel about her.
"Pic of the day. Fight! The Wonderful 100!! We also made trophies of some of the other Wonderful Ones."
Wait, why does it say the Wonderful 100? Shouldn't it be the Wonderful 101?
The group themselves are the Wonderful One-Double-O.

They don't get the 101st until after the epilogue.
I'm still confused. Doesn't Platinum Games own the rights to the Wonderful 101? So wouldn't this count as a 3rd Party developer trophy?

Wonderful 101 is owned by Nintendo, rights-wise. PlatinumGames is the developer, but Nintendo is the publisher.

Think about it this way. Nintendo owns The Minish Cap despite being made by Capcom, and they also own FZero AX and GX despite being made by SEGA. Now, if it was a pre-existing franchise, then no. For example, a number of Bomberman games have been released under Nintendo, but they don't own it because they didn't have the rights to begin with. Same with company changes, such as Banjo and Kazooie being technically Nintendo characters at one time and (along with James Bond) were considered for Smash Bros but ultimately turned down because they weren't comfortable putting in a non-Japanese character in a game that they didn't expect to release internationally.

That said, I feel your pain, Wonder-Bros. I wanted him in too, but the whole "He might still be a character because classic trophies" argument is a little far stretching. Maybe an assist trophy. Maybe.

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*screen cut to black*
*eternal sobbing*

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"Maybe if more people played his game, he could have been more than a trophy."

Geez, even Waluigi fans didn't get it that bad. That just hurt :'(
"Maybe if more people played his game, he could have been more than a trophy."

Geez, even Waluigi fans didn't get it that bad. That just hurt :'(
That was fan added.
I didn't find it funny, really that's kind of harsh and cruel.

Though, at least they got some representation, right?
again, maybe there'll be music!
Sacre Vert! Zis is just... Non! I cannot handle Zis!

In all honesty though, I am a little upset, but it IS a bit farfetched to think he'd get in so soon. Then again, Greninja did...
Sacre Vert! Zis is just... Non! I cannot handle Zis!

In all honesty though, I am a little upset, but it IS a bit farfetched to think he'd get in so soon. Then again, Greninja did...
Then again Greninja is from one of the most popular gaming franchises in Nintendo history. A lot more people can relate to Pokemon than W101. That's just reality.

Though seeing one of the more popular Platinum reps get deconfirmation (more or less) brings Bayonetta's already slim chances down even further. I never expected her to be playable (Though would be amusing to see it happen, I am indifferent to her inclusion as a whole) but something tells me this might spell doom for her as well.
I'll want some of these